
Wednesday, August 07, 2019

Some Parti Pribumi members have same UMNO MOO-MOO-spirit

MM Online:

Bersatu leaders admit selling sacrificial cows donated by Perak MB to buy computer, pay bills


Abdul Malik said that of the approximate RM10,000 received from the sale of the two cows, RM3,000 was spent on purchasing the computer, and the balance was used to pay pending bills

Picture by Saw Siow Feng

KUALA LUMPUR, Aug 6 — Two Parti Pribumi Bersatu Malaysia (PPBM) division leaders today admitted to selling cows donated to them by Mentri Besar Datuk Seri Ahmad Faizal Azumu for last year’s Hari Raya Haji celebration to purchase a computer and settle unpaid utility bills.

Malaysiakini reported that Bagan Datuk’s PPBM division leaders Abdul Malik Karim and Mohd Robion Bandi admitted to selling the cows to pay off bills and purchase a computer for the division’s office.

“There was no computer when we first opened the division office, we only had tables and chairs. We were unable to carry out (party) work without a computer.

“After selling the cows, the money was given to the treasurer who bought a computer and the computer is still with us today,” Abdul Malik told Malaysiakini.

He said that of the approximate RM10,000 received from the sale of the two cows, RM3,000 was spent on purchasing the computer, and the balance was used to pay pending bills.

“The money was not used for personal purposes,” he said, adding that he would cooperate with the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC) in their investigations.

Mohd Robion echoed Malik’s sentiment, citing financial problems for selling the donated cows, and saying that he was willing to face the consequences, even if it meant getting sacked from the party.

Bersatu Pribumi’s office back then did not have a computer, (we have) unsettled rental bills, outstanding electricity and water bills for months.

“When MACC summon me, I will say the same thing. I will admit it was wrong and it had happened, so (I) accept it,” he added.

Mohd Robion also pledged that this year’s Hari Raya Haji celebration will proceed with a proper plan in place.

“We will plan it properly. If anyone wants to monitor (the distribution), no problem,” Malaysiakini quoted him saying.

Earlier today, one of the division’s committee member, Bahaman Tokiran, lodged a MACC report against Mohd Robion, Abdul Malik and the division’s vice chief Zul Azni Karimin, for ‘swindling’ the cows meant for the poor.

In his report, Bahaman said that the report was necessary, as the trio’s deed was a blatant act of corruption and one that is opposed in Islam.

Estimating the value of each cattle to be around RM15,000, he reportedly told Malaysiakini that he had waited for one year to file the report, as he wanted to allow the trio to rectify the matter, which he alleged they did not.

“Two cows were sold by the deputy chief and vice chief. Only one was distributed (to the people) by the division chief,” Bahaman was quoted saying.

He also submitted evidence, including recordings of telephone conversations and WhatsApp messages between the deputy chief and vice chief, to MACC, Malaysiakini reported.

Wakakaka, that's the spirit, you cow "lovers".

I wonder whether they are related to a certain lady from UMNO? Maybe these three, Bagan Datuk’s PPBM division leaders Abdul Malik Karim and Mohd Robion Bandi and the division’s vice chief Zul Azni Karimin might have been from UMNO? 

Congratulations Mahathir, some of your Pribumi members still have that same UMNO-Baru semangat.

Shahrizat, that's where your cows are 


  1. Creative thinking mah...

    Khat Khat Khat Khat...

  2. good, he know the important of computer. we want education minister like him.

    1. The important of computer?

      Wakakakaka… playing online games & watching pornographic movies lah.

      Like u!

    2. Oooop…

      Miss out

      1) democratic propaganda for f*cks like u!
      2) camel head sermonizer's farts

  3. I am more interested in knowing from which fund the MB used to buy and donate the cows to a political party for a Moslem celebration to give to the poor but was instead misused.

    If it is his personal fund or party fund, then no objections.

    If it is from Zakat Fund, then it is misuse and abuse of public funds which is criminal and against the Law.

    If it is from State or Federal funds, then it is also misuse and abuse of public funds which is criminal and against the Law.

    If the MB and his party warlords can not differentiate between how personal, party funds vs zakat, public funds are to be used and treat it as if they are the same, then it is no different from the Kleptocrats all now awaiting trial.

    MACC should step in and make sure no public funds are misused or abused in this scandal.

    Public funds intended to help the poor and needy under various programmes cannot be twisted to be used to fund political parties or used as a gravy train to be milked as how anyone likes.

    The criminal act when public funds are misused or abused is called misappropriation of public funds under the Penal Code.
