
Saturday, May 04, 2019

Chinese car companies' prayers in vain?

FMT - Mega projects can be good for business, says used-car group (extracts):

PUCHONG: An association of used car dealers is hoping that Putrajaya will continue with mega projects that stimulate the economy and thereby help its 3,000-odd members improve their sales performance.

Annual sales, which used to be in excess of 300,000 units, dropped by 5% in 2018 and may drop a further 5% when the figures for 2019 are collected, according to Khoo Kah Kin, secretary-general of the Federation of Motor and Credit Companies (FMC). [...]

Khoo also said he hoped the government would allow Approved Permit (AP) holders, who are Bumiputeras, to appoint non-Bumiputera dealers.

In the past, some AP holders were known to have sold vehicles to non-Bumiputera dealers, but the government has tightened controls to ensure that the Bumiputeras sell directly to the end buyers.

“We are okay with APs for Bumiputeras, but we feel the government should open up the market and authorise AP holders to appoint non-Bumiputeras to sell the cars,” Khoo said. “This would be similar to franchisers appointing their own dealers to sell new cars.

“It is a win-win. We buy from the AP holders so they are guaranteed to earn an income and they get to work with the dealers they want. It’s good for business and good for customers.”

Reading the above 4-highlighted paragraphs tell us of how Chinese businessmen have resigned themselves to the dominance of the NEP and accepted their inferior positions.

There is a Penang Hokkien term for such a feeling - it's called "K'ua P'nua", which means exactly what I have written in above paragraph, that is, 'resigned to one's fate' and 'accept even shit', as reflected in:

“We are okay with APs for Bumiputeras, but we feel the government should open up the market and authorise AP holders to appoint non-Bumiputeras to sell the cars,” Khoo said. “This would be similar to franchisers appointing their own dealers to sell new cars.

They know the APs are reserved for the privileged, so they are prepared to accept being 'authorised' as mere retailers for Big Towkays.

They don't complained about being 'bullied' or 'marginalised'. They just continue their cari-makan or 'carma', of course secretly praying Lim Guan Eng would help them (perhaps in vain, wakakaka).

EC workers taking down a PBS billboard which criticised DAP on insufficient parking bay at Sandakan hospital, at Batu 3, Jalan Utara in Sandakan

Star Online reports:

The billboard claimed Lim had threatened Sandakan voters that he could not address the issue of insufficient parking bays at the Sandakan Hospital should its candidate Vivian Wong lose in the May 11 polls.

It was a screenshot from Astro AEC’s Mandarin news, with a Mandarin headline which translates to “Insufficient parking lots in Sandakan hospital; Lim: If we win, then find me. If we lose, there’s nothing I can do”.

now I am Limpeh 


  1. dun overrate the chinese, they have no problem with privilege as long as they enjoy the same.

    1. Also no problem denying it to others when they are in power.

      Melayu should just ignore Cinatok's self-righteous rhetoric (that's all it is) and go full speed oppressing them. They do this wherever they are in power so they deserve to be on the receiving end where they are not.

  2. Why every issue must drag in Guanee's name?

    AP is under MITI (minister is Darell Leiking, but if you insist DAP must be blamed for this, Dr Ong Kian Ming is the deputy minister).

    And what has Sandakan by-election or parking at the hospital there got to do with APs?

    Please note: not all Limpehs are the same, even if he is from the same party - Lim Lip Eng wants AP abolished completely.

  3. Wakakaka. Never heard about AP problem for so many decades. Why bring up now?
    Because Proton is now 50% and maybe later 100% owned by China?

    Anyway, the loot is only moving from BN Bumis to PH Bumis for AP holders. I am sure the other PH partners who are not Bumis can kautim and share share in Muhibbah spirit unlike during BN time when all the loot goes to UMNO.

    APs are considered as part of gifts and loot of war, so no need dismantle.

    Otherwise, how to raise monies for next elections? Usually, using names of cronies or relatives or family members to show it as another scheme to help Bumis. It also helps Proton to sell cars which looks cheaper and make more profits for them compared to other makes.

    Malaysians whether Bumi or non-Bumi down the food chain must learn how to live with it since it's all part of the NEP and National Automative Policy
    to help the local car industry and the politicians and parties.


  4. Ah Mok also playing race politics kau kau.

  5. There is NOW a new twist to the story of AP for imported luxury new/used cars.

    AP holders used to enjoy durian runtuh in the old days when it was first launched. Many AP holders became rich, with some became multimillionaires, by just selling these papers.

    Far forward to present day, many AP holders r struggling now due to the competitions amongst themselves, bad general econ, RM10k levy per AP, change of buyers attitude & local official franchisees marketing plans.

    There are two types of APs issued by the Ministry Of International Trade and Industry - MITI:

    1) Franchise APs that are given out for free to franchise holders of car brands registered with MITI.

    2) Open APs that are sold to parallel importers at RM10,000 per piece to import cars of any brand to sell in Malaysian market.

    But, the prevalence of parallel-imported vehicles in this country, and the opaque manner in which Open APs are used to be given, not only concerns to the franchise holders, it is also contradiction with NAP - the National Automotive Policy. Which was drafted to enhance Malaysian Industry to the next level.

    The days when each AP paper can be sold for between RM20,000 and RM30,000 r gone.

    The recent casualty of type (1) been Naza Quest ends its Chevrolet distributorship.

    The dwindling numbers of type (2) operators for imported luxury used cars is a worrying sign amongst the members of the pekema.

    There are now a total of 164 open AP holders where previously there were 128.

    So, this means that each AP holder has say between 40 to maybe even 3,000 AP’s a year to import used cars from England and Japan; clean them, spend a little on new tires, battery and tinting and then make some profit as they have NOW investments in after-sales, warranty, training, branding and so on, which r the added conditions for getting new AP.

    Eventually, AP would be solely determined by market demands & players who have the financial muscles & know-how. It also means the number of open AP holders will be reduced naturally w/o the govt letting a hand!

    Brilliant moves to eliminate the car AP tongkat w/o the ketuanan freaks cry father-mother wanting to maintain this free handout practice!

  6. Every comment here is critical of your argument.We dont here you complaining when Najib was in charge ..Tell us why arr ? 😃
