
Sunday, August 05, 2018

Is Wan Azizah cruel?

MM Online - Perak MB says ‘cruel to marry children’ 16 and younger (extracts):

IPOH, Aug 4 ― Perak Mentri Besar Ahmad Faizal Azumu said he is personally opposed to child marriages, saying it is “cruel” for those 16 and below to be wed when they have far more options in the world today.

The 48-year-old said things have changed from the past when underaged marriages were common, and added that parents have a duty to prepare their children to be independent and equip them with life skills to set up their own households before marriage.

Menteri Wanita, 'dah mendengarnya kah?

If you refuse to act a.s.a.p you are being cruel to the lil' 11 year old sweetie who could be your own granddaughter.

As Women Minister, your job is not just about waving your fan or nominating your husband to be PKR President.


  1. We are interested to know the job description of motherfucker cheebye kaytee

    1) kaytee sucks najib dick or kiss najib arsehole

    1. told you before I did not fCk your mum so stop calling me your motherfucker

      I am not a Pauline's slave as you are, using your wriggly tongue in order to avoid deportation for your horrendous porn and stay in Oz, wakakaka

  2. Does this Perak Mentri Besar HAS the teloq to 'inform' the supposedly highly educated Perak sultan to propose a radical fatwa - to totally BAN Muslim child marriage - to the council of rulers?

    Otherwise, he is a coward to blame kak wan, to fish for his political supports!

    Likewise teloqless (squeezed off by pauline?), kt for his relentless potshots at kak wan, knowing VERY WELL that the only effective tool to resolve this zombieic ritual is going through the heads of the Islamic faith in bolihland!

    The same for ALL u f*cking ummat for sitting tight & waiting others to do yr dirty work!

    1. Aiya....i got something to say about that perak mb but i dont wanna fall into cheebye motherfucker kaytee trick.

      Time for this cheebye kaytee to die in shame instead

    2. I did NOT fCk your mum so stop calling me your motherfucker

  3. Your Bijan was cruel for refusing to act on child marriages for 10 years....

    1. So what? So long kaytee cheebye motherfucker feel 爽

      What ever najib does is always correct according to kaytee

    2. I did NOT fCk your mum so stop calling me your motherfucker

  4. Dr Zakir Naik says a Moslem man can marry a child once she starts menstruating even at the age of 9 or 11 or 14 or below any country's made statutory laws of 16, 18 etc.

    How can she be quick to react or even come out and seen to be against her own religious laws to condemn the Paedophile after seeing the PM having tea with this so called world renown Moslem evangelist and is highly praised and worshiped by Moslems of all parties in Malaysia.

    Who is to blame really for a Paedophile continuing his ravaging beastly appetite upon a child assuming she has her periods already and is allowed by her religion to be married off?

    Not only the DPM but every Moslem leader, Islamic NGOs, Islamic institutions and Islamic parties will be dumbstruck so as not be be going against their religious belief in Malaysia.

    Even non Islamic political parties will lie low and not get involved since the Ketuanan Melayus parties will jump at the first opportunity to politicise it as interference in religious belief.

    It's now left to Civil NGOs and the Royalty to save the child from the hands of this Paedophile.

    Humanity is already lost in Malaysia and we are all living still in the Dark Ages among uncivilised human beings.

    1. Lagi best is ZN has been bestowed PR-ship special grant to promote religious ketuanan by none other than MO1 ....... so all yet kafir just feck off wakakakaka

    2. and he was invited for a jolly afternoon tea by Mahathir himself

    3. Was he turned up uninvited or invited?

      Slobby… a very slobby fake news manufacturer!
