
Wednesday, September 19, 2018

Ambiga missed out some

M2Day - Ambiga’s Selective Criticism Of Nepotism In Pakatan Harapan by Noriha Ismail.

Ambiga dear, you accuse Anwar and his family of nepotism but you have chosen to be blind to the glaring examples of nepotism that exists in Pakatan Harapan, which is shocking for a hot shot lawyer and former leader of Bersih like you.

First, let us look at DAP, also nicknamed even before the formation of Pakatan Harapan, as ‘Daddy Anak Party’. The son, Lim Guan Eng is General Secretary of the party.The father Lim Kit Sang who should rightly be called the “Constituency hopping MP” (has hopped 9 constituency so far) is Advisor to the party but that does not imply he has no power. He, together with this son have a stranglehold over the party. No party member has thwarted them and survived in DAP politics.

Now, the moniker ‘Daddy Anak Party’ will have to be changed to ‘Daddy Anak Lelaki dan Anak Perempuan Party’s since the nomination of Lim Kit Siang’s daughter Lim Hui Ying as Senator. With some bravado she has attempted to defend her appointment citing her many years of experience and service in DAP Penang. So have many others in DAP! Her defence is rather weak as she has never proved her worth via the ballot box. [...]

Second, a look at the Prime Minister. That Mahathir Mohamad’s family members have also been appointed to positions of power within the Government fills Malaysians with misgivings. He appointed his son, Mukhriz Mahathir as Menteri Besar of Kedah, a position he was sacked from by the previous Government. The Prime Minister’s desire to make his son the future Prime Minister of Malaysia is certainly still burning in his heart and is well known. The only problem is the Prime Minister’s mortality, a factor he is very well aware of and has himself commented upon many times.

Recently, the Prime Minister has also appointed his grand nephew Datuk Mohamad Nuhairi Rahmat as his Political Secretary. A very powerful position indeed!

Mahathir’s son, Mokhzani has received lucrative contracts from the Government and Tenaga Nasional Berhad, which seems ominous considering we are barely past three months into the Pakatan Harapan Government.

Though the offer of contracts to Mokhzani has been defended stoutly as being obtained by open bidding, fairly and squarely. Most Malaysians are not convinced.

Of course the author didn't omit the Singh family but I guess we could skip that as by now you get the gist of her thrust.

I have to say I agree with her take and do wonder why Ambiga picked out the Anwar's but missed the other powerful families.


  1. Er....let me guess.....she picked out Anwar’s family because of the current PD by-election?

    I agree with her take and do wonder why Ambiga picked out the Anwar's but missed the other powerful families.

  2. Wakakakakaka……

    It's the Asian thing.

    肥水不流外人田 - good thing never share with outsider

    This inferential statistic is everywhere in Asia, indicating the current intrinsic stage of humanity development within the PD.

    The logic can be family influence, greed & one-man-up-ship. Never last for the 3rd generation when the spoiled brats think of the world themselves w/o real ability!

    1. i think the subtle diff is malay rarely brought in their son/daughter into politics when they r in power, unlike the chinese.

    2. former too busy enjoying their mwealth

    3. What a 小民的智慧 conjecture!

      The 阿斗 syndrome cuts in early in the melayu elites mah!

  3. Will the Majlis Raja-raja Melayu accept a Cina Royal Family from Ketokongan Pulau Pinang?

    1. Do you know the history of Sultan Azlan and Nazrin Perak before you talk shit.....just like the cheebye motherfucker kaytee?

    2. say again (to the power of 'n') that I did NOT fCk your mum so stop claiming to be my long lost son and keep on calling me your motherfucker

      I know you real father was an acolyte of the late Raja Azlan Shah (once you boasted to me after your traumatic session between Pauline's thighs)

  4. Politicians like anyone else are only humans. "Blood is always thicker than water." espeicially among Asian families whether in politics, economic or giving out preferences in other fields.

    The only critirea which critics should ask is "Are they qualified in that field and as capable compared to others?"

    Otherwise, it is just blatant Nepotism.

    Racism is another form like Nepotism but practiced by a bigger group of the same race or tribe but instead of family ties as the underlying factor, the reasons are justified by disparaging others, inequality, affirmative humbug, historical stories and manipulative statistics.

    Meritocracy becomes a bad word when Nepotism and Racism are being practised.

    When Meritocracy is used as the yardstick, there would not be a lifetime feeling of shame or inferiority or guilt among the recipients of Nepotism or Racism, and critics will then acknowledge them for their selfworthy.

    1. How to justify meritocracy when the playing field is NOT level - so claim the ketuanan freaks & the blurs¿

      They forget that inherent deep into meritocracy IS the drive to achieve something for oneself regardless of the external factors, be they sopo, racial & economical.

      Meritocracy is transparent to the stage of playing field BUT dfeeds on personal conviction & persistent drive to score!

      Bootstrapping can ONLY be a temporary helping tool. But once it becomes permanent, it is a addictive poison as seen in the end results of nep! Instead of sopo uplifting, it becomes the took for the opportunistic elites to exploit & manipulate.

      The blur-sotongs & the ketuanan freaks have it ALL wrong!

  5. "When Meritocracy is used as the yardstick, there would not be a lifetime feeling of shame or inferiority or guilt among the recipients of Nepotism or Racism, and critics will then acknowledge them for their selfworthy."

    People who write sentences like the one quoted are too stupid and ignorant to know how stupid and ignorant they are.

    1. Opposite of Meritocracy is Entitlement either based or justified on grounds of power, status, family ties, Handicaps, Race, Religion, Ketuanan Concepts, Networking, education, strong Cables, poverty, non-level playing field, different upbringing, intelligence, competition, corrupt, greedy, social restructuring, etc.

      There is also need for Meritocracy in arguments and debates based on what the topic is about and not based on self entitlements by name calling and belittling others when their own intelligence quota is found lacking or inability to justify why they say so of others opinions.

    2. Wakakakakaka……

      "People who write sentences like the one quoted are too stupid and ignorant to know how stupid and ignorant they are."

      Bravo, a prime example in YOU!

  6. Shouldn't let the Karpals off the hook.

    Gobind, Jagdeep, Ramkarpal.......

    Sangeet would have been fielded as an MP or ADUN candidate in GE14 as well, but alas, she shot herself in the foot by supporting #OtakRosak#.

    After that, the DAP leadership put her in the fridge, and she hasn't been heard since.

  7. PH are a Party of Hypocrites. Nothing more nothing less.
