
Wednesday, September 19, 2018

Mahathir-Hishamuddin on Future of the Malay race

Malaysiakini - Hisham confirms meeting Dr M to discuss future of race, nation:

Umno vice-president Hishammuddin Hussein has confirmed that he met with Prime Minister Dr Mahathir in Putrajaya yesterday.

According to a NST report, the former defence minister's special officer said the meeting was to hear Mahathir's plans on the “future of the (Malay) race and Malaysia... that's all.”

News of the meeting had fueled speculation on whether Hishammuddin would join former ministers Mustapa Mohamed and Anifah Aman in quitting Umno.

In a Facebook posting earlier, Mahathir's media advisor A Kadir Jasin posted: "Assalamualaikum Datuk Seri Hishammuddin. Nak tanya, semalam pergi Putrajaya jumpa siapa?" (Datuk Seri Hishammuddin. I'd like to ask, who did you meet in Putrajaya yesterday?)

Meanwhile, NST said Hishammuddin said there is no reason for him to leave Umno, which was founded by his grandfather Onn Jaafar while his father Hussein Onn was its fourth president.

"To me, I don't have a reason to leave Umno, but I feel the leadership needs to show a clear direction to all Umno members," he added.

Commenting on Mustapa's exit, Hishammuddin said he would be meeting the latter soon.

"I have high respect for Dato Pa... Will be meeting in the nearest time," he added.

Earlier, Umno president Ahmad Zahid Hamid chided those who were turning their backs on Umno during this critical juncture.


  1. Whatever the future of the Malays it is not with UMNO.

    As I said, when UMNO elected Zahid as their President (Mr Same Same and No Idea), he will lead the party to a slow death, death via a thousand cuts.

    But not to worry, the 1MDB case against Najib may accelerate the dying process. It will show UMNO received millions in undeclared dirty money, money not reported in annual reports to the ROS, because the money was sent directly from Najib's personal bank account to the recipients, not from the party's account, so the court and ROS have no choice but to declare UMNO an illegal party.

    Also UMNO did not hold party elections within the stipulated time according to their party constitution, but that's another infringement to be followed up by Hanif the lawyer who represents 16 dissenting party members who were expelled just before GE14.

  2. Wakakakakakkakaka

    Kaytee got it all wrong on the meeting.

    It's more like Ceasar summon Hishammuddin to answer some probable questions like:

    1. Did Saudi Arabia paid the Malaysian Armed Forces to assist in the Saudi vs Yemen war and how much? Were these meant to be paid to the soldiers?


    2, Mat Sabu (current Defense Minister) needs to know which military contracts you are involved in because quite a number of Govt. procurement personnel and businessmen are all using your name as an excuse not be hauled up for corruption.


    3. Why are the Military Intelligence Unit being paid from the previous PM personal account and for what work?


    4. Want to go to jail or jump ship?


  3. Race criteria are stared many times in the Malaysian constitution, especially "Malay", so it is inevitable that it is an issue and discussion point.

    Mahathir has not indulged in race baiting and race-supremacist political maneuvering since he linked up with Pakatan. I will leave it at that.

    All I see are many years old photos being dredged up. And there you were earlier telling Pakatan Ministers not to harp on Najib Administration misdeeds just a few years or even a few months old.

  4. Sad indeed!

    …on the “future of the (Malay) race and Malaysia…"

    As if w/o umno in political pinnacle the melayu will die standing!

    M'sia will be in chaos!

    Typically the cold turkey syndrome of the tongkat entitlement addiction from the ketuanan freaks.

    Ooop… he went to see mamak bcoz mamak founded the current umno (baru), which is hanging on to that chronic MCA sickness of HIDUP SEGAN MATI TAK MAU.

    Onn Jaafar's umno had never gone off from the ground. Instead it was transformed, through various manipulating & self-enriching elites into a monster that finally been killed off by mamak.

    In his regret, mamak tried reviving the old umno but ending up create another money-eyed & bigoted breed of umno baru. The final demise of umno WILL be completed by mamak before his passing.

  5. How does he get away with it?

    The original Ketuanan Freak writes a book like Malay Dilemma and starts a party with Pribumi in its name but never gets called a Ketuanan Freak by the Ketuanan Freak Callers (especially one commenter here - warning to the beruk that cili pedas soon will be kena makan).

    My guess is the Ketuanan Freak Callers are the victims of an Abusive Relationship and get fucked in the backside a lot.

  6. The difference between TDM and Badawi is Badawi did not do anything about solving the corruption he inherited. His mistake. Too late. Stiff Shit.

    1. Bullshit - AAB tried to start the IPCMC but was undermined by the mutinous IGP, PAS and even UMNO

    2. So ? Given the massive , biggest election landslide in Malaysian history that PM 5 received, which amounted to a resounding mandate, PM 5 should have been more forthcoming with his reforms ,or was it pretend reforms ? ..

      In actual substantive terms, AAB basically did nothing.
      I have still not forgiven him for betraying the massive mandate he was given. He actually inherited a healthy economy, unlik PM7, so he had no excuses.

      As they say, personnel is policy....

      PM 7 has so far removed and replaced either in a high-profile or low-key manner, the Attorney-General, MACC Commissioner, Treasury Secretary General, Chief Secretary to the Government, Chief Justice of the Federal Court, Felda Chairman, Tabung Haji Chairman, and a quite a number more of senior officials where it is unclear whether they left voluntarily or were essentially fired.

      I was told the IGP and Kastam DG have been given no uncertain terms - they either give full support to Reforms and Rule of Law or they will be gone very quickly.

      There is real reform being carried out in Malaysia since May 9, but of course, it cannot be all done in 100 days.

      Some reforms need amendments to laws, and even amendments to the Constitution.

    3. You mean PM Badawi was subservient to the IGP (whom he has power to appoint and fire), PAS (an opposition party) and UMNO (of which he was President)?

      Like it or not TDM is now showing how it is done.

    4. go through my blog and read what happened

    5. No need for grandmother stories and excuses.
      With AAB it really was really Janji Chapati.

    6. with AAB, apart from the admittedly aborted IPCMC, he compensated Saleh Abas, freed Anwar to Mahathir's fury

    7. MACC was Badawi's creation, allegedly modelled on Hong Kong's ICAC. But he failed to give it real independence.
      In Najib's hand , MACC became a murderous tool.

      Salleh Abas was a stand alone case, and Badawi failed to put in place the institutional reform needed - the independent commission for appointing Judges.

  7. "Never in the field of human conflict was so much owed by so many to so few" ~ Sir Winston Churchill

    PPBM or BERSATU is a new/small Malay political party. Simply put, whatsoever the political inclination is in this country today, the Malays are indeed still in power and very much in control of the government, and JAKIM is still being defended by TDM. The Malay race will still be ever relevant, insyaAllah. Aamiin Ya Robbal 'Aalamiin.

    1. malay only dare to change when they realise chinese is no more a threat, demographic speaking. umno n pas approach to make chinese n christian a bogeyman may not work anymore.

  8. The party founded by his grandfather dah mampus. Now is umno baru.
