
Sunday, September 23, 2018

Return of the Aerodynamicists 2018

In Malaysiakini we read about MIC offers to teach PKR how to conduct party polls where:

MIC has bags bags of experience at holding party polls so much so we can make chairs and tables fly through the air
see my 2015 post Return of the Aerodynamicists

MIC deputy president SK Devamany today offered to teach PKR how to conduct a smooth party election.

According to Devamany, this is because MIC has more experience conducting its internal polls.

"Although PKR is not a part of BN, I am saddened by what happened during its party election.

"I am ready to share our experience with PKR so the party can conduct its elections in a smoother way in the future," he told Malaysiakini.

Devamany was responding to reports that PKR was forced to suspend and postpone nine out of 15 division elections in Kedah earlier today following technical errors in its e-voting system.

Election committee secretary Ismail Yusoff told Malaysiakini that problems with the e-voting system had triggered "tensions" among members who came to cast their votes this morning

In my 2015 post Return of the Aerodynamicists (wakakaka again) I had then wrote of:

... another party [ie. to MIC] wakakaka, which not only have blackouts in its polling station during party election (eat your heart out EC, wakakaka), total votes counted at a station exceeding the number of party members who voted there, wakakaka (eat your heart out, Raja Bomoh), but also flying chairs and tables during the counting process (eat your hearts out, Orville and Wilbur Wright, wakakaka).

I was then referring to PKR.

Let's see what happened today

From FMT:

In Penang, a heated argument quickly turned into punches and chair-throwing at a press conference last night to update members on the polls

A group of PKR members were upset when the party officials announced that the election results in Penang would stand despite complaints on alleged irregularities in its e-voting system

Thanks to MIC Devamany for lesson to PKR on conducting polls, wakakaka


  1. I did not bother to vote in the Penang exercise, knowing the potential weakness of the system. Whether inadvertent software glitch or deliberate interference, the system was flawed.

    However, the chair throwers were deliberate agent provocateurs. They came intending to create trouble .

  2. Indians do have the technology. In 2014 India conducted its GE for 543 parliament seats spread over 5 weeks and involving 814.5 million eligible voters, yes 814.5 million, making it the largest ever election in the world. PKR has how many voters?

  3. The RIGHt question to ask is why such emotive responses for a political party divisional post?

    1) the stack is too high for the contestants

    2) all else failed, thus thugs r deployed

    The warlords of umno r resurfacing in pkr. Beach head advantages r the rule of the day. If one can't win the division then all (future) riches r gone. Thus, must try ALL tactics. It's the same with the old mic.

    1. And cheebye motherfucker kaytee as well......cucuk here cucuk there.....must be having lotsa prawns behind stone

    2. dei I did NOT fCk your mum so stop calling me your motherfucker
