
Wednesday, August 15, 2018

Pakatan's pompous pathetic pariah-ish braggadocio

28 March 2014 MM Online published:

MP: Pakatan would find MH370 if given control of air force, navy (extracts)

KUALA LUMPUR, March 28 — A Pakatan Rakyat MP today declared that they would be able to find missing Malaysia Airlines flight MH370 if they are put in charge of the country's air force or navy.

DAP's Segambut MP Lim Lip Eng, who was responding to a challenge by former MCA president Datuk Seri Dr Chua Soi Lek, was confident they can better manage the search operation which entered its 21st day.

It's very simple. Make one of DAP's leaders the commander of the air force or navy, then we will find MH370," he said at a press conference ...

Lim Lip Eng made that outrageous Tua P'au Sian (Raja Tembak) boast rather recklessly and in his witless highly-politicised callous CB comment, hurt and insulted the heroic efforts of many Sea Search organisations of several nations (Australia, NZ, Japan, China, Indonesia, USA, UK, etc etc etc including Malaysia).

But to be fair to him (even though he doesn't deserve it), he has since apologised for his Tua P'au Sian (Raja Tembak) pompous pathetic pariah-ish braggadocio.

So, what do you think of the new Tua P'au Sian (Raja Tembak) Kepong MP who replaced the demure diplomatic dedicated 30-year DAP veteran Dr Tan Seng Giaw?

That's what you get when you mindless and gullibly changed an old lamp for a new lamp.

 In the Arabian folk-tale, "Aladdin and the Magic Lamp", taken from "1001 Arabian Nights", a poor boy discovers a magic lamp, which brings him tremendous wealth. A wicked sorcerer steals the lamp, by offering "New Lamps for Old" to Aladdin's wife, a poor bargain since the old one was priceless.

But like all fairy tales, the hero Aladdin won in the end and killed the sorcerer

Strangely, Aladdin was Chinese whilst the evil sorcerer was from the Maghreb

Meanwhile, Malaysia-Today glibly reminded us:

On Saturday, Pakatan Harapan will have been running the country for 100 days and, as DAP’s LIm Lip Eng said, if Pakatan Harapan is in charge they will be able to find the missing plane, MH370.

Pakatan Harapan’s new Defence Minister, Mat Sabu, is expected to announce on Saturday that they have finally found MH370, as promised back in March 2014.

Top Gun would have shot it down with durian seeds 

It is expected that DAP’s Lim Guan Eng is also going to announce that the Pakatan Harapan government has successfully reduced Malaysia’s RM1 trillion debt to just RM600 billion by removing all guarantees that, due to a misplaced decimal point, were classified as debts when they are not actually debts but contingent liabilities.

Wakakaka, that person is another Tua P'au Sian (Raja Tembak).

I found that decimal-point all by myself 


  1. The real Raja Tembak here is Ktemoc.
    6 posts a day of pure Bullshit.

  2. Wakakakaka.

    So hilarious all the comments about the story of just the decimal point in other blogs.
    You will get enlightened that so many lembus are really otak lembu in real life.

    Is it true most lembus in BN are mathematically challenged and handicapped.

    No wonder so many opposing LGE to be the FM.




    MORE than two-thirds (67%) of Malaysians approve of the new Pakatan Harapan government ahead of its 100th-day anniversary on Friday, according to a Merdeka Centre for Public Opinion survey.

    Indian voters are the most satisfied with PH at 89%, followed by Chinese (79%), Sabah and Sarawak Bumiputera (62%) and Malay voters (58%).

    1. Merdeka Center also predicted that BN would win handsomely in GE14. So do you still trust them or are you cherry picking their "studies" if the results suits your daydream?

  4. Lim Lip Eng mistakenly assumed our air force and navy were in tip-top shape, considering MinDef always gets huge budget allocations. Unfortunately he did not know the Scorpenes couldn't dive and the MIGs/Sukhois couldn't fly. But Mat Katun recently exposed this fact.

    Our previous four Defence Ministers must be held accountable:

    Hishamuddin 2013-2018
    Zahid Hamidi 2009-2013
    Ahmad Badawi 2008-2009
    Najib Razak 1998-2008

    1. Scorpenes can dive as confirmed by Dear Leader LGE. As for Mig/Sukhois, that was a decision by PM4. So who to blame? Look towards PM7, your other Dear Leader.

    2. The Sukhois and Migs were fine as purchased. In fact , they were top of the line aircraft.
      The failure was in maintenance.
      Just like if you fail to maintain the motor-car. Still want to blame the person who made the purchase ?

      So... is PUS full of Bullshit like that ?

    3. Buying Russian airplanes is like buying French cars here. Sure it may be relatively cheap and sexy, but when comes time to service and repair, you will cry for your wallet. It was a lousy decision to get them and it was left to his successor to suffer the maintenance bills.

      So yes, I blame it on the PM4/7.

    4. as usual Mahathir thought/thinks he knew/knows EVERYTHING and bought those planes at his whims and fancies, leaving his successor to clean up

    5. Wakakakaka…

      U really like to make a Superman out of mamak!

      When the Sukhois and Migs were purchased, who was the MD?

      Moreover, did mamak make the SOLE decision to buy Russian?

      Or he was been misinformed by a bunch of nincompoops 'military' experts sitting in in the military HD purchase committee?

      Ooop… was any of yr uncles sitting in that committee ke?

    6. Mahathir's reigns was littered with his brash decisions. The Migs was bought because he wanted to spite USA, but the Hornets that he bought at same time (which RMAF wanted actually), outlasted those Migs and right now competing in Pitch Black.
      The Sukhoi buys was because he wanted to put another mark in his history book as the PM who sent the 1st Malaysian astronaut.

      Does all these matters? Nope, cause uneducated Malaysians (his words), still voted for him. He is the epic conthief, who can rob you and still make you willing to give your clothes to him.

    7. CK-knows-nothing comes here and bullshits again.
      The Migs & Sukhois were bought under the recommendation of MOF, and guess who was head of MOF back then? Yes, your idol.

    8. CK is not just an ordinary bullshitter - he is a KIASU bullshitter, wakakaka, meaning he woudl bullshit lest people think he doesn't know, making his credibility worse

    9. CK might as well keep his mouth (or fingers in this case) tight otherwise people might think he's a know nothing bullshitter.

      True to his nature, he can't stop himself from letting the world know how much of a bullshitter that he really is.

    10. Bullshitting!!

      What a chorus!

      The Migs & Sukhois were bought under the recommendation of MOF (???) - wakakakaka…… then who the f*ck MD & the military HW selection committee were doing?

      Kua2 followed the recommendation of the MoF, who knew nuts about military HW!

      What that made of the then MD & that nincompoop committee?

      Wakakakaka…… sharing the cuts lah, besides having a paid space visitor as a boost to the ketuanan ego!

      Truly moron!

    11. Ever heard the proverb: Man (MD & military committee) proposes, God (Mahathir) disposes?

      As mentioned above, it was his decision to go Russian for the reasons I mentioned as well. So stop showing the world how much of a bullshitter you are.

    12. and I confirm that - Mahathir bought two old vintage Albatross seaplane which other nations were already junking away - he did NOT consult the RMAF which was livid with rage and frustration at his meddling

    13. As advised by yr uncles in the military ?


    14. yes but the planes were known to the public except they didn't realise Maddy bought them on an impulse when he was in the USA

    15. So, u admit yr uncle advised mamak about that military purchase er!!!

      Note yr own words, OK?

      What has he been doing? Getting a cut, especially from jibby who likes to spread his money around to buy supports! Wakakakakaka…

      Whether mamak bought the two old vintage Albatross seaplane on an impulse NEEDS further proof. Not just yr words ONLY.

      For a person with mamak's calculative personality, impulsiveness has never been shown/proven in all his past (mis)deeds le!

      Can substantiate yr claim with clear open incidents, besides yr two old vintage Albatross seaplane purchase!

    16. where is it that I said my uncles advised Maddy? Don't put words in my mouth

    17. Wakakakaka…

      Wordsmith infecting with rd (his own words)!!!

      CK5:20 pm, August 17, 2018
      As advised by yr uncles in the military ?


      KTemoc5:58 pm, August 17, 2018
      yes but the planes were known to the public except they didn't realise Maddy bought them on an impulse when he was in the USA

      Quick, go dig another hole! Dig some more in this current one, u will never able to get out!

    18. as advised by my uncles = I was advised by my uncles

      how would my uncles advise Maddy? he was the PM and my uncles were mere military and police officers, but not of general ranks

      still a kiasu bullshitter

    19. Wakakakakaka……

      Let's play a little game of semantics here.

      I asked u about the purchase of the two old vintage Albatross seaplane by mamak in the question:

      "As advised by yr uncles in the military ?"

      U positively answered:

      "yes but the planes were known to the public except they didn't realise Maddy bought them on an impulse when he was in the USA"

      Thus, what's yr connotation implied in "yes" with a followed up clarification that mamak bought them impulsively?

      Tsk…… tsk… sic… WHY the change of stories now le!

      BTW, if yr uncles mere military and police officers, but not of general ranks, THEN could they having access to classified military HW briefings that u r so keen to term as for-your-eyes-only military secret?

      So could what they told u were just hearsays?

      Please lah, BOY doesn't play with fire.

      The more u r trying to twist yr wordplays, the more yr Freudian slips appears.

      Now, shows that kiasu bullshitter, AGAIN?

    20. Regarding your moronic "BTW, if yr uncles mere military and police officers, but not of general ranks, THEN could they having access to classified military HW briefings that u r so keen to term as for-your-eyes-only military secret?", you're such a bullshitting idiot to think that even corporals at a RMAF station couldn't see two Albatross aircraft with RMAF insignia parked at their bases

      the more you rant the more stupid you show your bullshitting self to be

    21. Bullshitting ye?

      First, answer that semantic question lah!

      Tongue tied?

      Second, so yr claim of mamak's impulsiveness in purchasing the two Albatross aircrafts w/o military HW purchase committee inputs is based on the fact that yr corporal uncle saw those planes parked at their base!


      What an 'enlightenment' wrt seeing-is-believing.

      KT loitering in front of the Sydney sex shop implying he is having hard-on about some sex toys? Wakakakaka……

      Admit lah, yr informer had zilch detail military purchase Info's BUT only his pure guesstimates via simple object sight conjecture!

      Back to u:

      the more you rant the more stupid you show your bullshitting self to be

    22. OK bullshitter, where was it I said my uncle was a corporal?

      everytime you open your mouth, out spews bullshit and the world now knows what you are - don't say I didn't advise a twit like you

    23. OK bullshitter, where was it I said my uncle was a corporal?

      Wa-lau eh, corporal NOT military/police officers rank!

      OK…… ok, yr uncle no corporal but still not ranking high enough to access top secret military files.

      Bloody egoistic bullshitter trying to twist his way out!

      Back to u AGAIN:

      everytime you open your mouth, out spews bullshit and the world now knows what you are - don't say I didn't advise a twit like you


    24. I could give you an explanation to your muddled queries but as I have said, I am not going to cast any more pearls before the idiotic swine you have shown yourself to be

    25. What an excuse from a sore loser!

      Keep those artificial pearls for yr rainy days lah.


  5. Another strong hint to KJ....leave UMNO if you are not happy....
    The aisle is only 10 feet wide.

    KUALA LUMPUR, Aug 15 — Umno members who have publicly said Datuk Seri Najib Razak is a liability to the party do not deserve to remain in Umno, an MP said today.

    Pasir Salak MP Datuk Seri Tajuddin Abdul Rahman said this when he was asked to respond to comments made by several Umno leaders, claiming Najib should start distancing himself from the party to not be seen as a liability.

    “They are not against him, they have the opinion that he is a liability, meaning he becomes a burden to the party, bringing it inconveniences.

    “This if because people think he has already been found guilty; that is why people like this do not deserve to remain in the party. If he is guilty, if he’s convicted, then the people are right,” he said.

    Umno leaders such as Rembau MP Khairy Jamaluddin and Padang Renggas MP Datuk Seri Nazri Abdul Aziz have recently made public statements claiming Najib should distance himself from the party.

    They had claimed it would allow the new leadership to shape the party without interference.

  6. If UMNO/Najib/Dahlan etc are so insistent that ECRL, HSR, Gas Pipelines are so vital to the country and will be profitable LGE our powerful FM should privatise the contracts to UMNO without tender (ha ha) and let them build and run them.

  7. Tan Seng Giaw has served the party faithfully for many decades. There should be no grudges over just one matter. DAP should make him Emeritus Chairman or something like that. Life is too short and he has done many good things so far in his life. Political and charitable.

  8. So what now Mat Sabun? Still cannot find MH370 even after 80 days in charge? Why not use RMAF to bring Raja Bomoh ronda-ronda around Aussie waters with his bamboo binoculars to help you find them?

  9. Now that Harapan has passed the 100 day test the Rakyat want them to make a second 100 day list. In fact they should set targets every 100 day so the rakyat can critically track progress. 5 years is way too long. TN50 was rubbish.

    1. Rubbish! The rakyat wants them to fulfill those 100 days promises in their current list, not to create a new one when they failed to resolve the first one!

  10. Once again our Powerful Finance Minister proves his worth to 122,429 companies and individuals who will receive their GST refunds but only in 2019. Why Najib didn’t budget for it in 2018? Because he wasn’t planning on paying, that’s why.

    Finance Minister Lim Guan Eng said in a statement today that the government will repay RM19.25 billion in outstanding GST refunds to 121,429 companies and individuals from next year.

    The GST Refunds Trust Account currently only holds RM148.6 million and Lim did not elaborate on how the government would make good on the payments, which go as far back as 2015.

    In announcing this, Lim questioned former Prime Minister and Finance Minister Datuk Seri Najib Abdul Razak's role in the RM19.25 billion missing from the Trust Account.

    He asked whether non-payment of refunds within two weeks, as required by law, was approved by Najib; if Najib approved former Treasury Secretary-General Tan Sri Mohd Irwan Serigar's decision not to transfer the RM19.25 billion to the Trust Account as requested by the Royal Malaysian Customs, for the purpose of refunds; and if Najib had authorised the recognition of unpaid GST refunds as government revenue.

    "Whilst Mohd Irwan is responsible for the 121,429 companies and individuals not getting back their GST refunds amounting to RM19.4 billion, his decision must be approved by the Minister of Finance," Lim explained.

    "It is therefore imperative that Najib accounts for his role to 121,429 companies and individuals not getting back their RM19.4 billion or the RM19.25 billion funds missing from the GST Refunds Trust account, by answering and not dodging these three questions," Lim added.
