
Saturday, July 13, 2019

MenHEN-ness reaches a senseless moronic cretinous level

From MM Online:

Is Tengku Razaleigh advising Najib or vice versa? Kit Siang asks Umno, BN


Tengku Razaleigh
Picture by Ahmad Zamzahuri

IPOH, July 12 ― DAP adviser Lim Kit Siang today said the appointment of Datuk Seri Najib Razak as chairman of the Barisan Nasional (BN) advisory board will create a dilemma for the Opposition coalition’s other leaders.

This is because Tan Sri Tengku Razaleigh Hamzah, who was appointed as the Umno Council of Advisors chairman last July, holds a similar role to Najib.

“Now that Najib has been appointed as the chairman of BN Advisory Board, who will be advising who?

“Will it be Tengku Razaleigh advising Najib, or Najib advising Razaleigh,” the Iskandar Puteri MP asked in a statement.

Wakakaka, MenHEN is truly showing his MenHEN-ness, indeed to a sickening degree of kaypoh-ness.

Why the eff would/should Lim Kit Siang worry about the BN advisory board creating a dilemma for the Opposition coalition’s other leaders? Is it his eff-ing business?

It's lil' wonder Najib sarcastically put in an UMNO application form for this kaypoh Old Man who has today become just Mahathir's attack dog against UMNO. How eff-ing appropriate!

Furthermore, Lim KS tok-kok when he stupidly asked “Will it be Tengku Razaleigh advising Najib, or Najib advising Razaleigh”, knowing full well BOTH, Ku Li and  Najib, are advisers on the BN board of advisers, meaning each advises the BN supreme council (or whatever the BN calls its supreme decision-making body?). 

Why the eff would Lim KS moronically posit Ku Li may be advising Najib or Najib advising Ku Li? Is that the job of an adviser of a political coalition, to advise another adviser in the same coalition? Maybe under his idiotic leadership, they do that in the DAP?

Lim KS has eff-all to do other than to create trouble, and shamefully trouble for an already fallen party like UMNO. Is he so afraid of an UMNO which lost the GE14 elections more than a year ago? Has he entrusted his buah guli's to the iron grip of his Atuk?

Boss, just a thought, are my balls kept safely

Yes don't worry, I put them in the Milo tin that your son no longer requires for his national debt crowdfunding

Of course we know he has been detailed by Atuk to precisely cause that trouble to Najib and UMNO, but that's because Atuk is so full of hatred, venom and malice. Why would Lim KS, an uncircumcised  Chinapek, descend to that worrisome level of toxic malevolence between a Mamak and a Bugis?

Don't his mafulat-ish meddlesome mischievous mannerisms give rise to concerns about his suitability to represent us?

Before we eff him kaukau, Lim KS should gracefully retire, even ahead of his Atuk, and leave the political space for more brilliant, worthy and less mischievous people like Liew Chin Tong, Ramkarpal Singh, Dr Aziz Bari, Sangeet Kaur, Teresa Kok and Yeo Bee Yin etc to represent Malaysians?


  1. So says BLOGHEL
    Blogger Hal Ehwal Lims.

  2. I have to say you are becoming more and more unreasonable and disappointing, where is it written that we are not allowed to comment about the exploits of losers who are to all intent and purpose trying to make a comeback, lks has earned his right as an mp to speak as he please, we can do without your snotty remarks, why won't you comment about what your idol said about lks being the cause of malay disunity, is there any truth in it? nay, I think you would agree it's hogwash

  3. LKS’s full time job now is to cucuk Jibby ha ha ha.

    We must ALWAYS be worried when Jibby is appointed advisor. He was appointed advisor to 1MDB and SRC. Looked what happened there, billions of ringgit of TAXPAYER’s money lost.

  4. A man facing 42 charges in court advising another facing 87. Truly amazing.

  5. Wakakaka

    Let LKS talk what he wants, lah. Why try to muzzle him?

    Isn't he also entitled to Freedom of Speech?

    It's sarcasm to Kuli n Ahjibkor.

    Taking it literally means you're brain dead or it really hurts a soft spot.


    1. brilliant dedicated hard working analysis - praise be to you for defending a moron

    2. Wakakakakakakaka

      Moron = Idiot

      I don't think there are many like me defending a DAP moron or whatever Kaytee wants to call LKS. It's not so bad really.

      I am just very very surprised by why there are still so many many UMNO/PAS/MCA/MIC/Gerakan/GPS morons defending their own Kleptocratic leaders?

      Don't they even do a little bit of analysis?


    3. Wakakakakaka…


      What's that?

      Kangkung? Lalang? Remember many of them r zombies le!

      For most of them, too much work, just ikut what the paymaster dictates - all is OK.

      KPI fulfilled, dedak in the bank.

  6. I think you "MenHEN" LKS better than what you said of LKS, trully the pot calling the kettle black, wakakakaka.............
