
Friday, July 12, 2019

Sing Execution Binge

Extracts from Malaysiakini:

Gov't urged to appeal to S'pore before 'execution binge'

Four Malaysians in Singapore's Changi Prison are expected to face the gallows after having their clemency petitions rejected by the city-state’s president, with a legal rights NGO calling the rejections an indication of an upcoming "execution binge". 
The four individuals, who were convicted for drug-related offences, have been identified as K Datchinamurthy, A Gobi, Abdul Helmi Ab Halim, and a man only known as Rahmat.
Kaytee notes:
Nothing can be more abominable than the phrase 'execution binge'. It bespeaks the horrendous mentality of the Singapore authorities in wanting to execute human beings.
By another term, state 'execution' is state 'murder'. But 'binge' means indulging in something in excess, which in this case is 'murder'.
I hormat N Surendran for doing his humanitarian humane best, even if it is only to appeal for clemency which in all likelihood (based on historical records) will end up in rejections by the Singapore authorities.
But the shame will be with Singapore and not N Surendran.
On another note, Surendran has also appealed to the Malaysian government to appeal to Singapore for clemency for the Malaysians now awaiting executions, but the two governments (especially with Mahathir as PM Malaysia) are peas in a pod when it comes to state executions.


  1. i supposed most msian n sprean r fine with the execution as long as the one executed is not our family member.

  2. "the two governments (especially with Mahathir as PM Malaysia) are peas in a pod when it comes to state executions."

    Stop the Bullshit.

    There is current a moratorium on Death Penalty executions in Malaysia, no one has been executed since June 2019.
    The laws to repeal Mandatory Death Sentence are in process, though PH has not taken to a Full repeal.

    I am a supporter of the Death Penalty where the extreme severity of the crime committed warrants it.

    Murder in conjunction with Armed Robbery, Serial Murders, Murder in conjunction with Rape, Mass Murders, Murder where the convicted criminal is totally unrepentant.

  3. Correction - No one has bee executed in Malaysia since June 2018.

  4. If the Sings are considered inhumane as what most Malaysians Sing haters like to call them on this issue, aren't Malaysian themselves hypocrites and equally inhumane by not doing away with the death penalty?

    Why pretending to be humane by drawing a line between what offences deserve death penalty and what does not?

    Isn't this similar to religious laws which prescribes the death penalties for certain crimes against the religion and some even on more frivolous excuses as by unilaterally issuing religious edicts by so called Mullahs or followers of groups like IS, Al Qaeda, JI etc?

    Such hypocrisies in trying to understand Empathy and Humanity.

  5. Over here in M’sia since GE14 there has been zero executions, zero death penalty convictions and the bill to repeal the mandatory death penalty for 11 crimes has been tabled in parliament.

    AG TT spared the lives of the Vietnamese and Indonesian ladies facing the death penalty for the assassination of the North Korean half brother of the dictator.

    What would it take for a “thumbs up” for the Harapan New Malaysia government?
