
Sunday, August 05, 2018

Speculation 1 of 2018

Anwar Ibrahim will be elected PKR party president in October.

Rafizi Ramli will be elected PKR party deputy president in October.

Azmin Ali will be elected party deputy president of Pribumi soon.

Nur Sajat will be invited to be PKR VP and appointed senator, then the new Women's Minister (and fCk JAKIM).


but what about me? 


  1. Speculation 1 of 2018.
    After relentless daily multiple bugle horn blows in support of Bijan, without any results , Lil' Boy Blue Ktemoc commits HaraKiri by jumping off the Sydney Harbour Bridge.

  2. Replies
    1. Speculation.....kaytee is the forgotten baatard child of najib. Order from tun razak

  3. Nostradamus speculation 1/2018.

    1. All the top leaders of UMNO were found guilty of corruption and a pletora of by-elections ensued which lead to the demise of UMNO.

    2. All the component parties of BN leave the party and formed separate coalitions like Sarawak GPS to continue their short lived existance.

    3. All the PAS Syura and leaders lost their posts in the PAS EGM/AGM and Amanah leaders and supporters are invited back to head a reformed coalition of Amanah/PAS.

    Wakakakakaka Don't sweat too much, brother. It's just Nostradamus predictions. Get someone like Dr. Zakir to do a comparative predictions study and say it's the one and only truth.

  4. very subtle old chap, very subtle

    anwar as pkr presidante already a done deal, nur a bit dicey for the presidante to meat

    mat sabu will star in the remake of rambo the sequal

    trx will be rename the bamboo River exchange

    ib Ali will be available as a French delicacy

    potong tiga will start operation in the scrapyard

    the scorpene will resurface in Mongolia with nuclear warheads

    lks will be bestowed a tunship after he swear he did not piss on the flagpole

  5. Tian Chua graciously gives Batu seat to new PKR President Anwar after Praba resigns as MP to finish his studies. NB: Batu very near Anwar's house, so can be considered "local".

    1. What happens to Anwar's original plan to do some travelling and give speeches/lectures worldwide and allow Dr M to rule 'in peace' for at least 2 years ?
