
Sunday, July 14, 2019

Mukhriz & Azmin vs Anwar - more 'Minus Touch(es)'?

Extracts from MM Online:

Mukhriz: No two-year deal for Anwar to be PM after Dr M


Prime Minister Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad greets Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim before special thanksgiving prayers and iftar in Putrajaya May 9, 2019. — Picture by Mukhriz Hazim

KUALA LUMPUR, July 11 — There is no agreed timeframe of two years for Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad to pass on the prime minister post to political ally Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim, Dr Mahathir’s son Datuk Seri Mukhriz Mahathir has reportedly said.

Mukhriz reportedly said the presidential council of the ruling Pakatan Harapan (PH) coalition was aware that both Dr Mahathir and Anwar had an agreement on the succession plan, but said the two-year timeframe frequently floated in public was never agreed on.

“There was no agreement that it has to be two years. There may have been suggestions like that, but nothing was stated on paper or in a verbal agreement,” the senior PH leader was quoted as saying in an interview with the Nikkei Asian Review.

Mukhriz reportedly said Pakatan Harapan’s component parties shared the general consensus that Dr Mahathir should be given time to fix Malaysia’s economic and financial issues before ceding the prime minister post to Anwar.

“He (Mahathir) should be given enough time to do what he wants to do. Although we acknowledge his age, he has not shown any signs of slowing down,” he was quoted as saying of Dr Mahathir who yesterday turned 94.

One thing is for sure, Mukhriz would NOT say Kerbau stuff as narrated above if he hasn't been informed or told by his Dad or/and advisers.

That Mukhriz saw fit at this stage to add There is no agreed time frame of two years to the brouhaha over the issue is indicative the Old Man has no intention of handing the PM post to Anwar Ibrahim on 05 May 2020. Dad is making use of Chye-Chye to re-inform the masses of his wish.

Indeed. Even Azmin Ali has now said EXACTLY the same Kerbau as 'cousin-brother' Mukhriz, wakakaka - see FMT's Azmin agrees no time frame fixed for Dr M to hand over power.

It's nonsense for Mukhriz to dare say his Dad should be given time to fix Malaysia’s economic and financial issues before ceding the prime minister post to Anwar as if Mahathir is the ONLY person who can solve our economic and financial problems.

In actual fact, Mahathir has been responsible for most of the ills affecting this nation. While Najib has been alleged to have pilfer a lot of moolah, the bedrock of the nation's sickness was laid in Mahathir's time. An example would be MAS, our sickly national airline.

Under the hard work laid down by the founding management led by Mr Saw, the airline was doing well. When Malaysia expelled Singapore, yes, the airline split into two, yet MAS was still OK.
Well, OK until "someone" sold it to Tajudin Ramli in order to lay his hands on cash flow because of a losing game called Forex.

Since then, MAS went downhill, yes, after being touched by the 'Minus Touch' of King Minus.

MAS might have stood for 'gold' in Bahasa Melayu, but as mentioned, in 1994, according to Tajudin Ramli the man who bought up a commanding volume of shares of the airline then, he was informed by Daim Zainuddin that then-PM Mahathir wanted him (Tajudin) to buy a controlling share in MAS, and that he couldn't refuse the orders of the PM, wakakaka.

When Tajudin was badly affected in 1997 in the Asian financial crisis, the Mahathir government bought MAS back from him at RM8 per share, the EXACT price Tajudin paid for in 1994, even though MAS shares were then worth only RM3.68 per share. But by then, much had been sucked out of MAS.

As I mentioned, let Mahathir touched anything, Forex, Maminco, Mukawasa, Perwaja, Proton, anything, everything, it's doomed for failure as we have seen them
, wakakaka. Just watch how Car No 3 will crash, assuming Pakatan allows this man to eff around with hundreds of million of precious ringgits.

So how dare Mahathir thinks he is the ONLY one to be able to resolve Malaysia's economic and financial problems. He should be the LAST person allowed to go near them.

Back in 2006, Norman Fernandez wrote to Malaysiakini asking Mahathir to answer the following questions:

(a) What was the basis of inviting Libyan-American Sadeq Mustaffa to Malaysia to set up InventQjaya Sdn Bhd and to also give him a grant of RM440 million? What was the benefit for Malaysia and how has Malaysia benefited?

(b) What was the justification for privatising profitable state-owned enterprises like Telekom Malaysia, Tenaga Nasional and Pos Malaysia?

(c) What was the basis of granting Indah Water Konsortium a concession to manage the national sewerage system? Could you explain the RM1.4 billion soft loan to IWK which is clearly has irrecoverable losses?

(d) You insinuate Khairy Jamaluddin. Did you not assist your son Mirzan by rescuing Konsortium Perkapalan Berhad (then owned by Mirzan) and which had debts of RM1.7 billion using funds from Petronas? Was it not your administration which forced Malaysian International Shipping Company (MISC) to acquire the assets of Konsortium Perkapalan Nasional?

(e) Did your government not sell Malaysian Airlines System without an open tender to Tajuddin Ramli who had no knowledge whatsoever about running an airline? Why did your government then later bail out Tajuddin by paying RM8 per share when the shares were trading at only RM3.60 in the open market.

(f) Did your administration not bail out Time Dotcom Bhd which was saddled with a RM5 billion debt? Why did your government bail out Time DotCom Bhd using RM904 million from Kumpulan Wang Amanah Pencen to buy up 273.9 million unwanted Time Dotcom shares incurring an instant loss of RM280 million?

(g) Did you not force the Employees Provident Fund (EPF) to buy 81.6 million unsubscribed public portion of the initial public offering (IPO) of Time Dotcom Bhd at RM3.30 per share when the shares were trading at only between RM1.95 and RM2.10 and in the process incurring an instant loss of RM100 million?

(h) Did you not bail out the light rail transit operators Projek Usahasama Transit Ringan Automatik Sdn Bhd (Putra) which belonged to Renong and Sistem Transit Aliran Ringan Sdn Bhd (Star) using almost RM600 million from EPF which still resulted in EPF having to write off RM135 million with a share loss of RM96 million?

(i) Did your administration not award North South Expressway concession to UEM (who then formed Plus) and then provide them with a loan of RM1.6 billion which was half of the tender price of RM3.2 billion. What was the justification for your administration to grant Plus such overgenerous terms which included annual increment of toll rates and guaranteed traffic volumes?

(j) What was the justification of your administration in 1998 in awarding a RM24.3 billion contract to PSC Industries Berhad, together with an advance of more than RM2.5 billion to build naval patrol boats? Why were they also given exclusive rights to service the Malaysian navy's entire fleet? Could you confirm that the first two ships built by PSCI could not even pass pre-delivery trials? How would you answer to the Public Accounts Committee's revelation that it will cost the government another RM120 million just to salvage the first two vessels nearing completion after seven years?

(k) What was the basis of awarding Ekran Bhd the contract to build the Bakun Hydroelectric Dam in Sarawak? Why did your administration take over the construction of the dam by bailing out Ekran by almost RM200 million for 'work done'?

(l) What was the justification for your administration in Maminco to corner the London tin market which instead resulted in Maminco losing RM150 million?

(m) Was your administration not vitriolic about George Soros and other currency traders and hedge fund managers but yet presided over speculation in the foreign exchange markets which ultimately cost Bank Negara almost RM9.3 (subsequently corrected to 31.5) billion in losses?

(n) What are the total losses of Perwaja Steel and how much of public funds have been used to cover these losses of Perwaja Steel?

(o) What was the basis for your administration, at the expense of Malaysian taxpayers, to force Tenaga Nasional Berhad to accept such grossly unfair and unjustified terms in purchasing energy from independent power producers?

(p) What was the justification of privatising the government medical stores to Southern Task Sdn Bhd which then hiked up the prices of medicines?

(q) Perhaps you could also reveal how much of Petronas monies have been used by your administration in bailouts and projects of folly.

Naturally there are many more questions the Malaysian public would want answers to but answering these questions first would be a good start.

With such a man, a King 'Minus' so to speak, who has eff-ed every blardy thing since he became PM in 1983, to insist he 
should be given time to fix Malaysia’s economic and financial issues before ceding the prime minister post to Anwar is sheer Kerbau of unmitigated dimension, a big pool of stinking Bullshit.

by a Kedah kerbau 

He should be made to hand over to Anwar Ibrahim a.s.a.p - When Anwar was Finance Minister, he was voted one of the best Finance Ministers and should be able to address our nation's economy and financial problems.

In 1993, shortly after becoming finance minister, Euromoney named Anwar Ibrahim as one of the top four finance ministers; in 1996, Asiamoney named him Finance Minister of the Year.

Why allow a man like Mahathir with his 'Minus Touch' to bugger our assets AGAIN?

Eff it all, Anwar Ibrahim should take over as PM now for the good of Malaysia.


  1. Walau-eh!!!

    "let Mahathir touched anything, Forex, Maminco, Mukawasa, Perwaja, Proton, anything, everything, it's doomed for failure as we have seen them, wakakaka."

    Anything? How about NS highway? What would that economist say? Can he works out that benefit to the country in financial terms?

    Everything? How about uplifting a whole lot of melayu (desirable or not) to middle class? Would the ketuanan freaks start asking for yr d*ck?

    Lagi best, how would mamak's past misdeeds compare with jibby's bottomless desires to empty the national coffer for his/her kleptomaniac bings?

    Naybe equally worse?

    Then WHY r u so silence on jibby's malfeasances?

    Tak mau nampak/tau!

    Or not in yr contract kpi?

  2. Wakakakakakakaka

    In other words, TDM tried to be Jack of all trades based on his own perceived Ketuanan Melayu ideologies but actually was Master of None except Politiking par none.

    Don't you realise by now his own perceived "Midas touch" to be a Master of Universe turned into "Minus touch" was also because of his own blinded believe of his so call Financial Advisers surrounding him at that time. Some were truly half cocked and half baked financial advicers but his own lack of financial intelligence and acumen were just not there?

    Now, who were his so called fantastic, great financial advisers surrounding him during his reign of 22 years?

    Wasn't DSAI also partly a party to all these shenanigans or closed a blind eye in his own quest to power?

    Like one otak rosak politician said in Parliament "You are not branded a Thief/Robber unless one is caught" does makes a little bit of sense to all those otak rosak Malaysians in the overall Malaysian politics and culture system.

    However, it does not make any sense at all and become a big Joke to the public and the world when thieves/robbers who are really caught redhanded but then, tried to worm their way out with no dignity/maruah by a new political slogan of "Malu Apa".

    People with no sense of dignity/maruah left in them and hope of even becoming leaders of society, even when caught redhanded, are definitely not cultured, shameless, undignified trash of society.

    Only otak rosak/brain disabilities societies would cheer and praise such Hedonistic leaders of a Nation.

    If ever such Hedonistic leaders rule a Nation again, where do the other millions of cultured Malaysians Put their Faces/Mana letak Muka again?

    And since Malaysians all seem so religious in their beliefs and rethorics, doesn't it show also that they are equally hypocrites when it comes to such arrogant and blatant morally corrupted politicians?

  3. mukhriz is a liar, azmin oso a liar. but mahathir is needed to handle all the vip, not the economy.

  4. Kena tipu
    Habuk pun takde
