
Saturday, July 13, 2019

Mahathir controlled Media???

From TMI:

Chilling outlook in Syed Mokhtar’s media buy

by James Ooi

I refer to your news report about tycoon Syed Mokhtar Al-Bukhary taking a major stake in Media Prima Berhad.On the surface, this is just another ordinary corporate deal. But the truth is that Syed Mokhtar is no ordinary businessman.

The tycoon is a close associate of Prime Minister Dr Mahathir Mohamad. And a political elite controlling the largest Malaysian media conglomerate with print, broadcast and online presence, presents a chilling outlook based on our track record and lessons elsewhere.

The last thing New Malaysia needs is a major chunk of the country’s fourth estate to be directly under the control of someone who has to play ball with the powers-that-be.

This is more so since Syed Mokhtar, on top of being a long-time Mahathir loyalist, has extensive business interests ranging from rail to infrastructure, banks and automobile, just to name a few.

In fact, this is not the first time the publishers of New Straits Times (NST), Berita Harian (BH) and Harian Metro was owned by politically-connected conglomerates. It had previously been owned or controlled by Renong and Malaysian Resources Corporation Berhad (MRCB).

It was during these periods that the NST and BH started their decline, in terms of circulation, ad revenue, and worse of all, reputation.

Too eager to please their political bosses, the media moguls dispensed with fundamental journalistic principles for the sake of scoring brownie points.

The erosion of media freedom and integrity did not just happen during the first tenure of the Mahathir administration.

More recently, we saw how former prime minister Najib Razak wielded state apparatus to silence the press, especially when it came to reports regarding the shenanigans involving 1Malaysia Development Berhad (1MDB).

He suspended the licence of business publication, The Edge over the latter’s reports involving 1MDB.

Popular news portal, The Malaysian Insider was also blocked at one time, leading to its eventual closure.

The Malaysian Insider publisher Ho Kay Tat and its CEO Jahabar Sadiq were arrested for sedition. Another website that was blocked was Sarawak Report.

It is against this backdrop that we have to see the recent acquisition by Syed Mokhtar.

Are we going back to the old days of propaganda being camouflaged as “news”?

If there’s a gay sex scandal involving a minister, will the press be muzzled if the prime minister says so?

It is inconceivable that Syed Mokhtar’s acquisition did not get the approval of the prime minister, whether tacitly or overtly.

That being the case, the least Dr Mahathir can do now is to direct Syed Mokhtar to sell off the latter’s stake to those in the business of journalism, not those using journalism to further their business or political interests.


  1. What a diatribe coming from the dustbin!

    All over the world, the so called 4th estate has in one way or the other been controlled/sympathized to the political powers of both spectrum.

    But, to what ends? Except the favourite past time that some bolihland polititkus r so gung-ho-lly to indulged in!

    Thus, nothing to shout about, except to the nostalgic & bleeding-heartish old timers.

    Current studies have indicated that the printed Medias r slowly dying of readership. The ONLY conclusion is that their assumed influences r been over-claimed, amongst a set of sopo immatured herd who r been supposedly intellectually gainful to be able to filter the chaff from the wheat!

    Is it?

    If Syed Mokhtar has money to burn OR expect future gratitude from this 'investment', he has definitely losing his business touch of been able to read the new M'sia.

    Using his old way of abang-adikism to make money will see his business empire crumbling faster!

  2. What's the problem with any businessman/businesswoman buying any publishing media or companies? That's their business whether they want to make monies, engage in politiking or help to scratch politicians balls.

    The real problem is the outstanding reforms on abolishing the Printing and Presses Act and other such Acts/Laws which limit others from obtaining the Licences and curtailing Press Freedom.

    What's holding up PH Govt. from repealing such Acts/Laws which curtail Press Freedom and the Freedom of Speech?

  3. Please be fair.
    Since May 9, 2018, the Malaysian media has been free than it has been in since 1957 .

  4. Since May 9 2018, Sin Chew , whose owner is aligned to MCA, has emerged as a string critic of the PH government.

    In fact, Ah Mok loves to quote Sin Chew's attacks on the PH government.. And they have been free to criticise the PH Government.

    If Syed Bukhari wants to get himself a pro-PH newspaper, that is also his right, nothing chilling or sinister about that.
