
Sunday, August 11, 2019

China's 1st crack of whip for Hong Kong


China orders Cathay Pacific to suspend staff backing HK protests

HONG KONG: China’s aviation regulator on Friday demanded Cathay Pacific Airways suspend personnel who have engaged in illegal protests in Hong Kong from staffing flights into its airspace from August 10.
Hong Kong has been embroiled in increasingly violent anti-government street protests for the past two months, which a top Chinese official described this week as the greatest crisis since its return from British to Chinese rule in 1997.
Last week, a Cathay pilot was among over 40 people charged with rioting for allegedly taking part in violent clashes with the police near Beijing’s main representative office in the city.
On Friday night, the Civil Aviation Administration of China said that Cathay crew members who have engaged in the protests pose a threat to aviation safety in mainland China, according to a statement on its website.
The aviation authority ordered Cathay to provide identification information for its crew on mainland-bound flights.
Crew members that have not gained the authority’s approval will not be allowed into its airspace, including on flights bound for other destinations.
The airline has also been ordered to draw up proposals to strengthen safety and security, said the statement.
In response, a Cathay Pacific spokesperson said: “We have received the directive and are studying it very carefully. We are treating it seriously and are following up accordingly.”
“The safety of our passengers is always the top priority of Cathay Pacific. There is zero tolerance for any inappropriate and unprofessional behaviour that may affect aviation safety. We deal with these incidents very seriously.”
Cathay said in a statement on Thursday it respects “everyone’s right to express themselves in a peaceful and respectful manner,” while insisting it “recognises that Hong Kong SAR is a part of China”.
“We do not condone any activities that jeopardise the stability of Hong Kong, or any actions that may affect aviation safety,” said the company.
Hong Kong’s chief executive Carrie Lam on Friday urged an end to the violence, claiming that the protests are dragging on the city’s economy.
Hong Kong-listed Cathay is 45% owned by Swire Pacific and 22.7% held by Air China, according to Refinitiv Eikon.
The airline has been Hong Kong’s flag carrier since the colonial era. Swire Pacific’s parent, John Swire & Sons Ltd, is a UK-based conglomerate with businesses ranging from property to transportation.


  1. A preemptive action to stop lunatic suicidal moron doing a 911 on targets within China!

    In fact, what CP didn't mentioned in the press statement, is they also realised the potential suicidal tendency of this particular pilot.

    He was grounded to handle ONLY non flight related activities in Shenzhen when his violent rioting participation in HK demos was discovered in early July.

    The Civil Aviation Administration of China identified that pilot when he was charged & released on bail by the HK court on his declared reason on needing to work in Shenzhen.

    CP has been quietly supporting the recent demos. In house memos have shown that NO less than 3000 staffs, of various category, were/r actively involved in different forms & stages of the HK demos. In fact, the demos staged in the HK airport recently were/r proposed by on of the stealth planner holding managerial position in CP!

    1. 911 was staged according to mahathir, so ask yr ccp dun do the same stupid stunt.

    2. Now u have shown yr real otakrosak fart - 911 was staged according to mahathir!

      Get yr uncle Sam to do a Noriega kidnapping and flown mamak to the United States to extract whatsoever infos mamak gained lah.

      No need to blame all on al-Qaeda & osama!

      Better still get that bitchy tsai to show proofs (which u so eagerly demanded in the face of challenges) that she hasn't divert Taiwan govt funds to support these HK 废青 moronic weekend outting riots!

      So simple, for a f*ck!

    3. halo bodoh, didnt mahathir said that? if u disagree, go bark at mahathir.

      onus is on u to proof if u claim tsai divert govt fund, its common sense, which u n ccp lacking of.

      i support hker, just like i support msian that fight for human rights, i disdain mainland 贱民, spore 贱民, n msia hypo like u.

      its not complicated, but for a 贱民,it is.

    4. Did I written anything about disagreeing with yr mimpi putih?

      I have even suggested u get it uncle Sam to do his 'unique' CIA bounty hunting work le!

      Real rd moron. As usual lah.

      Don't worry about the proof. Once that tsai loses the coming presidential erection, she WILL be having the life of 陈水扁 in replay.

      That's the proven curse of these green/blue Formosa f*cks.

      Of course u support those blurred hkie youths mah. Equally blurred & on yr part, 百眼狼 too!

      Nobody says it's complicated. It's just u like to do some otakrosak show-off.

      Next, u will be carrying stars&stripes, chanting god saves America, just like those f*cked hkie youths, out on their weekly riot outing.


      Soon too, u will know that real definition when pommie godfather & uncle Sam refuse political asylums for those HK riot plotters & financiers?

  2. China simply cannot understand nor tolerate Hong Kong's Rule Of Law principle that the private individual is free to express political views and activities in his personal time as long as he does not commit a crime.

    A Cathay Pacific employee just peacefully taking part in the protests in his off-work hours, not damaging property or injuring anyone , cannot be held against him by the company.

    Photographing people, then applying pressure to get them fired is government by thuggery.

    I opposed this when the BN kleptocracy did this, and I opposed this if thine by other governments.

    1. I am not pointing my finger at the Cathay Pacific employee but rather, at the protestors - NOT VIOLENT? where have you been?

    2. the so called violent is the repercussion of a oppressed govt towards it people. what u expect people to react towards a deaf n mute govt in a polity without democracy n rights to choose leader? writing blog?

    3. There were a million protestors on the streets of Hong Kong.
      It would say 99% of them were non-violent.
      Tarring the entire protest as Violent is Kerbau-ing.

    4. Not, there ain't no million of protestors on the streets of HK.

      My modified facial recognition SW has shown that the highest number of counts happened in 16jun at about 530k.

      All the subsequent protests have no more than 100k. The recent riots have less than 10k rioters!

      It shows that

      1) in the initial stage of the demos, many hkies took part, just want to let go of their frustration. The peak of 16jun is the induced effect, as the 9jun demos inspired more tidak-apaers to join in for the fun & ego building (million hkies on the streets!).

      2) as the demos turns senseless & more violent, many hkies, including the tidak-apaers, retreated back to their cozy home. Thus the numbers r falling.

      3) indeed the more recent protests r lawless & violent. No thanks to the continuous restrains shown by the enforcing police forces. Just imagine if such rioting demos happen in the so claimed democratic West, thousands would have been arrested with hundreds of casualties!

    5. Mfer, what oppression has the hkies been subjected to?

      If the HK govt is been oppressive, u won't have yr weekend rioting funs NOW!

      How many times have the HK govt repeated the rationales to the irrational 5 'demands' by the protestors!

      "deaf n mute govt in a polity without democracy n rights to choose leader?"

      Besides, when did HK ever have the right to exercise the selection of their leader?

      Definitely not when she was under the pommie godfather. All of the governors were pommieland imports.

      At least the current HK administrators r been chosen from within the hkies.

      U want the like of the demoncracy of US/UK?

      Please lah, how democratic r they when their govt is been elected by very less than 50% of the participating voters.

      President Trump has maintained one of the lowest job approval ratings average of any president at 39 percent indicated by by Gallup polls since 1937.

      Boris Johnson leads most unpopular new government in 40 years, poll finds three-quarters (75 per cent) of voters are already dissatisfied with the new government’s performance.

      What a dressing-up for a mimpi putih of a 百眼狼!
