
Wednesday, August 07, 2019

DAP Selangor declares war on MB Amirudin's alleged plan to remove Speaker Ng

From MM Online:

Report: DAP source says party will back Selangor Speaker against any ouster bid


An unnamed DAP lawmaker allegedly said that the party will defend Ng at all costs

Picture by Yusof Mat Isa

KUALA LUMPUR, Aug 7 — DAP will protect and defend Selangor Speaker Ng Suee Lim should there be a bid to remove him over his alleged blocking of an attempt to introduce an amendment which would allow the unilateral conversion of minors to Islam.

According to Malaysiakini, a PKR faction had proposed the idea of removing him, after Ng allegedly blocked Selangor Mentri Besar Amirudin Shaari’s attempt to push through the Bill.

MB Amirudin with his PKR party sponsor Azmin Ali

'reformasi'? No
'tight' kamcheng with PAS? Yes

An unnamed DAP lawmaker was quoted by the news portal as saying that the party will defend Ng at all costs as the Selangor Speaker has done an admirable job in sticking to his guns over the matter.

“The Speaker has made a daring move.

“This is because he knows the Bill may create social disorder, so he sacrificed himself and took a risk to make sure the Bill was not tabled,” the DAP leader reportedly said, adding that Ng used a “clever but legal way” to block the Bill.

Ng Suee Lim is sacrificing himself prevent sufferings as those experienced by M Indira Gandhi

MB Amirudin Shari wants to amend laws to those which made Indira Gandhi suffer in the first place 

“DAP assemblypersons will protect him at all costs, as he acted in the interest of society and all ethnic groups.

“We can say he is very selfless. He knows his actions may cause unhappiness on the mentri besar’s (Amirudin Shari) part, but he dared to go through with it.”

It is understood that the Selangor MB had planned to push through an amendment to a state enactment which currently says that individuals below 18 must contain the consent of both “mother and father” before converting to Islam.

The planned amendment will see a change of this wording to “mother or father”; meaning that one parent will get to decide on the conversion of a minor.

like Muslim-convertee Muhammad Riduan Abdullah abducting Prasana Diksa, whose custody belongs to Indira Gandhi

MB Amirudin Shari's proposed amendment would have encouraged spouses like 
Muhammad Riduan Abdullah

State Pakatan Harapan leaders will meet Amirudin tomorrow, where it is likely that the controversial Bill — which has split the coalition — will be discussed.

Kaytee notes:

Finally, DAP has grown some balls, no eff-ing thanks to Lim Kit Siang or his Chye-Chye.



  1. Pay attention everyone....Deep State at work......religion does things to your brain...especially the weak minds...

  2. Since the January 2018 Federal Court ruling, the Zombie groups have been jumping up and down like monkeys insisting the status revert back to "either parents" for conversion.

    Zombie groups often insist the Nons stay out of Islamic matters, but since this issue involves conversion i.e. the child was non-Muslim to start with, the Nons absolutely have a say in it.

    Expect some deep maneuvers to get the Selangor Speaker replaced by a pliant Assemblyman or even someone outside.
    DAP Selangor alone cannot resist such moves, it also depends on PKR Assemblymen, and that may be dubious, even among the Nons. Some of them are clearly aligned with the Dwarf gang.

  3. Wakakakakaka

    Legally, any State Constitution Laws cannot be inconsistent with the Federal Constitution laws even when passed at the State Assembly.

    And as for the conversion cases and interpretation of the meaning "Parents", The federal Court has already made a ruling it means Both and not "either" and "or".

    So, the MB knows this and so does most lawmakers, but why does he propose such a bill of amendment if not to create a crisis within the PH parties and cause confusion and turmoil for PKR?

    Is it an attempt to divert attention just like the Khat issue by PPBM Minister of Education?

    And now by the Dwarf MB of Selangor in the PKR faction?

    All these are clearly political moves by TDM/PPBM for a certain objective and the signs are clearly pointing towards the following:

    PPBM political manoeuvring to be the champion of Malay/Islam to counter UMNO-PAS Ummah unity by projecting itself thru such issues to the public specifically to Malay/Moslems.

    And poor PKR under DSAI and DAP under LKS, Amanah and Warisan just have to grit their teeth and bear with it all because the Ends justifies the Means in the final and total destruction of the opposition parties of PAS-UMNO-BN and GPS.

    The question is, is that the only objective of TDM or will it fail and instead caused a breakup of the PH coalition in power even before it succeeded?

    That sure entails a lot of trust in believing in TDM by the other coalition partners.


  4. selangor is the crown jewel, my girlfriend's favorite lemon, that's hadi, knows that, as it happens anwar also knows that, in light of what has happened lately, mb amirudin, a stand in cucumber of unrecognisable gay porn actor suddenly realised their positions are in a precarious hold or embrace, brace yourself for another helping of rancid satay

  5. Kaytee notes:
    Finally, DAP has grown some balls, no eff-ing thanks to Lim Kit Siang or his Chye-Chye.

    Conversion of minors - DAP reiterates consent from both parents a must
    Kow Gah Chie

    DAP secretary-general Lim Guan Eng has stressed that his party's stand on the conversions of minors to Islam can only be made with the consent of both parents.

    "Our stand is very clear. We adhere to the Federal Constitution and the Federal Court's ruling where the conversion of a minor must be agreed to by both parents," he told the media at Kuala Lumpur today.

    1. leading ONLY by following Selangor DAP - left with no choice


    Looks like the Sultan is now interfering directly, insisting on the Enactment Bill.
    DAP cannot be seen to be directly confronting the Sultan.

    Things could get real ugly from here on.
