
Tuesday, August 06, 2019

'Sembelih-ing' a scapegoat

From The Australian:

Spy smuggled cigs on plane of Taiwanese president

Taiwanese President Tsai Ing-wen in St Lucia last week

Picture: AP

Taiwan’s intelligence chief has stepped down after an agent who was accompanying President Tsai Ing-wen on a state visit overseas was caught attempting to smuggle nearly 10,000 cartons of cigarettes.

National Security Bureau head Peng Sheng-chu tendered his resignation on Monday to take responsibility, the presidential office said yesterday.

The scandal revolved around a security agent within Ms Tsai’s entourage who tried to bring in 9800 cigarette cartons through a VIP lane as they returned from an official trip to the Caribbean on Monday, the Customs ­Administration said.

The agent pre-ordered the cigarettes online in Taiwan, stored them at a warehouse at the airport, then tried to smuggle them past Customs through the VIP lane to avoid paying duty, according to opposition MP Huang Kuo-chang, who tipped authorities off.

Ms Tsai’s office said she was “shocked and angered” by the scandal and had ordered an ­investigation. She will seek a ­second term next year.

Taiwan’s Customs law limits travellers to a maximum five cartons of cigarettes — and only one can be tax-free.

The cigarettes were worth more than $200,000, according to Mr Huang.

For more on the above, see FMT's latest Taiwan presidential smuggling scandal engulfs China Airlines.

That's the accountability demonstrated in sterling fashion by a head of a public/government service, though, mind you, the Japanese tend to be more drastic, wakakaka.

Now, extracts from the MM Online's IGP to hold senior officers accountable when subordinates break the law.


During a recent interview with the Malay Mail, IGP Datuk Seri Abdul Hamid Bador said the move to hold a superior officer accountable even when his lower-ranked officer is the one found guilty of a crime is the most effective way to keep his men in check

Picture by Hari Anggara

KUALA LUMPUR, July 22 — Inspector-General of Police (IGP) Datuk Seri Abdul Hamid Bador said he has no choice but to introduce “supervisory accountability” in an effort to weed out corrupt cops from the police force, although it may prove to be an unpopular move.

During a recent interview with Malay Mail, Abdul Hamid said the move — to hold a superior officer accountable even when his lower-ranked officer is the one found guilty of a crime — is the most effective way to keep his men in check.

“If a constable has been found to be guilty of breaking the law, it is not only him who will be punished but also his supervisors such as his corporal or sergeant,” he told Malay Mail.

Many may NOT realise such an accountability has existed since the police force (or armed forces) started under the British Administration. It's the NORMAL responsibility of and to be honourably shown by the Head of a public service, whether Police, Armed Forces or the Civil Service.

There are of course always exceptions to the rule eg. personal case of murder, etc.

IGP Bador would have you believe he is 
the one to introduce “supervisory accountability” in his PDRM - What Kerbau! Podah.

we share the fine art of BS-ing 

The reason why “supervisory accountability” was NOT seen NOR demonstrated with courage by supervisors for almost four decades (since 1981, wakakaka) have been the nasty cowardly self-interest Malaysian practice of 'sembelih-ing' a scapegoat to appease public anger.

Incidentally, I read a book on, would you believe it, Scapegoat - A History of Blaming Other People by Charlie Campbell, wakakaka.

kaytee just love to read such books

dei, do you know Christians made the Devil as God's scapegoat for the world's eff-ups
, wakakaka

The book informs the readers the first incident of scapegoating in recorded "history" was that of Adam blaming Eve for both of them eating the fruit God had forbidden.

Kaytee contributes to that by reminding everyone that of course Eve blamed the snake, and the priests said that the snake was actually the Devil, wakakaka again.

sembelih-ed in 1998

sembunyi-ed in 2019 

Another would be to introduce, induce, create a distraction (eg. with a scapegoat) that's equal to or far more attention-grabbing than the sin or crime to be hidden, eg. Ops Lalang to hide the debacle in the 1987 UMNO intra party elections, "I was in Beijing" regarding Memali, the sacking and sodomy charges against Anwar Ibrahim in 1998, the recent police remanding of Farhash Wafa for reasons we all know, and 'khat' for showing to Malays that Atuk is in firm control of the biadab-ish Chinese.

he blamed Musa Hitam for Memali 

he blamed IGF Hanif for Ops Lalang  

he blamed Agong (Sultan Iskandar) for sacking of Lord President Saleh Abas 

he blamed Tajudin Ramli for the downfall of MAS  

he blamed former Finance Minister Anwar Ibrahim for FOREX loss

he blamed Najib for ECRL and Chinese Malaysians political prominence  

he blamed AAB for cancellation of crooked bridge  

he blamed Melayu for his repetitive failures

he blamed Tunku for his loss of his parliamentary seat to PAS in 1969

he did NOT blame himself for turning Chinese voters away in 1969, wakakaka  


  1. to resign is not our culture, lying, stealing, robbing, kissing ass is.

    1. HY, you have left out toadying.. (A person who flatters or defers to others for self-serving reasons; a sycophant.)

    2. i thot kissing ass mean the same thing? i learn a new word. is ck one btw?

    3. Do I have ANYTHING to gain, unlike u both?

  2. Ah Mok also conveniently blamed everything on 1 scapegoat.

    It s easy , let's everyone else who held power off the hook.
    Najib, for example is never at fault for anything in Ah Mok'

  3. From the IGP statement, it is clear the PDRM discipline both in the superior officers and men in terms of responsibility, accountability, integrity, leadership qualities have all fallen to such a dismal standard that what is supposed to be the norm of any disciplined enforcement bodies and security forces has degraded so much over the past decades under the previous IGPs.

    And the worst cases all happened during Ahjibkor BN reign where IGPs behave more like politicians, religious enforcement authorities, political spies, ah longs, triad gangs, smugglers, prostitution kingpins, kidnappers etc demoralising all the other dedicated and disciplined PDRM personnel who either "Follow their Bossku", resign and leave in disgust or buat tak tau, makan gaji and tidur.

    It's time the IGP weed out all those beginning from the top who are undeserving of their ranks and posts and this process should go down the line until the police pondoks level. With a clean slate, at least discipline, responsibility, integrity and dedication to duties will finally return.

    And this also involves also those other enforcement authorities like the Immigration, Customs, Prison, Municipal Council enforcers, public safety and health enforcers etc

    So, why are the others so quiet compared to this IGP? Is it worst in their respective departments that it is deemed impossible to change the work culture? If that is the case, then their own heads must roll for someone else who can do it for a New Malaysia reforms.
