
Saturday, July 13, 2019

Mahathir's Affirmative Action - Signed Blank Cheque

Malaysiakini - Affirmative action a cheque with no stated amount, no deadline:

Extracts of an interview Commander (rtd) S Thayaparan had with PSM Mohd Nasir Hashim

Post-May 9, what has been the most troubling development in your opinion?

Election promises not fulfilled. Playing the racial and religious game for political mileage. Dragging or shuffling of feet. Contradictory statements from ministries.

The senior members, especially Mahathir, seem not interested to help during the teething administrative period. He is more interested in consolidating the power of his party by recruiting Umno MPs, or he is consolidating his position as the PM, or wants to have a strong say as to who should be the next PM

The shaky internal conflict within PKR casts a dark heavy shadow on (the prime minister-in-waiting) Anwar (Ibrahim)’s premiership. The gradual loss of confidence of the civil society in the Pakatan Harapan government is disconcerting, and they become more apologetic by reversing their original statement when under pressure.

What do you think of Harapan’s progress in reforming the system so far? Where have they made progress and where have they regressed?

It is disappointing, to say the least. It irks me to listen to those who say that since they did not expect to win, they came up with a fantastic election manifesto. In short, they hoodwinked the people who thirst for change.

They have two alternatives, either finetune the system or overhaul the system. If they decide to finetune, then there is a great chance of falling back into the old ways, creating havoc with neo-liberal policies or Mahathirism to cater to the whims of their nepotistic and cronyistic clientele.

If they wish to overhaul the system, they cannot do so because they don’t have the philosophical or ideological acumen to make such a move. So they procrastinate, lament and seek scapegoats. Therefore, the best way is to make cosmetic adjustments to the social, political and economic system and declare that they are different from the previous administration.

Most ministers and deputy ministers are my friends and are former activists, but they lost their way (marbles) when they took important positions, as if thoroughly indebted to the one who offered them such prominent jobs, to a point of being feudalistic and subservient to the master.

Boss, just a thought, are my balls kept safely

Yes don't worry, I put them in the Milo tin that your son no longer requires for his national debt crowdfunding

Their concern should be with the rakyat and if they wish to seek a balance, let it be in favour of the rakyat. Usually, the big corporate bodies and powerful individuals win because they are able to easily convince the leadership, thus the needs of the rakyat are conveniently sacrificed.

As for PSM, the struggle goes on. We were disappointed, but not enough to cause disarray. We continue to overcome our weaknesses and consolidate our strengths. Seeking alternative ways to reach people.

Do you think Mahathir has changed?

I don’t think so. Before the election, I commented that he was too arrogant to apologise. If he did so, it was due to political expediency. When asked why he apologised, his response was that it was a cultural thing to do. He did not specify what he was apologising for.

At his age, it is difficult to change his mindset. If he wants to do so, he has to overhaul his entire philosophy of life. 

He has gone back to his old ways by reintroducing his neo-liberal policy, whereby his cronies will be millionaires and billionaires. Yet my activist friends who are ministers and deputy ministers do not seem to care or are merely whimpering.

So Mahathir continues to rule, recruiting Umno MPs to increase the numbers in his party and subtly become a threat to the other component parties of Harapan. Some believe that he is creating a new Umno 2.0 in Harapan.

The multiracial component of his thinking is not there. The country and people will be better off if affirmative action was meant for all races, and periodically evaluated to detect and steer the rakyat left behind by providing ample skills to be self-sufficient.

But this affirmative action for a specific race continues with a change of label. Now it becomes a cheque with no stated amount and with no deadline.


  1. The new mamak. Same as the old mamak. Once an Ultra, always an Ultra. The Deep State approves. The idiots support.

    All is well. Hidup Ketuanan Melayu!

  2. My sympathies actually for this political party cum Civil Society group called PSM. They have the people at heart really and also knows the issues and diseases plaguing the country and society especially to those who are marginalised, downtrodden and left out of the mainstream development of society.

    However, PSM will have to wait at least another 10-20 years before it can be voted in as a political force if that is where they are heading for themselves and the party.

    It will take time before Malaysians can climbed out of their current political shells and wanton greed for themselves instead of towards a more civilised, equality, fair, cultured and a greater sense of humanity towards others.

    In developed and civilised societies like in Europe, such parties like PSM and environmental groups do win seats to be part of the mainstream political power because of their societies higher sense of awareness and emphathy for humanity.

    How long do you think it will take Malaysia where half are brainwashed as zombies/Ketuanan Melayus/Ketuanan Islam/otak rosak and the other half are busy fending off attacks all the time before they all can even start noticing a civil society political party like PSM?

    Some understood well the political discourse and decided to join the mainstream politics to effect some change from within without much success however and got drowned or muted.

    "Where art thou" PSM? It sure is a long long struggle and journey.

    However, what shall be, will be in the end. Take heart.

  3. It’s confirmed. Najib will reveal evidence that LKS was the one who suggested Toonsie form a Malay-only party, Bersatu.

    LKS is the one that calls the shots, not Toonsie, therefore confirming that Bersatu is the bitches bone.

    1. The otakrosak will be bitching no end le!


      But what can an otakrosak understands except what's on the platter for him to see.

      No mind for one who's no brain but a petrified lump of harden jelly.

    2. So you are confirming that whether DAP is in charge or not we still get Melayu quotas?

      I am going back to my old moniker: "UMNO dan DAP sekarang sama"!

      Now I know why "Ah Q" could only have come from the Cina!

    3. Look at it this way, the prolong of the melayu quota is one of way to exercise the same game plan as how the Neanderthal died out!

      But otakrosak like u CAN'T see the truth in it le.

      U r at least getting it right that "Ah Q" is how the Chinese intellectuals laugh at themselves.

      Then, what have u?

      Pak Pandir! & What have his tales taught u?

    4. Answer:

      1) Melayu always get his quota.

      2) Cina can make himself believe anything to boost his ego.

      Result: A match made in heaven for the Malay Deep State.

      And you are still a fuCKing idiot.

    5. Wakakakaka…

      Keep playing yr broken record theme as a otakrosak can sustain.

      In the end, let see WHO wins - present day Pak pandir completed with a petrified jelly.
