
Saturday, May 04, 2019

Government still led by an UMNO-ish PM

FMT - Nothing’s changed, says expert after DBKL appeals court decision favouring residents (extracts)

DBKL is now appealing a decision of the Court of Appeal which held that residents have a right to documents related to a development project

PETALING JAYA: A local government expert has slammed the Federal Territories ministry and City Hall (DBKL) over the latter’s decision to appeal a court’s decision that would grant Taman Tiara Titiwangsa residents access to important documents.

Derek Fernandez said prior to the May 9 polls, Pakatan Harapan MPs in Kuala Lumpur attacked the Barisan Nasional (BN) and the former FT minister after residents were denied access to critical reports and documents, such as the development impact proposal report and the traffic impact assessment report, among others.

He said this led to KL MPs and many KL residents to claim that they were denied a fair hearing when objecting to development projects.

Fernandez said subsequently, many KL MPs promised residents in the capital that if PH won, they would uphold principles that were “essential to competency, accountability and transparency”

“This is the mantra PH repeatedly chanted when in the opposition, with their war cry of ‘Reformasi’ and ‘Ubah’ in governance,” he said in a statement.

Derek Fernandez

But DBKL, Fernandez said, is now appealing a decision of the Court of Appeal which held that residents have a right to such documents which were denied to them during the BN administration because of abuses by the previous administration.

“This shows clearly to KL residents that nothing has really changed and it is business as usual as far as the Federal Territories ministry and DBKL is concerned.”

YB Encik Hopeless 

Same old same old, but then what do you expect when the Pakatan government is led by a former UMNO Prime Minister who today still leads a racist party to which no Chinese or Indian can be a member of.

It's the same UMNO-ish authority ruling the nation, with the most draconian UMNO-ish PM ever still in the top chair.

And worse, this man has been on the defensive, fearing he would be replaced by someone more ultra than him, with the royals after his 6 o'clock. Thus he's encouraged to be even more Malay than Malays.


  1. Why is an MP from Shah Alam the FT minister when there are so many capable FT ministers like Tiger Teresa, Honey Hannah or Limpeh Lim Lip Eng.

    When the Third vote is eventually re-introduced in Malaysia we must start in KL. Actually in KL today they don’t even have a second vote. And the Datuk Bandar must also be elected, not appointed.

    1. An anak of the sangat democratic Tiongkok talking about who should be elected in Tanah Melayu. Priceless.

    2. Not me talking....

      Zuraida to moot third vote model by 2021

      Published on 14 April 2019

      By Jerry Choong

      KUALA LUMPUR, April 14 — Housing and Local Government Minister Zuraida Kamaruddin said she would propose to the Cabinet by 2021 a model for local council elections.

      Zuraida said the proposal will recommend the best model, mechanism and implementation plan to hold local council elections.

      Zuraida said she envisioned a third vote that reflected Malaysia’s maturity, full democracy, and progressiveness.

    3. Using the logic that Tanah Melayu belongs to orang Melayu then the South China Sea belongs to China.

  2. This is purely a case of a blurred minister who is been hoodwinked by the lil' napoleans within the dbkl!


    Perhaps, this is how mamak wants to play out the game to effect local election by using an incompetent minister as a showcase to get rid of this supplemental gaji-buta FT ministry!

    Khalid samad has played his sacrificial lamb well! Or most likely mamak has chosen well!

  3. "most draconian UMNO-ish PM ever still in the top chair." Ah Mok

    The fact of the current situation in Malaysia since May 10 2018 is every Tom Dick and Ciku in Malaysia has been free to Hentam Mahathir without fear of retribution.

    Ah Mok has been totally out of touch compared to the Najib Administration where people were charged just for floating yellow balloons and also drawing cartoons and clown faces.

  4. Are those reports classified under the OSA Act? If not, then the Federal Court will follow the law process and should not be a problem to obtain those documents unless they never existed in the first place and someone is trying to cover their tracks after abusing such SOP.

    Why bring up the politics before the all the avenues thru law has gone thru till the end ie The Federal Court.

    If it is a life or death scenario, there is also a process to hasten the hearing . So, what's the problem?
