
Friday, July 12, 2019

Home Alone Brat

Extracts from FMT:

Critics of Mahathir have often said that he is grooming his son to assume the prime ministerial post.

But Mukhriz appeared to sidestep the question, suggesting that there are others who are eyeing the top post.

“I’m not really ambitious, I don’t set myself a course that I must become a prime minister one day as some other people do,” he told Nikkei. [...]

Mukhriz said there was no written agreement among PH leaders on the actual date for Anwar to take over.

There was no agreement that it has to be two years. There may have been suggestions like that, but nothing was stated on paper or in a verbal agreement,” he said.

He said at 94, his father was still capable.

“Although we acknowledge his age, he has not shown any signs of slowing down.”

Mukhriz has shown a lot of impertinence in above interview.

Firstly, he insulted we-know-who by saying the rude and unfair insult of "... must become a prime minister one day as some other people do ...".

What's wrong with that when "someone" has better ability than him?

Then he compounded his biadab-ish and totally unnecessary remarks by stating an old but worthless tripe of "... There was no agreement that it has to be two years ...", contrary to what almost everyone in Pakatan knows.

If Mukhriz must know it, in truth he by himself and without his father's protection, is a nobody who couldn't even best KJ by himself. As that moment of being all alone at home is approaching, he should know better than to irritate others.


  1. Lee Hsien Loong, Lim Guan Eng, semua anak bapak. Only fair if we allow anak mamak.

  2. Nothing wrong for Mukhriz to be also PM if he is qualified and approved by the majority of the MPs in the ruling coalition.

    Why are others so busybody supporting or not supporting it?

    Except for Royalties which depends on bloodline, isn't Malaysia's system of democracy in selecting leaders to be finally the PM can be anybody?

    Feudalism mentality behaviour may exists in political parties and if it also leads towards being the PM, who are to blame if not those members in that party and the voters who elected them in to be their representatives.

    Who actually is to blame if a real unqualified son or daughter of so and so is elected to be at the top of the leadership ladder in their parties, in the coalition of parties or in Parliament via democratic elections?

    Those who fail and can't make it or compete on merit, please lah spare everyone else from looking dumb by blaming it on the victim perceived lack of leadership qualities.

    Of cos, to those who are brought up with a feudal mind, twisted sense and logic of entitlement to rights and priviledges compared to others, racists, religious bigots and don't understand about Equality will forever not understand and blame everything except themselves from ascending up the throne or seeing someone else not to their liking to be successful in life.


    1. First prove yr worth, then claim yr reward!

      No point pointing to the fact that u r the son of so&so!

      Bloody feudalistic mindset. But then what can one expect from an otakrosak!

    2. if a stupid can be fm, nothings wrong another one be a pm.

    3. "Why are others so busybody supporting or not supporting it?"

      What kind of fucking idiot is this Nobraindumbus.

      That's what people do in a fucking democracy you fucking shit for brains idiot.

    4. For those morons, it's much better to elect a big mouth as a wall flower representative.

      At least the big mouth can sweet talk his/her way to their bottommost desire.

      Can do or not, that's another story!

  3. 93 % of Malaysian Chinese responsible for this sad state of affairs when they elected Mahathir et al instead of Najib. Reap what you sow.

    The consequences of electing DAP charlatans in GE14: Malays will elect an Islamic govt under PAS in GE15.

    1. is ok la, the robber is much much older than the thief, we can wait.
