
Sunday, August 11, 2019

Khat the Kerbau, DAP

Star Online:

Khat storm rains doubt on DAP


Egging issue: Jawi writing of Char Koay Teow printed on the menu board of Bee Hwa Cafe in Penang. Education Ministry’s plan to introduce khat in vernacular school is seen as “an attempt to institutionalise and politicise the Jawi script” 

AT the height of the controversy over the introduction of Jawi and khat or Arabic calligraphy into the curriculum of vernacular primary schools last week, a picture on a daughter-father dialogue emerged on the social media:

A girl looks at her father and asks: Daddy, why do I need to learn Jawi?

The dispirited father replies: Because father voted for the DAP on 509
(May 9, 2018).

Last Sunday, a man who had helped in the DAP campaign during the last polls smashed raw eggs at DAP’s service centre in Perak’s Menglembu to air his anger at the khat plan.

And two days later, the service centre of deputy Minister of Education Teo Nie Ching, also DAP’s Member of Parliament for Kulai, was littered with eggs thrown at its windows.

I wonder whether hurling of eggs was accompanied by 'Tiu Niamah'? 

The dialogue and egging incidents show the current strong sentiment against this education plan of the Pakatan Harapan government, which came into power on May 9, 2018.

But more importantly, they reflect the frustrations of people over the DAP’s failure to perform its rightful role in government. In this case, it is to ensure that the character of vernacular education is safeguarded.

Lim KS even promoted khat - what a eff-ing bloke 

The DAP, formerly a strong opposition party, has now become part of the Pakatan coalition government after the latter ousted the Barisan Nasional administration on May 9 last year.

Behind the mass outcry against the khat plan is the fear that the character of Chinese and Tamil primary schools could be altered gradually under the guise of introducing the calligraphy seen as associated to Islam.

This fear stems from the belief that some Malay politicians in the government are attempting to use this potentially explosive issue to win over more Malay support, in the face of greater UMNO-PAS cooperation.

boss, I've proposed bill to revert religious conversion to require consent from ONLY 1 parent
well done and you're looking good 

Earlier this month, the Ministry of Education said it would introduce khat in the Year Four Bahasa Melayu curriculum for vernacular schools next year.

As there is support from the Prime Minister and chairman of Parti Bersatu Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad, Education Minister Dr Maszlee Malik has been persistent on the plan.

Under pressure, the Education Ministry on Tuesday explained the introduction of khat was to foster beautiful writing. It promised that students would not be assessed on it in examinations.

However, this clarification had failed to subside doubts and apprehension.

One by one, Chinese education and Tamil groups, as well major religious groups aired their opposition to the plan.

Many people believed that this plan either came with a political agenda or an Islamisation objective.

As the DAP is a Chinese-majority party in the government, expectations were originally high that it would act promptly to stop this plan.

Hence, when its Cabinet Ministers did not make an open clear stand on the issue when the controversy erupted, disappointment turned into anger.

DAP rocket 

Last Monday, DAP’s secretary-general and Finance Minister Lim Guan Eng placed the blame on Chinese sensitivity and the “fear-mongering” reports by Chinese daily Sin Chew Jit Poh. This accusation had aroused more anger.

Related: Lim GE said Khat unrest due to newspaper report.

Apart from Sin Chew, reports in other Chinese media had warned the DAP that it was losing support from the Chinese community as it was getting detached from the community.

Some commentators took the opportunity to recount some of DAP’s unpopular measures that had hurt the Chinese community.

Among these were the removal of an annual government grant for TAR University College by DAP’s Lim and the delay to recognise the Chinese high school UEC certificate.


In an Aug 7 comment headlined “Before a horse, a tiger has become a lamb”, Nanyang Siang Pau mocked at the fiery DAP for turning into a timid “lamb” in front of a horse.

The horse here refers to Dr Mahathir, as “Ma” shares similar pronunciation as “horse” in Mandarin.

The commentary warned the DAP not to “compromise Chinese interest” in government as this could cost its political future.

In the last election, support for DAP from the Chinese community was estimated to be around 95% and Indians over 80%.

The DAP, which was an outspoken opposition voice before the election, was able to win most votes from non-Malays mainly because of its promises to fight for a just and democratic society, as well as a clean government.

Such promises were appealing to voters amid news reports highlighting the massive corruption in the previous Barisan Nasional government of Najib Razak, whose race-based policies also hurt voters.

Due to the huge Chinese support for DAP, the MCA – the only Chinese party within the Barisan – was thrashed in the last general election.

Voters also got impatient with MCA then, as the party was sidelined in major decisions of the UMNO-led Barisan government.

Ironically, what the MCA went through in Barisan is now being experienced by the DAP.

The DAP, used to hit out at the MCA for failing to defend Chinese rights, is in the old shoes of MCA.

It is clear to many observers that the DAP – the second largest party within the Pakatan coalition government -- was not consulted on the implementation of this khat plan.

“The DAP in Pakatan government now is no different from the MCA in previous Barisan government, ” said one commentator.

dei DAP, enjoyed sucking? 

As expected, the reactions from Chinese education and Tamil groups were strong towards the plan.

In the early part of last week, the khat issue filled the front pages of most newspapers and comment pages of Chinese newspapers.

In fact, the disagreement to the khat plan is not confined to people outside DAP. Within the DAP, there are disgruntled voices.

According to news reports, a group of 138 DAP grassroots officials, including 13 state assemblypersons, have urged DAP Cabinet members to object to the khat plan.

In a public statement, they argued vernacular school students were already learning “three languages and three writing systems”, hence adding khat would make pupils to learn “three languages and four writing systems”.

The most interesting part of the statement, which may be unpalatable to the DAP leadership and Pakatan government, was the claim that the khat plan was “an attempt to institutionalise and politicise the Jawi script”.

This appears to confirm outsiders’ worry and interpretation of a political agenda.

Indeed, the making public of these voices – which could just be discretely conveyed up to the top leadership -- has led to interesting interpretations.

As the pressure from within and outside got more intense, DAP’s national leaders had to act. They held a meeting last Monday but did not reveal their stand on the issue.

Malaysiakini reported that Lim had gone to meet with the Prime Minister twice.

tolong lah 'Tuk, cucu akan mampus 

Amid snowballing noises, deputy Education Minister Teo said this policy was decided in 2016 by the previous administration.

tsk tsk tsk, ohk kong pian uwa liao 

However, MCA president Datuk Seri Dr Wee Ka Siong promptly responded that the MCA did not support the khat plan when its draft was first presented by the education curriculum director.

“MCA is opposed to Pakatan government’s plan to add khat into the curriculum of national type primary schools as this will add burden to the pupils and result in higher risk for the character of Chinese school to be changed, ” said Dr Wee in a statement.

Expectedly, the mass opposition by non-Malays to khat plan had provoked PAS and other Islamic groups to state their stand.

Perak mufti announced it backed the introduction of khat in school syllabus.

While stating his support for the khat plan, PAS president Abdul Hadi Awang labelled opponents to the initiative as descendants or proxies of British colonialists.

Interestingly, there are Malays who objected to the introduction of khat in schools.

Among these is former International Trade and Industry Minister Tan Sri Rafidah Aziz.

she called maszlee "stupid" in Pribumi's forum 

She revealed she had told the Education Minister not to introduce “frivolous” subjects into school curriculum as there were “other more important things” to be learnt.

Rafidah said at a public function: “Don’t overload (the system) with unnecessary, frivolous subjects.”

After ignoring the feeling on the ground for over one week, the Education Ministry had finally “softened” its stand slightly last Thursday.

Chinese and Tamil school teachers will have the freedom to choose whether they want to teach khat in Year Four, Dr Maszlee Malik said. He did not mention the content of Year Five and Six.

Placed under scrutiny, the new statement does not indicate that khat plan in vernacular schools will be removed. It merely gives teachers in Primary Year 4 the option to decide on teaching the art.

Although Lim Guan Eng has urged all parties to move on, groups that had earlier aired their opposition are critical of the new statement and maintain their stance.

On Friday, the Chinese newspapers are again inundated with khat news on their front pages.

In a statement, leading Chinese education group Dong Jiao Zhong said the Education Ministry has not allayed people’s concern and worry.

DAP has learned how to 'kerbau' from me, ie. bullshit 

Sharing the view of Malaysian Consultative Council of Buddhism, Christianity, Hinduism, Sikhism and Taoism, they said introducing khat in vernacular schools could violate Article 12(3) of the Federal Constitution.

Once again, the DAP’s Lim and Teo have come under attack – for making “misleading” statements this time.

From the continuing adverse reactions seen against the khat plan, the DAP might be forced to go behind the scene again to negotiate for a cleaner deal with the Education Ministry.


  1. Next up will be the DBP rooftop renovation, will DAP be blamed for this too? The Deep State is working on an angle of attack...

    DBP clears the air over headquarters' roof demolition

    Aug 10th, 2019

    The Dewan Bahasa dan Pustaka (DBP) headquarters in Kuala Lumpur is an iconic building that is even studied by architecture students but plans to demolish it have been turned into yet another racial and religious issue in the country's national narrative.

    A notice by DBP announcing that demolition works to the rooftop of its tower structure which appears like an open book will begin on July 12 until November 17 have led to questions whether there are ulterior motives.

    Among those who have raised questions was PAS central committee member Riduan Mohamad Noor, who claimed the structure was a Quran book rest (rehal).

    "The rehal is a symbol of Malays seeking knowledge and there are those who feel uncomfortable with the rehal," he said in a Facebook post.

    Former Utusan Malaysia editor Ku Seman Ku Hussain had also described the planned demolition as "Islamophobia".

    However, DBP executive director Abang Sallehuddin Abang Shokeran told Malaysiakini that the demolition is being done on the advice of the Public Works Department due to safety concerns.

    He noted that while there is nostalgia over the symbolic structure, public safety must come first.

    He said the support structure is made out of metal and its proximity to condenser units of the building's air conditioning system had led to rusting.

    "The building is almost 20 years old, many parts have to be replaced.

    "We are aware that people will question the move as we too are nostalgic about the book symbol but safety and advice from the Public Works Department must take precedence," he said.

    Abang Sallehuddin said there are no plans yet to rebuild a replacement structure, which will cost RM12 million, as the immediate priority is for its demolition due to public safety.

    He conceded the removal of the iconic structure would affect DBP's image but said it could be worse if any unfortunate incident were to happen if the rotting structure is left unattended.

    "DBP's image is not only in a building but it lies in the efforts to empower the usage of the Malay language and to give the national language economic value," he said.

    The DBP headquarters in Kuala Lumpur was built in 1962. A tower, which carried the symbolic book structure, was added in 1999.

  2. Multiple attacks on sight as the curtain closing in onto jibby's SRC trial (more to come with other 1MDB related hand-in-the-cookie-jar cases).

    U r catching the khat train to hentam dap, every which way u can!

    Yr sifu is up to his never failed run of Chinese bashing melayu story.

    One is trying hard to stymied the supports of dap from the Nons.

    The other is trying never failed trick of inciting the blurred melayu to hate the Chinese in an expected amokish mood!


    Throw in a few of the politikus trying hard to divert the self-inflicted sotomee attentions, the brood of another racial riot is cracking.

    U, guys r having bloods on yr hand for generations to come!

  3. DBP under Ministry of watch out folks, attack dogs may be on Nie Ching if there are more concessions made on the khat issue....

    DAP tak respect DBP, the protector of Malay language and literature. The rooftop to be demolished is a “rehal” or bookrest for the Quran, says PAS central committee member Riduan Mohamad Noor.

    1. u sound like lks n lge on the khat issue, toking kok.

  4. Ktemoc should Cut the Kerbau.
    The picture of the Jawi script at Bee Hwa cafe in Georgetown is highlighted completely out of context.

    The background story..
    A Chinese coffee shop all races can enjoy | The Star

    1. photo taken directly from the published news - you should be the one to khat the kerbau

    2. Didn't I say the strategy of using cut&paste news to provoke.

      With twisted rewriting of headline (aka yr sifu's to incite!

      Added advantage of been able to claim - not written by me attribute!

  5. Ah Wee challenges LKS to name those responsible for sowing distrust. Ah Wee should know that his own MCA member is one example, and another is RPK, who is trying hard to make that tragic road rage murder case a racial one.

    Name those allegedly sowing racial mistrust, Dr Wee challenges Kit Siang

    Sunday, 11 Aug 2019

    PETALING JAYA: DAP adviser Lim Kit Siang has been challenged to name those whom he claimed are conspiring to sow mistrust.

    MP says remark on Jawi and porn taken out of context by MCA, UMNO

    FMT Reporters - August 12, 2019

    PETALING JAYA: DAP’s Kluang MP Wong Shu Qi today maintained that her remarks on Jawi and pornographic material were taken out of context, accusing MCA and Umno of misleading the public and playing up racist sentiments.

    In a statement, Wong said the remarks were made in a speech at a dialogue with the Tiong Hwa Kluang Association on Aug 9.

    She said she had spoken to members of the association in order to clarify the government’s plan to introduce khat, or Jawi calligraphy, in the Year 4 Bahasa Melayu syllabus for vernacular schools.

    “My speech was recorded without permission by an MCA leader who was also present,” she said.

    She claimed that Kluang MCA Youth deputy chairman Joan Ng had uploaded the recording to her social media account with a comment in Chinese reading: “Kluang MP Wong Shu Qi supports Jawi writing”.

    “The video was deleted after an Umno cybertrooper quoted part of it to claim that I had insulted Jawi,” she said.

    “MCA claimed that I supported Jawi with the intent of inciting the Chinese while Umno claimed I insulted Jawi with the intent of inciting the Malays.”

    Wong came under fire over the weekend for purportedly linking Jawi writing with pornographic material.

    The stir followed the circulation of a video clip titled “Jawi writing used in pornographic books at one point, says DAP”, showing Wong speaking in Chinese before a crowd of what appears to be mostly Chinese members of the public.

    Accompanying subtitles suggest that Wong claimed the four book covers that she displayed were of pornographic books that were written in Jawi in the past.

    However, Wong said she had only explained that Jawi was used as a general system of writing before 1956, for various types of reading materials in Malay, and was not limited to Islamic texts.

    She said she had used three slides to illustrate her points. In the first slide, she said, she explained that Jawi had been used for Bahasa Melayu before the introduction of the romanised script.

    “So, the Jawi text was used for Christian writings in the 19th century,” she added.

    The second slide provided examples of other reading materials which used the Jawi script, including pornographic reading material, she said.

    “In my third slide, I explained that although Buddhists wrote in Chinese calligraphy to present Buddhist manuscripts, very few people would think that Chinese calligraphy is for Buddhist use only....

    ....“For further explanation, I enclose a transcript of the text in the second slide.

    “I said: ‘This picture is of an old pornographic book, and is only used here for illustration purposes. If Jawi script is only for Islam, if any Islamist extremists knew of this, they might prevent the use of Jawi by non-Muslims because such material was insulting to Islam.

  6. Hey MP you dont have anything between your ears? To link jawi with pornograhy is like waving a red flag at a bull. They say jawi has nothing to do with religion so why the uproar? Or does it? Anyway your leaders are now the new MCA and if you continue like this, watch out for GE15. Thats OUR promise
