
Monday, September 03, 2018

Whipping up the divisive rhetoric AGAIN (3)

Selected extract from Malaysiakini YOURSAY:

‘I will bet that 61 years down the road, we will still be talking about this problem.’

Headhunter: As long as past practices of one race given special treatment over others, the equality will never be attained. Those who benefitted will continue to expect handouts while the others will feel resentment that they have to work hard and share the benefit of their hard labour.

No one would resent if the hardcore poor are given help and indeed they should but the fact is that in the past, those who benefitted most are privileged Malays and not the poor ones.

And they get rich not by doing business but by given handouts like approved permits (APs) and government contracts which they then sold it to the non-Malays.

In the end, the non-Malays get blamed for monopolising government contracts and businesses. Things will not change for the better until every Malaysian is treated equally.


  1. Ever wondered why the Govt. insists on Race based affirmative policies instead of Needs based policies?

    Any sane person could see that adopting a needs based policy would deprive the rich Bumiputras from enjoying the gravy train and all the priviledges which comes with it all at the expense of other poor minorities who should also be helped.

    It is nothing more than called Greed and shameless behaviour.

  2. Let's talk about the other "whipping" in the news today.

    Two women attempting to have lesbian sex in Terengganu were caned by the Sharia court. One state exco member said the caning was meant to educate how caning is carried out under Islamc law. But the caning was only done in front of 100 witnesses. They should put it on YouTube (Gobind sure won't allow on RTM). Maybe it is I don't have the link.

    Also, can the Terengganu Islamic authorities catch one thief and educate the public how amputation is done?

  3. Wakakakaka……

    Time for cut&paste, from comments listed on OSTB, aka kt style!

    AnonymousMonday, September 03, 2018 11:49:00 AM

    Dear Tuan Syed,

    The irony - Alattas, an Arab and what looks like yet another DKA/I are talking about Malay issues. As a fellow DKA/I I take what other DKA/I's say about Malays with a pinch of salt. What do they know about the Malay struggle? But I digress.

    My two sen.

    Where does Malaysia want to go? Right now, per capita GDP (in purchasing power parity terms) wise, it looks like we are almost reaching second rate European countries - Greece, Portugal, Spain etc. Not the best but certainly somewhere.

    I argue that the thing that is holding Malaysia back right now is not what doomsayers have been saying: education lah, racial policies (people really mean the NEP) lah, and what have you.

    Granted, we don't have the best education system, we could use with more money, our laws and race relations could be better. But are we the envy of the world? If not the developed world then the rest of it? YES.

    Mainstream economists agree that for a country to be richer, there must be steady capital accumulation. Capital could mean land, tech/equipment and in the modern age, productivity. Notwithstanding what Singapore said our beloved old man had recently said about Malays, I think that productivity-wise Malaysia (including Malays) is OK.

    If your idea of Malay productivity is lazy scions just posting pictures of them lounging on their private jets and yachts - we sure have a problem. But is this representative of all Malays? Or are Malays - the young especially - out eking a living? The engineering graduate turned nasi lemak seller? The countless Grab drivers? The overseas grad turned call centre rep? OPEN YOUR EYES. These Malays far outnumber the lazy.



    ** A different prospective from a melayu liberal who challenge yrs divisive rhetoric **

  4. Cont 2of3

    AnonymousMonday, September 03, 2018 11:50:00 AM

    In fact I dare say Malays are some of the more talented (and therefore, productive) ones in the workforce. Case in point, check out the start-ups, especially tech. Many if not most of them will have a Malay technical lead. So yes, Malays - at least the young - are not dumb and lazy.

    So if some of the workforce is productive how come we're not getting the benefits?

    I argue that it is a breakdown in coordination.

    Since forever, the Malay society/polity is something like a control economy. Elites decide what should be made and the peasants just execute. There has been little impetus to change or improve productivity.

    I argue that even Merdeka and UMNO maintained the old order. Elites decide what should be made, and citizens (no longer peasants in name, but in fact they still are) execute.

    The wonderful thing about NEP is that it has allowed many Malays to enjoy the fruits of education. The Malays today are not as dumb as we like to think.

    The thing is, in the old order (which we still are in), productivity gains can only be instituted if there is direction from the top. That meant elites and capitalists bankrolling innovation. I have no doubt innovation from nons (aka Malaysian Chinese and Indian) are being sought after. NEP aside, the very large Malaysian private sector - which still is not friendly to Malay entrants and participants - has good reason to welcome innovation, especially when it comes from one of them.

    But more than half of the economy is bumi. And I worry that bumi innovation is being stifled.

    Why would an aristocrat help out a clever Melayu peasant if the peasant could one day be boss. The same could be said of the non-Malay private sector. If anything, all non-elite Malays are invisible to them, because what is their (the non-elite Malay) value with respect to other Malays? Zero.

    So instagramming, English-speaking, high-born (whether aristocratic or anak menteri) Melayu duds keep getting hired for bigger jobs and have their businesses funded while the public u dekan melayu will get technical assistant jobs and decide it's more profitable to sell nasi lemak. Husband can sell vape or do dropship. Are they graduates, can they crunch numbers? Yes.

    But because this is Malaysia, opportunities for them are not forthcoming and they indeed are the true pariahs. Such is their pitiful lot. THEY ARE NOT ANAK ORANG DAPAT CONTRACT.



  5. 3of3 cont…

    AnonymousMonday, September 03, 2018 11:51:00 AM

    Why am I rambling all this? You, dear Tuan Syed, have the ears of Malaysia's most powerful.

    I fear that a certain old man, who I used to admire for his grand visions for not just Malays but Malaysia, is becoming the very out-of-touch aristocratic elite he once went against.

    The normal behavior of (Malay) elites is to exclude peasant Malay from productive economic activity. That is why it was not the British, but Sultans who first brought Chinese in droves to open plantations and run mines. Little did they know the pendatangs would outdo them in wealth. And then the elites started rallying around race and religion.

    The Tunku exhibited this status quo behavior. Let the Chinamen run the economy, the Ceylonese manage the institutions while Malays carry on doing whatever they did and earn pittance. A certain old man did not like this hence he rebelled - we all know the story. The father of what many call a pirate was also not happy. He too, in his own way, rebelled and instituted the NEP, which duly does its magic.

    Sadly, I feel that by the early 90's, the old man lost the plot (of creating an economically productive Malay class) and just went back to the status quo of having a bunch of Malay elites dictating the economy. Only this time, the Malay elites weren't aristocrats.

    This had the - I'm not sure intended or otherwise - consequence of nons (Chinese and Ceylonese, and by this time, other Indians) reasserting their status as the managerial class because they were better placed what with their networks - and Malays reverting to modern day peasantry. The truly productive and intelligent Malays were again left out. Do I need examples for this? LOOK AROUND. LISTEN. TALK TO PEOPLE. If you're only talking to Bangsar Mericans and Damansara Tunkus you are not looking hard enough.

    I sincerely believe that Malaysia has all the right ingredients to be successful. We have a smart-ish population. While concentrated in cukongs or aristocrats, there is capital. Plus the environment i.e. laws, taxes, institutions, are decent enough.

    The problem is, a greater part of the population (the non-elite Malays basically) are disconnected from capital. They cannot exercise their talents or their productivity because the order discourages them. The nons, for all the talk about racist NEP/Malaysia WILL be sought for innovation and WILL be rewarded. Meanwhile, the ketua pengarah's nephew gets hired for a cushy gomen job, the young aristocrat buat mickey mouse degree get invited to sit on start up boards, and anak menteri/contractor can keep on running the, albeit smaller now, family business. The overwhelming Malay populace buat apa? JUAL NASI LEMAK BUAT DROP SHIP.

    God bless,
    Kamal, a fellow DKA/I

    ** A different prospective from a 'liberal' melayu to spike yr divisive rhetoric **

  6. A 41-year old man has sex with a 11-year old girl is OK. Attempted sex between two consenting adults NOT OK. Must be whipped.

    BTW what if one of the women was non-Muslim? Will she be whipped too? Or whip only the Muslim one?

  7. I am still fucking interested the fuck kaytee going to do about non malays kenna screwed. Talk cock sing song again....till lan pa song
