
Wednesday, August 15, 2018

Minister of "Red Files"

MM Online - Guan Eng seeks to reopen parliamentary probe on 1MDB (extracts):

I am attempting to emulate my dad's face 

with such an expression those gullible guppies will swallow it wholesale 

KUALA LUMPUR, Aug 15 — Finance Minister Lim Guan Eng is expected to table a motion in Dewan Rakyat to reopen parliamentary investigations into scandal-tainted sovereign investment fund 1Malaysia Development Berhad (1MDB).

Daim Zainuddin makes policies on SST and miscellaneous financial matters and visits China on behalf of Malaysia vis-a-vis China's projects here.

Azmin Ali is on Khazanah's Board and has oversight of HSR and very many important economic-financial issues.

Lil' Boy Blue looks after "red files" and Tabung Harapan, wakakaka.

But I hope he settles down to real work. As Rafizi Ramli said, Pakatan should use only 20% of their time demon-sing BN but 80% of their time working on their real jobs.


  1. Malaysia's number 1 problem is the Financial burdens created by the previous government's scandals and mismanagement.

    Lim Guan Eng has the unenviable task of resolving this Priority 1 problem.
    Just like Greece in 2009, and Phillipines after Marcos, future plans are futile if you can't resolve the Financial sword of Damocles .

    Unfortunately, Phillipines never really resolved it... that is why it's economy is still in a rut. Greece is still a work in progress.
    Let's hope Malaysia manages to resolve this.

    1. Malaysia is still being praised world wide for her economic well-being - has that been achieved only within 100 days of Pakatan rule? Please stop your dedak bullshit

    2. It's VERY easy for people to mistaken M'sia's economic well-being lies TOTALLY with the policies of the govt.

      Besides, unlike those conglomerates of Philippines, privates conglomerates of M'sia DON'T depend wholesomely with govt policies due to the NEP legacies.

      M'sia's economy has two undeniable portions - the private (mainly Chinese M'sians controlled) & the public (mainly under the ketuanan agenda).

      Right now, it's the private sectors that's propping up the economy of M'sia - but not for any longer!

      For any large organisation, the economic momentum - be it trade &/or administration - contributes to the major survivability of the setups. That momentum is a cumulative result of years of hardworks & plannings in managing the companies. The longer the surviving history of the company, the more potent is that momentum force of continuation. But it's NOT inexhaustible & need continously replenishment.

      A good management system adds extra oohm to that momentum & extends the survival of the company.

      A lousy administrator will eventually wear off the company's inherited momentum, after some duration depending on the size & history of the company.

      Thus, for a company to prolong into the next generation/stage of evolution, new thinking & capable people r a MUST to revitalize that momentum!

      People & business instinct r the key integrands of that equation!

      Most of the private sector of the M'sian economy performs VERY much better in shaping that survival momentum due to cut-throat market competitions.

      While most glcs r political setups with ketuanan agenda & tongkat rewards for ampu-ing nincompoops managing them.

      Hence, the glaringly disparities in results between the private & public M'sian companies.

      In short, Malaysia is still being praised world wide for her economic well-being basically BCOZ of the performance of the private sector, PERIOD.

      If 509 didn't happen, u can expect jibby WOULD eventually wear off that economic momentum.

      Given a black swan effect, liken to what's happening to Turkey now, M'sia can easily be a basket case of economic ruin.

      Whatsoever mamak's political schemings, he did save M'sia from jibby's economic momentum depletion as been voiced by RK!

      So stop using simple superficial 'facts' (more likely farts) to twist yr case here.

      We r not yr everyday choirboys!

    3. A fair and objective assessment would be that many Malaysians, including nons- , have been able to make very positive contributions to make the economy succeed DESPITE a discriminatory Government, and especially in the last 10 years, a Government run to benefit a Kleptocracy.

      A social analogy would be how some people somehow manage to become reasonably well-adjusted adults and make a success of life, despite growing up in an abusive family environment.

      It is a case of succeeding reasonably despite the malignant leadership of the governing party.

  2. It will be interesting to see what the opposition members will say about this motion to re-open the 1MDB investigations. Who amongst them will support re-opening and who will not and still insist "nothing was stolen".

    KJ already admitted his failure to "bell the cat" when all the evidence was so clear, but he failed to speak out. Another UMNO ex-Minister said 1MDB was a "perception", an imaginary thing, yeah, that RM1 Billion 91-meter yacht in Port Klang is a mirage.

    Yesterday Nazri "buat tak tahu" what was going on in 1MDB, "nobody told me", yeah, right.....

    MCA, MIC, Gerakan, PBS etc all listened and obediently swallowed like kwai kwai children.

    All Together They Bleated:
    Yes Sir Yes Sir Three Bags Full.
    One for My Master, One For His First Lady,
    And One For His Cronies who are now going down the drain"

    Come on KJ, the aisle is only 10 feet wide...

    1. I thought Najib was going to be charged on 10 May for the alleged 1MDB scandal - today is already the 16 August, more than 3 months after that threatened date

    2. Stop talking Bull.
      SRC was at the time a subsidiary of 1MDB. So Najib's already open charges are part and parcel of the 1MDB charges.
      Low hanging fruit first.

      The main 1MDB fraud is much bigger.
      Akan Datang.

      Najib will die in Jail.

  3. Great Move Guanee...

    Harapan Manifesto:
    Set up Royal Commissions of Inquiry (RCI) on 1MDB, Felda, Mara and Tabung Haji and reform the governance of these bodies

    What bigger Red File than 1MDB.

    This will fulfill the Manifesto......ball is now with opposition member's to either support re-opening the 1MDB investigations or to continue supporting Najib and thereby committing political hara kiri.

  4. Another Minister (Azmin Ali) having oversight over the HSR project is nothing new. When Najib was FM he did not oversee the project either. The Ministers in the over-bloated PM's Dept like Rahman Dahlan did.

  5. Can you imagine someone else besides LGE doing all the red files work and digging at the MOF which involves lots of number crunching, figures and auditing?

    Sure kena kelentong by BN operatives working as Govt. servants in MOF.

    Money trails are the best keys to find all cases of corruptions esp the big ones.

    That misplaced decimal point in lost GST Refunds calculations may be a deliberate act by an operative to undermine the FM.

    LGE has the experience and knows all those monkey tricks when there was a change of State Govt. in Penang in 2008.

    TDM knows all that and so does many of PH leaders that there are still many hidden BN operatives in all the Ministries, GLCs, GLICs, PDRM, MACC etc working silently sabotaging, ignoring directives and leaking info to their BN masters outside.

    It takes time to weed all these traitors since most of them occupy senior levels, promoted over the decades thru a system of bodeking and ampuying instead of thru meritocracy or seniority.

    It is now left to those govt. servants who are still loyal and still dedicated to their profession to help weed them out by exposing these Trojan Horses/Napoleons.

    Kaytee is afraid one day a red file expose on him? Then why so Kay Poh Chee whether LGE got more work or no work being the FM?

    1. Ktemoc very obviously earning a lot of Dedak.

    2. Mamak says it ALL!

      Ketuanan moles, zombie sympathizers & ampu-ing blur-sotongs just looking to jaga periuk nasi diri, ALL working to put obstacles in front of the PH govt!

    3. Like his MOM sifu, Ktemoc will not get out of bed to start his day of stirring pots of shits, lobbing and hurling buckets of shits at those in Harapan and those who support Harapan if not for the huge amount of dedak payment. Bugis Pirate still have deep pockets, some say he and hippo have at least RM100 billion stashed overseas and under keep by proxies.

      So it is worth these mercenaries' while to make hay while the Bugis Pirate is still in the dream-mode that all it takes to overthrow the new government is by hiring some dedak bloggers and propagandists to write shits daily and for himself to put up a pity-face to the rakyat and continue his daily bleating " My only mistake was doing the best for the Rakyat, the country and my party". Yeah right !

    4. thank goodness you are not a judge, jury and prosecutor or Malaysia would have seen the French Revolution's Reign of Terror. Wakakaka

    5. Yup...... Bijan and Rosie are very lucky their fate is not at the hands of ordinary Malaysians (other than being voted out, which they did 100 days ago).

      If not....the Malaysian Committee for Public Safety would have already convened, tried and pronounced Bijan and Rosie guilty, the Guillotine would already being set up on Dataran Merdaka, for public execution.....scene from "A Tale of Two Cities"...

      awaiting final appeal and decision, thumbs up or thumbs down from the scene from "Gladiator"...


    6. So u r now acting as judge, jury and prosecutor TO MAKE SURE Malaysia would have seen the French Revolution's Reign of Terror under PH!
