
Saturday, July 13, 2019

PKR Young Loves

From Malaysiakini:

'Azmin loves Haziq' and 'Azmin for PM' banners in Putrajaya

Several banners have appeared in the administrative capital with contrasting messages. There were those mocking Economic Affairs Minister Azmin Ali in relation to a sex scandal, while others claimed he, and not PKR president Anwar Ibrahim, should be the next prime minister.
According to a civil servant, who declined to be named, the banners were put up on bridges and by the roadside at Presint 14, Putrajaya.
"The banners were there during Friday prayers this afternoon. They were not there when I drove past the area yesterday," the source told Malaysiakini.
The banners referring to the sex scandal read "Azmin Ali loves Haziq" - the "love" represented by two red hearts. Below them, were two broken hearts in black with the name "Hilman".
Haziq Abdullah Abdul Aziz is the former Santubong PKR Youth chief who claimed that he was the person in the video engaging in sexual acts with another man, whom he alleged was Azmin.
Whereas Hilman Idhman is Azmin's political secretary.
Work of outsiders?
Azmin, who is also PKR deputy president, has described the video as a nefarious plot to undermine his political career and is convinced that it is an inside job.
Since the video emerged, fingers have been pointed at Anwar and his aides in relation to the speculation that Prime Minister Dr Mahathir Mohamad preferred Azmin as opposed to the PKR president as his successor.
However, Anwar has repeatedly denied involvement in the sex video.
The other banners in support of Azmin read, "We support Azmin Ali as the 8th PM. Request Mahathir to reject Anwar."
Hilman, on the other hand, believes the banners prove that there is a “diabolical plot” to topple Azmin.
Responding to a question, he also said there is no need to lodge a police report.
“I believe the police themselves know this is part of a plot (against Azmin),” he told Malaysiakini.
Commenting on the banners, Anwar's private secretary R Suresh Kumar does not believe that PKR people are behind it.
"This looks like the work of outsiders. Both banners attacking Anwar and Azmin are of the same cloth. The writings are also the same," he added.


  1. Getting to be more & more like kosmo read!

    江郎才尽,thus playing garbage propaganda sensationism!

  2. I'll let Steven Gan of Malaysiakini of your "intellectual" (wakakaka) views

    1. Do pass along the views of shuzheng.

      That yank's supported anmokausai editor will be wailing endlessly.

    2. who's shuzheng? Oh that bloke I trashed some years back in Malaysiakini "letters column", together with Helen Ang. wakakaka

    3. Trashed!??

      Don't kid yrself no ends lah!

  3. Wakakkaakakakakakka

    Those putting up those banners of Gay lovers definitely are supporters of LGBTQs and supporting PRIDE Week as is happening around Europe and USA. Why so afraid to dress up in Rainbow colors and stand behind the banners?

    Is it possible for an LGBTQ to be PM of Malaysia, one day?


  4. Ah Mok is now one of the Gutter blogs.
