
Wednesday, August 22, 2018

Pakatan under Mahathir NOT a Refomist party

From Malaysiakini - Does Dr M want CEP to stay, or just Daim?:

by Kim Quek

The return of the Mahathir-Daim combination evokes the disgusting heydays of Umno’s crony-capitalism that brought the country to the brink of financial collapse during the 1997/98 Asian financial crisis, as well as the political persecution of Harapan de facto Anwar Ibrahim under Sodomy I.

The latter, in turn, gave birth to Reformasi which is now the dominating force ruling the country, apparently.

At a time when the public is already jittery over Mahathir’s propensity to appoint old cronies to key positions, his apparent desperation to lean on Daim for his rule has only compounded worries of his reformist resolve, which is also fuelled by his refusal to promptly execute various manifesto pledges which signify institutional reforms.

There is no doubt that the promised collective leadership under Reformasi rule has not been materialised. Under the circumstances, Daim’s return to power will be an emphatic signal that Harapan has not safely landed on the Reformasi highway yet.


  1. Wakakakaka……

    What does one label a person who takes a second bite into a cake he gave up voluntarily years ago using the SAME methodology & teammate?

    A foolish recalcitrant who does the same thing over & over again, & expect different result!

    Is a 93 Machiavellian politikus qualifies?

    Or u have nothing better to fart?

    Yr mom sifu is fanning hard using alifbata chorus & cinapek-phobia.

    Meanwhile u r hard at twisting cut&paste current issue comments with cleverly realignment of phrases!

    Memang pariah to the nth…

    1. Sifu and disciple gorging themselves silly with the god-sent dedak from the deep deep pocket of their paymaster Bugis Pirate.

      Prior to GE4, while the country burns, this greedy, cunning north-south pair spun nonstop to prevent the people from seeing the merit of Dr M forming a coalition of PH with the then PR to give a us a fighting chance. Now in the victorious aftermath, their dastardly work is not done yet....lagi banyak dedak to be had since Bugis Pirate in his desperation had this idea that people are still stupid enough to buy their incoherent, hate-filled propaganda and daily baling-batu.

      Hex, hex and more hex to both you Sifu&Disciple ! Go eat shit and die, wakakakakaka.

  2. Guanee really has reformed the Finance Ministry. He just keeps coming up with more Red Files and exposes. This latest one shows how critical the role of FM is. If the job of FM is given to the wrong person, like Najib, it has disastrous consequences, such as tens of billions of unreturned tax refunds. Mind you under Najib there was a SECOND FM but even with TWO FMs BN screwed up.

    Finance Minister Lim Guan Eng has revealed that the previous BN government had not paid more than RM16 billion in income and real property gains tax refunds, stretching back more than six years.

    The outstanding refunds are owed by the Inland Revenue Board (IRB) to more than 1.6 million companies, individuals, societies and foundations, he said.

    "Other than not returning the GST refunds, the previous government had also not refunded the excess income tax and real property gains tax paid by taxpayers totalling RM16.046 billion as of 31 May 2018," Lim said in a statement today.

  3. Lest we Forget the Dark place we were trapped in just 105 days ago, Najib had people arrested and charged for floating yellow balloons, drawing political cartoons, making clown caricatures of Najib, posting pretend magazine covers on Facebook etc.etc.

    Good Riddance to Najib Rubbish and Trash.

    The new Government has done more to open up the space for freedom to discuss issues in the last 100 days than the previous Najib regime in the last 3650 days.

    There are still many reforms unrealized, which is fine by me, though I will be watching them closely.

    Rome was not built in 100 days.

  4. "Rome was not built in 100 days."

    105 days and starts crumbling; it could end in the dustbin of history. A fair possibility. No?
