
Monday, July 08, 2019

Mahathir's "MINUS TOUCH" & Expensive Schemes

From Malaysiakini:

Large Felda estates the way to grow: Dr M

The government plans to merge Felda settlers’ lands to become big estates that can generate lucrative income for them through more efficient and professional management, said Prime Minister Dr Mahathir Mohamad.
He said this type of management was practised by huge estates belonging to foreigners since the time of the British colonial administration, which enabled them to make profits even when commodity prices dropped, though the margins were small, apart from not having to depend on subsidies.
Kaytee notes:

Mahathir has the penchant for get-rich-quick schemes as we saw in his FOREX, Maminco-Mukawasa, BMF, Perwaja, MAS, Proton, etc etc etc, and I needn't go into his son's calamitous Konsortium Perkapalan Berhad which required RM1.7 Billion in 1997 (= RM2.71 Billion in 2019) to bail out.

On this, the issue of Mirzan's shipping line required 'bail-out', Mahathir was said to have a serious falling out with Anwar Ibrahim, because Anwar refused to allow Petronas to fork out the Mirzen-requested RM2.2 Billion (= RM3.51 Billion 2019). Their relationship went south since, and then some.
And we haven't yet come to the non-financial eff-ups he caused to the Judiciary, Senate, Civil Service and our society.
All ended up in disastrous failures.
Though consolidating small holdings in FELDA into bigger estates seem feasible and logical, I am afraid I've lost confidence in him because of his "MINUS TOUCH" (as opposed to the MIDAS TOUCH, wakakaka). Everything he touched, he eff-ed it disastrously, at public cost.
Yes, he has the aptitude for eff-ing up everything including and especially the get-rich-quick schemes - indeed, his notorious "MINUS TOUCH" will eff up FELDA.
His only success has been with himself and own personal interests.

King Midas touching & turning his daughter into gold 

On 05 July 2006, Norman Ferdandez wrote to Malaysiakini to ask Dr M, here are 17 more [questions]:

For a man who held in complete contempt anyone who dared to question his policies and decisions, it comes as a complete surprise that in retirement, Dr Mahathir Mohamad has suddenly taken the high moral ground and is now unrelenting in his pursuit for answers for decisions taken by the present government of Abdullah Ahmad Badawi.
Since Mahathir demands answers, it is only right and justified that the same ordinary public which he now claims to be part of also requires him to answers the following questions:
  1. What was the basis of inviting Libyan-American Sadeq Mustaffa to Malaysia to set up InventQjaya Sdn Bhd and to also give him a grant of RM440 million? What was the benefit for Malaysia and how has Malaysia benefitted?
  • What was the justification for privatising profitable state-owned enterprises like Telekom Malaysia, Tenaga Nasional and Pos Malaysia?
  • What was the basis of granting Indah Water Konsortium a concession to manage the national sewerage system? Could you explain the RM1.4 billion soft loan to IWK which is clearly has irrecoverable losses?
  • You insinuate Khairy Jamaluddin. Did you not assist your son Mirzan by rescuing Konsortium Perkapalan Berhad (then owned by Mirzan) and which had debts of RM1.7 billion using funds from Petronas? Was it not your administration which forced Malaysian International Shipping Company (MISC) to acquire the assets of Konsortium Perkapalan Nasional?
  • Did your government not sell Malaysian Airlines System without an open tender to Tajuddin Ramli who had no knowledge whatsoever about running an airline? Why did your government then later bail out Tajuddin by paying RM8 per share when the shares were trading at only RM3.60 in the open market.
  • Did your administration not bail out Time Dotcom Bhd which was saddled with a RM5 billion debt? Why did your government bail out Time DotCom Bhd using RM904 million from Kumpulan Wang Amanah Pencen to buy up 273.9 million unwanted Time Dotcom shares incurring an instant loss of RM280 million?
  • Did you not force the Employees Provident Fund (EPF) to buy 81.6 million unsubscribed public portion of the initial public offering (IPO) of Time Dotcom Bhd at RM3.30 per share when the shares were trading at only between RM1.95 and RM2.10 and in the process incurring an instant loss of RM100 million?
  • Did you not bail out the light rail transit operators Projek Usahasama Transit Ringan Automatik Sdn Bhd (Putra) which belonged to Renong and Sistem Transit Aliran Ringan Sdn Bhd (Star) using almost RM600 million from EPF which still resulted in EPF having to write off RM135 million with a share loss of RM96 million?
  • Did your administration not award North South Expressway concession to UEM (who then formed Plus ) and then provide them with a loan of RM1.6 billion which was half of the tender price of RM3.2 billion. What was the justification for your administration to grant Plus such overgenerous terms which included annual increment of toll rates and guaranteed traffic volumes?
  • What was the justification of your administration in 1998 in awarding a RM24.3 billion contract to PSC Industries Berhad, together with an advance of more than RM2.5 billion to build naval patrol boats? Why were they also given exclusive rights to service the Malaysian navy's entire fleet? Could you confirm that the first two ships built by PSCI could not even pass pre-delivery trials? How would you answer to the Public Accounts Committee's revelation that it will cost the government another RM120 million just to salvage the first two vessels nearing completion after seven years?
  • What was the basis of awarding Ekran Bhd the contract to build the Bakun Hydroelectric Dam in Sarawak? Why did your administration take over the construction of the dam by bailing out Ekran by almost RM200 million for 'work done'?
  • What was the justification for your administration in Maminco to corner the London tin market which instead resulted in Maminco losing RM150 million?
  • Was your administration not vitriolic about George Soros and other currency traders and hedge fund managers but yet presided over speculation in the foreign exchange markets which ultimately cost Bank Negara almost RM9.3 RM31.5 billion in losses?
  • What are the total losses of Perwaja Steel and how much of public funds have been used to cover these losses of Perwaja Steel?
  • What was the basis for your administration, at the expense of Malaysian taxpayers, to force Tenaga Nasional Berhad to accept such grossly unfair and unjustified terms in purchasing energy from independent power producers ?
  • What was the justification of privatising the government medical stores to Southern Task Sdn Bhd which thenhiked up the prices of medicines ?
  • Perhaps you could also reveal how much of Petronas monies have been used by your administration in bailouts and projects of folly.
  • Naturally there are many more questions the Malaysian public would want answers to but answering these questions first would be a good start.


    1. Felda was doing fine during Mahathir's earlier tenure.
      The reason Felda is under life support currently is because of your Idol Ah Jib Gor's Minus touch.

      Najib succeeded in turning a successful enterprise that the UN Development Agency had held up as a model for rural agricultural development into a basket case.

    2. Wakakakakaka…

      WHY didn't u include mamak's single-minded effort in creating the melayu middle class?

      Ditto with the HS highway which is now the integrated & necessary part of the m'sian economy?

      Oooop… minus touch mah!

    3. Upon completing his 22 yrs term he embarked on a cafe business. He could not make it. It flopped while thousand of young Chinese f and b entrepreneur thrive and some prosper albeit with many challenges. He blamed Najib gov.for his failure. He now runs Khazanah. God save Malaysia.

    4. I applaud Toonsie for the effort, he has to try something. But they tried this consolidation idea decades ago with paddy farmers and fishermen.

      "Consolidate your paddy fields and your small fishing boats. Invest in big harvesting machines and big trawlers. Become entrepreneurs, think big. The government will help you succeed etc etc"

      It didn't work.

      The reason why it won't work for Felda is not because the idea is bad. The reason it won't work is in the book titled "The Malay Dilemma".

      Handouts will continue as sure as the sun will set.

    5. Don't take my word for it, take the words of a settler's son:

      ‘Many Felda Settlers Lazy, Breed Like Cats’ – Chef Wan

      Jul 8, 2019

      (NST) – Celebrity chef Datuk Redzuawan Ismail or Chef Wan has just been named a Felda Icon by Prime Minister Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad in Rompin yesterday.

      Upon accepting the Felda Icon Award, Chef Wan took to Instagram to tick off “lazy” Felda settlers who refused to help themselves and waited for the Government’s help.

      He said: “As the price of palm oil is not certain, Felda settlers should work hard to cultivate cash crops to supplement their income. It will help us reduce our dependency on imported food.

      “Malaysia is blessed with good soil and there is a lot of idle land. The Government should privatise this land for cash crops.

      “I’ve travelled to Australia, Norway and Sweden for my TV shows and saw how the people cultivate cash crops and raise livestock, making full use of the land and contributing to the economy.

      “Back home, many of my fellow Felda settlers sell off fertiliser subsidies given to them by the Government, and when they receive dividends, they marry two or three times and ‘breed like cats’!

      “I saw all of this when I was growing up. Their bad attitude has been passed on to their grandchildren.

      “If we are lazy and unwilling to sacrifice, God will not help us and we will never be successful in life.”

      Chef Wan also said there were many “maggots” amongst the settlers who were not thankful to the Prime Minister for his sacrifices and contributions towards nation-building.

      He said that such people “made noise” whenever he spoke and “lived off free money” from the Government.

      “These ungrateful human beings are born to be rubbish and they will forever be rubbish.”

    6. Even corporate farming may not work, if it is given to managers who are dishonest (eg National Feedlot), have no oil palm experience or are just plain incompetent.

      Another idea is to let the existing well managed plantations like Sime Darby and IOI take over the Felda land, in stages, and in return the settlers get permanent housing (hey Sime Darby and IOI are already huge property developers so they can build at-cost, no profit needed) plus a guaranteed monthly income for the rest of their lives (most of the original settlers are in their 50s or 60s), with employment opportunities for their dependants if they want to stay.

      This is a long-shot win-win.

      1. Should take a serious lesson from the agricultural cooperative models of the current mainland Chinese.

        These collective enterprising agricultural ventures have uplifted many initially poor small blot cultivators' income & living standard. Such examples r aplenty!

        Felda's original model has passed its useful time. Providing free land for the smallholders to cultivate limited acreage of commercial crops, with multitudes of subsidized incentives thrown in, IS no longer a viable solution. Chiefly bcoz of the low efficiency of cultivated blot scales plus fluctuating commodity prices that r beyond these smallholders' control.

        Land ownership is important. But what's the use of it if that land is not been efficiently productive & managed. Or worst, be a vehicle of rentseeking!

        Of course, the most important factor IS the management team who runs the cooperative operations. Just remember - garbage in garbage out! Ethical management team is the KEY.

        Letting large company, usually controlled by a small group of people WON'T do the job as these people r been meme-ed to profit themselves rather than protecting the interests of the small shareholders &/or unknowledgeable partners.

    7. Felda was so cash rich a decade ago, but when Jibby / Isa Samad were kicked out last year they had a 14.4B debt and Guanee had to bail them out with a 6.3B cash injection. And Jibby has the audacity to ask Guanee why the national debt still increasing? And then there is Tabung Haji, KWAP, SRC....
