
Monday, September 03, 2018

Whipping up the divisive rhetoric AGAIN (2)

Selected extract from Malaysiakini YOURSAY:

‘I will bet that 61 years down the road, we will still be talking about this problem.’

Just a Malaysian: When I heard Mahathir using words like "they" for Chinese Malaysians and "kita" for Malays, I felt that once again I’m treated like a ‘pendatang’ (immigrant).

Is this the ‘New Malaysia’ we all celebrated recently?


  1. How about this from the horse mouth?

    Don't expect handouts, work hard, Dr Mahathir tells Bumiputeras

  2. If you really want to highlight divisive rhetoric, the really ugly ones occurred at the UMNO rally in Pasir Salak.

  3. Doing the same thing over and over again and experiencing failure for 50 years. Do we learn? No, we continue doing the same thing for another 50 years and expect success. I call this STUPIDITY.

  4. The Chinese Malaysians have only themselves to blame. Najib was very good to the Chinese (both mainland China and local diaspora). But 95% of local Chinese chose to vote anti-China, pro-American Pakatan....Surprise that Pakatan is bashing Chinese companies? Surprise that Air ASIA is blocked from expanding into China? Surprise that China tourists are boycotting Malaysia? Surprise that China FDI is disappearing? Surprise that Chinese Singapore is being bashed? Don't be. You voted them. Now accept the consequences (1) increasing demonisation of China (use as a cover for bashing of local Chinese) (2) rise of Malay right wing forces/party in Malaysia when Najib managed to keep a lid on it for years, only playing lip service (3) changing electoral laws to restrict Chinese participation in future elections a la Iran style (4) American naval/air base in Sarawak (5) increasing anti-Chinese autocracy under American patronage with deterioration in human rights as in American-backed 40 year old FamiLee Singapore. I voted Najib but my brethrens betrayed the Chinese Malaysians. Now the Chinese Malaysians will never be accepted in Malaysia anymore with the rise of Pakatan....

    1. Wakakakaka.

      Your idol Keris Najib bathe in Chinese blood rhetoric seems to have been forgotten when it comes to working with Chinaman to steal billions from the country.

      Try harder. Kipidap. Dongibap.

    2. Where is the proof that Najib stole billions? That was just standard CIA smearing. Been happening since 1998. But no traction until the CIA started to create and own Facebook, Twitter and Whatsapp. Then the idiotic Malaysian e-generation youth started to believe all these smears.

      United Arab Emirates and Saudi Arabia will not betray Najib because there was never any RM 2.6 billion stolen: the CIA invented it for regime change.....

    3. You should direct your sacarsm at cheebye motherfucker kaytee. I am still waiting for my char siew. No fun screwing kiet. Aim higher

    4. Wakakakaka…

      Why pay attention to a pseudo cinapek who has no Chinese root except spurious diatribe comes out of dedak!

    5. aiyah, I am tired of telling you I did NOT fCk your mum

  5. would it make me racist if in conversation with my fellow Chinamen were to use the word "Kakilang" or "Kakinang"?

    It happens all the time among Malays espeicially BN goons when using "Kami" and "Kita" in their speeches to differentiate their special superiority status over others. It's because of a subtle form of apartheid system being practised by Ketuanan Melayus based on their special rights enshrined in the Constitution.

    Words like Negros, blacks, yellow or coloured are derogatory words now but not whites. That definition arises because of past apartheid system where Whites were considered superior to all others.

    In Malaysia, when Malays called others Cina, Mata Sepet or India, Keling, Pariah it can mean as derogatory when used in hate speeches but not so when used in normal conversation.

    That's because Malaysia practises a milder hidden form of an apartheid system among the Ketuanan Melayus and encouraged by a BN Govt regime previously.

    From aparthied based on Racism, it has also spread to Religion where others not of the same faith are branded as Disbelievers, Kuffar, Dhimmis, Idol worshippers, satanic believers, Hell bound etc.

    Religious bigots have now also created another apartheid system based on religion in Malaysia in order to accentuate another concept of "Ketuanan Islam" based on the rights enshrined in the Constitution.

    When politicians and Govt. preaches distrust and hates towards others who are not of the same faith or religion as was done for the past decades and believes like Hitler in the superiority of a single race "The Aryans", the toxicity of such moral behaviour seeps into the general populace. In Malaysia, it's a double whammy because you also have to contend with the superiority of religion.

    It sure needs statesman like Tunku Abdul Rahman stature to put back things in the right perpective.

  6. Lim Guan Eng cleared of corruption charge.

    Kautim ?

    1. Is there anyone else who has a case to be kautim-ed? Perhaps RR & AI? DSNR.. oops!

    2. Like that orang asli kelantan kowtim by dictatorial zionist pas

  7. Non-Muslims had voted to be 2nd class citizens in New Malaysia, so what's the surprise there?
