
Monday, July 08, 2019

What will Hishamuddin Hussein do next?

From MM Online:

Don’t rush to reject Dr M’s Malay unity offer, Hishammuddin tells Umno while Anwar demurs


Hishammuddin Hussein speaks to reporters at the Parliament lobby in Kuala Lumpur July 8, 2019

Picture by Hari Anggara

KUALA LUMPUR, July 8 — Umno’s top leaders should not dismissed any chance at political cooperation if it can unite their race, Datuk Seri Hishammuddin Hussein said today after Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad’s open call for all Malay parties to join Bersatu.

The former Umno vice-president urged his party colleagues to give serious consideration for their community’s benefit instead of letting pride get in the way.

“We must not be proud and arrogant because the people are watching us. Not only in Umno and PAS, but also those who had offered us cooperation.

“The invitation was made to the party so the party must make a stance... I was informed that Pakatan Harapan will be meeting later today, therefore I will wait and see what are the stance of PKR and DAP,” the Sembrong MP told reporters at the Parliament lobby here.

The ruling Pakatan Harapan coalition — consisting of Bersatu, PKR, DAP and Amanah — is scheduled to meet at 4pm today.

Last Friday, Prime Minister Dr Mahathir invited all Malay-based parties to join Bersatu, saying it would unite the Malays — the country’s largest racial demographic at nearly 70 per cent.

The Bersatu chairman said that he found more and more Malay parties were being formed, which reduces the chance for any one party to win by a significant margin in elections.

Well said Hisham, you're obviously covering your 6 o'clock, though not quite 'half-past six' as Maddy would have put it, wakakaka.

For and to a Malay, a call for Malay Unity must not be sneered at or you'd be seen as a traitor to your race - of course there could be a trap as to be expected of anything Maddy offers, wakakaka, thus it's best to play a waiting game with a temporary 'no comment' (yet).

KJ did likewise, but as I foresaw, he would rather die than join Maddy's Pribumi, because if he (KJ) did, and with Big Kahuna "waiting" for him for eff-ing darling boy Mukhriz, he might as well commit seppuku first, wakakaka again.

But Hisham may have a different 'take' from KJ. It's known he is close to fellow (former) UMNO-ite, blue eyed boy Azmin, who he 'coincidentally' met in Morocco at the end of last year. Azmin's son Ameer had proudly posted a photo of their two families in Morocco with a caption (words to the effect), "Our families reunited after so long".

Much could be made out of that meeting cum message; alternatively it could be attributed to happenstance, wakakaka. But generally in Malaysian politics, there is no such Kerbau as 'coincidence'.

As in the UMNO Da Vinci code of 'R-A-H-M-A-N', a fable indicating to who Malaysia's PM would be from 1957 to 2018, now there exists a new Pribumi fabled code of 'M-A-H-A-T-H-I-R'.

If we start off with 'M' for Mahathir, then 'A' for either Anwar or Azmin (wakakaka), guess who will be 'H'? No, it's not Hannah Yeoh nor Hadi Awang (who may be long gone by then, Inshallah) but someone with a double 'H'.

Alternatively, and that's the beauty of fables and suchlike Kerbau's, 'H' can also be Hasan (eg. Mohd Hasan of UMNO). Have I put a cat among pigeons? Wakakaka.


  1. with just one feeler statement about malay unity, maddy is probably sitting at his lounger with a couple of his strategists having a fun moment watching people tripping on their reactions, they don't call him an old fox for nothing, he sure knows how to solicit a useful response

    with jawa man's return as presidante he probably thought it'll be fun to thump his nose at umno's presidante, i think he is still the devide and rule tactician, he knows umno and pkr is a given, he'll be working on pas next

  2. What exactly is the problem? There is no UMNO.

    Only UMNO Baru, UMNO Anwar(PKR), UMNO Ulamak(PAS*), UMNO Lagi Baru (PPBM).

    Come home to daddy and watch the Cina piss in their pants.

    " The formation of the party was the culmination of a growing movement among Muslim clerics within the United Malays National Organisation (UMNO) to formalise a discrete Islamic political organisation. However, at first, the lines between UMNO and the new party were blurred. PAS allowed dual membership of the two parties, and many of its early senior leaders were also UMNO members."

    1. Wakakakaka…

      Proved conclusively u can't take the ketuanan agenda out fro the ketuanan freaks, zombified or not!
