
Wednesday, October 23, 2019

So, why should Ronnie Liu face disciplinary action for telling the truth?


Why Punish Ronnie Liu For Telling The Truth?

By Raja Petra Kamarudin

DAP’s Anthony Loke wants the party to take disciplinary action against Ronnie Liu regarding the article he wrote on Prime Minister Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad — Mahathir: The paper tiger.

First of all, Ronnie did not write that article. It was written by someone else but published in Ronnie’s name. Ronnie is merely the fall-guy. It is like they asked someone else to fire the gun but they made Ronnie take the rap for the assassination.

So, who is the person who wrote that article? And if the actual writer needs to be “hidden” and Ronnie has to take the rap for it, does this mean DAP is playing games with Mahathir? Someone at the very top engineered the article and they make a second-liner take the fall to deflect any suspicion from the actual writer.

Secondly, did Pakatan Harapan, in particular DAP, not promise Malaysian voters a more open and transparent government where freedom of expression, freedom of thought and freedom of choice will be respected? So why deny Ronnie those rights?

Finally, and even more important, are there any fitnah or lies in what Ronnie wrote? Was there anything in that article which is not true? If Ronnie lied or defamed Mahathir, then we can understand why the party wants to punish him. Hence Anthony Loke needs to point out the errors or lies in that article if he wants the party to take disciplinary action against Ronnie. You cannot punish Ronnie just because you do not like his opinions.

There are some in DAP who are trying to distance themselves from the article by saying that this is Ronnie’s personal opinion and not the official stand of the party. Of course it is Ronnie’s personal opinion! The article carries his name, not DAP’s name. He never claimed he is writing as “DAP” but as “Ronnie Liu”. Does that mean Ronnie can only express the party’s official stand and not express his personal views?

Is not DAP the DEMOCRATIC Action Party? In France, democracy means you can even insult Prophet Muhammad. In Malaysia, democracy means you cannot say anything negative about the Prime Minister. And what was it again that DAP said about Umno’s “draconian regime”?

Actually, what Ronnie wrote reflects the sentiments of many Chinese and Indians who voted for Pakatan Harapan in GE14 in May 2018. Ronnie is merely the messenger or the postman. He is sounding out what the Pakatan Harapan supporters (mainly the non-Malays and the “liberal” Malays) are saying.

The real crux of the matter is the truth hurts and what Ronnie wrote hurts very badly. That is why some in DAP are angry with him. Ronnie did not lie. What he said is true and an opinion which many of the DAP and Pakatan Harapan supporters also share.

But DAP is ashamed that they made a mistake by allowing Mahathir to become “interim” Prime Minister. Hence they would rather no one remind them of their mistake, especially someone from DAP like Ronnie Liu. But then it was not Ronnie who wrote that article. So, who did and why?

KT comment: Whoever lacks the buah guli's, wakakaka

Related: Lim Kit Siang spooked by DAP grassroots' anger


  1. Sounds like Ronnie, looks like Ronnie...

  2. I think DAP only play-play "punish" Ronnie lah. Behind closed doors they slap each other on the back and laugh.

  3. Anthony Loke sucking up to Mahathir ?

  4. no guli still million times better than a liar.

    1. Wakakakaka…

      Another twisted fart of one-liner!

      No guli bcoz of kiasi to tell the truth. Definitely has a strong fear element.

      Lying bcoz of not trying to offend due to the hurting truth. Gear element is weak.

      So, still no guli better than lying?

      Thus the outpouring of petrified mind.

    2. halo smartass, i mean no guli lks is million times better than that liar rpk in response to kt comment, if u disagree, tell us y.

      i suggest in future pls skip all my one liner if u hv impediment to comprehend simple sentence.

    3. Yes, no guli, as in avoiding conflict, is still a million times better than a full-time liar like RPuki.

    4. If u want to just tagged a single person than quote his/her name. Not yr usual generalised tin-kosong one-liner!

      Yr own explanation proves conclusively the intended one-liner is shooting blind until been confronted.

      Who's having impediment to comprehend simple sentence? When that one phrase lumps all the k9 under yr care, u better expand our fart further than 3 inches enclosing yr torso.

      Comprehendi, mfer?

    5. kt comment never quote name so y shd i? keep thing short n simple, dun draw leg to snake, dun write like a boy, talk so much say so little.

    6. Keep thingy in veil so as to avoid certainty. Cover all fronts too - kiasi mah!

  5. Syed Saddiq gives Ronnie one week to apologize....I think it is better he advises his Atuk Toonsie to apologise to India over his ill-advised remarks about Kashmir....otherwise Malaysians will be eating kerbau-meat for breakfast lunch and dinner.

  6. Wow... DAP really in deep trouble.
    The Chinese are accused of being agents 9f the People's Republic of China.
    The Indians are accused of being LTTE terrorist supporters.
    Matter of time before Mahathir goes for DAP deregistration....wakakakana

  7. If mahathir who mentioned he doesn't mind to be criticized then whay is this little boy making so much noise. Seems like everyone is afraid when anwar is PM he will kick out all the dead weights
