
Wednesday, August 07, 2019

Non-Reformasi MB Selangor must be replaced

This legal issue is an old old story, about religious conversion of 'minors'. But old as it might have been, we need to show what sort of politicians we have under the guise of Reformasi PKR.

In the Federal Constitution, such a religious conversion requires the consent of (both) 'mother and father'. But long long ago, someone quite naughty, during the translation of said clause into Bahasa, changed the consent as only of 'mother OR father'.

That 'atau' instead of the English 'and' brought about a host of problems for unilateral conversion of minors from their respective religions of Hinduism to Islam and (for one Chinese Muslim mother in Penang) from Confucianism/Buddhism/Taoism to also Islam.

My suspicious mind tells me the parent (remember 'atau') who initiated his or her child's religious conversion to embrace Islam was/is hardly the religious type whose motive had been based on 'faith'. I am more inclined to suspect the initiating parent had instead unscrupulously used or misused Islam to get the better of the unaware, unknowing & unsuspecting (erstwhile) spouse - usually the scenario would be after an unhappy divorce.

Whilst the unique example of one Chinese Muslim mother in Penang just taking her child away in a manner that left both her stunned ex-husband and then-CM Lim Guan Eng dumbstruck (because no non-Muslim dared to, nor would have won against such unilateral action by the Muslim ex-spouse), the most famous (or notorious) case has been that of long (and still) suffering Hindu mother M Indira Gandhi.

Indira has won back two of her three children 

Prasana Diksa the youngest 

but she has yet to recover the youngest, Prasana Diksa, who was taken by Indira Gandhi’s estranged husband, Muhammad Riduan Abdullah

After years of brave unceasing struggle, suddenly on 28 January 2018 (yes, you wouldn't believe it but t'was during PM Najib's time) the Federal Court made a landmark ruling that the Malay language Constitution should not be interpreted literally and the consent of both parents is needed for the conversion of minors.

In other words, the courageous Court reverted to 'and' rather than the grossly inaccurate translation to Malay of 'atau'.

By the by, just a side note, police are still searching for Indira's youngest daughter - but this post is NOT about Indira and her children but about a naughty Menteri Besar, namely, Amirudin Shari of PKR, supposedly the party of Reforms.

On July 26, three days before the state assembly sitting commenced, the blardy Eff-er (wakakaka) held a pre-council meeting with all Pakatan ADUNs comprising PKR (21), DAP (16), Amanah (8) and Pribumi (5), and would you believe it (after all the hard work done over the painful years and the courageous ruling by the Federal Court), to amend the 'and' back to the 'atau' so that unilateral religious conversion can continue, presumably to torment broken marriages vis-a-vis custody of children a la Indira Gandhi's sad decades long struggle.

Yes, that Eff-ing MB wants to return to the good olde 'Bad Days' of the one-sided supremacy of the Muslim-converted spouse.

Malaysiakini reported:

A PKR assemblyperson, who attended, told Malaysiakini that Amirudin revealed the proposed amendment but the majority of those present objected.

He claimed that since the amendment was not agreed to during the state exco meeting, the menteri besar sought the support of assemblypersons instead.

"But almost everyone (assemblypersons) opposed it. Both PKR and Amanah were also divided.

"The concern is that if the amendment is tabled, it will backfire on the state government. 

Though the sitting was scheduled to run from July 29 to Aug 9, it seems the Selangor DUN Speaker Ng Suee Lim (DAP) cut short the state legislative assembly sitting just after two days on July 31. It ruined Amirudin's planned airing of the proposed amendment to return to unilateral religious conversion AGAIN.

 DUN Speaker Ng Suee Lim - ADUN Sekinchan

Sources told Malaysiakini that Ng, who is a four-term DAP ADUN, had declined to sign a document which would prioritise state government bills, therefore stymieing the MB's plans to table the amendment.

After Ng ended the sitting, Amirudin purportedly met with PKR's Muslim ADUNs and one Pribumi ADUN on Aug 1 to discuss the matter, which allegedly included replacing Ng as the speaker.

Is it an effort to win over PAS for you-know-who? This PKR (Azmin-sponsored) MB should be quartered (or bonked) by four kerbau's - at such a time, I would like to borrow looes74's fave curse 'mum-eff-er' to describe him, wakakaka.

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