
Sunday, July 14, 2019

Wow, can Finance Ministry act in such a confiscating way?

From FMT:

Malaysia seizes pipeline company’s RM1 billion funds, says report

The Trans-Sabah Gas Pipeline was to be built from Kimanis to Sandakan and Tawau.

PETALING JAYA: More than RM1 billion in a Malaysian bank account of a Chinese state-owned company is reported to have been transferred on government orders to a company owned by the finance ministry.
The Straits Times newspaper in Singapore described the seizure and transfer of funds by the Malaysian authorities as “an unprecedented move in Malaysian banking”.
It said global banking giant HSBC was told earlier this month to transfer the money, held in the Malaysian account of China Petroleum Pipeline Engineering Ltd, to Suria Strategic Resources Sdn Bhd, wholly owned by the finance ministry.
The Chinese company is the main contractor for the 660km-long peninsular west coast pipeline, a project costing RM5.35 billion, and a Sabah gas pipeline costing RM4.06 billion. Both projects have been suspended by the Pakatan Harapan government.
Last year, Energy, Science, Technology, Environment and Climate Change Minister Yeo Bee Yin had said that the government was trying to recover the money already paid to the contractor building the Trans-Sabah Gas Pipeline.
“We have two options at the moment — either to recover the fund which was paid prematurely or to carry on with the project,” she said at the time.
Today’s Singapore report said that China Petroleum Pipeline had confirmed that the funds had been transferred out. “CPP firmly abides by the laws of Malaysia and is perplexed by the unilateral transfer of monies without notifying CPP,” said the company.
HSBC, however, declined to comment.
Last year, the Pakatan Harapan government questioned why about RM8.3 billion, or 88% of the contract value of RM9.41 billion, was paid out by the previous government through Suria Strategic Resources. Officials said only 13% of the work had been completed.
When the two pipeline projects were suspended, some of CPP’s bank accounts were frozen, the report said.
Last year, press reports alleged that money paid by Suria Strategic Resources had been diverted to third-party Cayman Island companies linked to the 1MDB scandal. CPP denied these allegations.


  1. Wow, can the finance minister order the transfer of 4B of pensioners money from KWAP to SRC, a company he has total control over? Jibby did just that, as revealed in his ongoing court case.

    1. poor answer - the question was not whether Najib could do this or that, but whether LGE in a "new" Malaysia could? Shame on your comparison of LGE with Najib

    2. I wasn’t answering your question. I was asking mine.

      I will let Guanee answer yours.

    3. DAP's new campaign slogan:

      "We will not be worse than UMNO Baru. And that is a promise!"


  2. i think is fine, we follow ccp sop.

    1. CCP sop?

      Mfer, not ONLY u read what u want to read about the CCP, u also ignore what the demoncratic West doing the same thing!

      Perhaps, u should say humanistic universal sop. No?

    2. ccp kidnap people in hk, ccp put zhaoziyang under house arrest without any due process, thats ccp sop. american did the same, american is evil n bully, thus china under ccp is evil n bully.

      i care very less what american or the west do, i dun shere the same culture with them, but i feel shame of what the ccp chinese is doing because they claim they r chinese. of course no shame chinese like u is excluded.

    3. Walau-eh!


      Does that word carries its etymological meaning to u?

      Or as yr usual fart, u define it the way u want it to be!

      OK, now the Chinese part - ain't u at one time claiming to be M'sian rather than Chinese?

      R u suffering from schizophrenia? Or most likely u just choose to play dumb.

      CCP kidnapped people in HK!

      First, prove conclusively it's ordered by CCP. Second, do a background check of that presumed 'kidnapped'. What's his beef! Third, HK is part of China - one country two systems beholds. If CCP wants to remove an eyesore, there r cleaner, quicker & easier ways. Kidnapped an insignificant 'bookseller'? Wakakakaks… What a lousy play from a bunch of brain-dead CCP haters.

      Zhaoziyang under house arrest without any due process WAS a political play that could happen anywhere under any sopo system. WHAT has that got to do with been Chinese?

      Or is that yr subconscious rejection of been born Chinese showing?

      If that's the case, then what the f*ck IS yr claiming of sharing the same Chinese culture causing u SHAME?

      Perhaps, a double facing act of saying whatever farts that suit yr confused mind! Janus u r not & yet fabricating easily debunked lies both front & back!

      I'm Chinese - be loud & clear.

      理义所得,优劣乃复未辨 is my culture & I DO know shame.

      Mfer, by this irrational rant, ain't u unintentionally & totally remove yr Yankee Doodle outer cover (u do share that demoncratic west's hypocritical self righteousness) to show yr true 百眼狼 self!

    4. i am chinese msian, culturally chinese nationality msia. ccp chinese is culturally no shame communist nationality prc. u r culturally no diff with ccp chinese though sharing the same nationality with me.

      the insignificant bookstore owner selling book oppose communist n xi huangdi. the no shame communist no need cleaner n quicker way, they do bad thing under the sun, they r no diff with thief n robber, similar kidnap case happen in msia, thief robber n communist act alike.

    5. Wakakakakaka……

      After been caught red-handed with twisted lies, u dare to argue again with syiok-sendiri hp6 explanations!

      A typical behaviour of a lousy two left legs dancer blaming his cruel performance on uneven floor. That's SHAMEFUL if u don't already know!

      Culturally Chinese?

      For a spurious f*ck, who claimed to be erudite in thing Chinese, u DON'T even understand 孟子 "理义所得,优劣乃复未辨"!

      What Chinese cultures r u talking about? Same thing as yr dance acts?

      As the ultimate governing authority in HK, the Chinese govt, or as u claimed the CCP, can actually do what they like in the returned territory! But they didn't, as reflected in those recent series of brain-dead demonstrations instigated by paid 丧家犬!

      So what do u thing that the CCP wanted to kidnapp an insignificant bookstore owner who sells books oppose communist n xi huangdi? In fact, similar kind of activities r a plenty in HK. Why just target this particular bookseller? If the CCP will to kidnap everyone of them, present day China WON'T be what she is of today. Think about that mfer!

      Has that bookseller been involving himself with subversive anti-China underground activities with bookstore as a front? U tell me lah!

      If the Chinese authority ONLY charged him for trafficking offences THATS giving his family face, or more correctly bangsa maruah. That's what u known as preventing shame parading for the Chinese race as there r still 丧家犬 willing to jeopardise the hard-earned national prosperity.

      Ooop… have u read what happened to one, Lam Wing-kee who gave a long press conference in the presence of HK legislator Albert Ho in which he detailed the circumstances surrounding his eight-month detention, and describing how his confession and those of his associates had been scripted and stage-managed. Lam indicated the involvement of the Central Investigation Team, which is under direct control of the highest level of the Beijing leadership.

      He has been richly rewarded by his master despite the fact that the Chinese authority kindly let him free.

      That's an act of lowest shameless display that such kind of lowlife could do to earn a buck! He should be shot!

      Maybe, u r in the same class.

    6. what abt xiao jianhua, if ccp did tis to a premier n a billionaire, they can do it to anyone. no law observation gangster cum bully ccp can of course do whatever they like, didnt their no shame wumao here in msia say so?

    7. Wakakakakaka…

      Back to yr last drawn weapon of labelling, er?

      U REALLY r a one track mind in blaming CCP! Dedak kpi from uncle Sam?

      What so special about xiao jianhua?

      He played the trade of as a front man, he paid the price!

      Mafia does the worst too. So r the Yankee/Oz money counters. U just read them as gangland infightings while for the Chinese act, u conclusively blamed CCP.

      CCP is no lily white but it's also not a white board for u to do graffiti.

      His alleged auction by CCP was/is been propagated as CCP conspiracy by f*cks like u.

      How about the theory of he scammed his principle(s), who could be powerful warlord(s) within CCP, thus was having a ransom over his head. The Chinese authority got him first to save his snapper-aimed life by the bounty hunters?


      Better read than yr CCP conspiracy fart mah!

      Ooop… wumao! Hehehehe… u still haven't answered WHY sanmao(三毛)finally committed suicide ler! Tired of dealing with f*cks like u, contributed 50% of the reason?


  3. The MACC should be the party to clarify this matter.

    Just hot air currently for political bashings.

