
Tuesday, August 21, 2018

National Day Parades

MM Online - Merdeka Day parade to affect nearly 500 flights, says Transport Ministry:

Tidak diperlu, masih dibeli
Sebuah karpalterbang kuno
Kena arah olih yang tertinggi
Walaupun jelas 'ni macam Dodo


dei, I disappeared in 1681 liao lah 

KUALA LUMPUR, Aug 21 — Nearly 500 flights will be affected when Malaysia closes the airspace near its major international airport every morning for five days next week to prepare for independence day celebrations, the Transport Ministry said.

Malaysia’s annual National Day parade, which features an aerobatic performance by the air force, is normally held on August 31 in the capital city Kuala Lumpur, some 60km away from the Kuala Lumpur International Airport (KLIA) and its budget carrier terminal, KLIA2.

But this year, the parade will be held in the administrative capital of Putrajaya, close to the two airports, the ministry said in a statement.

A total of 498 flights in and out of the airports are expected to be affected as a result of the closures, which will run from 9.30am to 10.30am (0130 GMT to 0230 GMT) during August 27 to August 31.

“The closures... are important to ensure the success of the National Day 2018 flypast and the priority is to ensure the safety of the airspace and movement of aircraft at KLIA/KLIA2,” the ministry said.

It said the closures may involve additional arrangements that could lead to flight delays.

The public is advised to contact airlines and airport authorities to get the latest information and schedules, it said

Has anyone thought of holding the National Day parade in another city or town?

Thus far, our mindset is too KL-(or Putrajaya)-centric.

It would be refreshing to hold the National Day parade at, say, Kota Kinabalu or even Georgetown in Penang or Kuching.


Malaysians live everywhere in Malaysia, not just KL or Putrajaya. So it's time for the organising committee to consider rotating the staging of National Day parades all over our country.


  1. The National Day Parade is held away from KL on alternate years.

    Ignoramuses should F*cking make sure their brain is connected to their mouth or hand before they expose their dumbo-ness.

    1. Don't talk Kok-Kok , your ignorance has been exposed.

      The National Day Parade is already rotated all over the country - Penang has held it twice, it has been held in Ipoh, Kuching...Kuantan..

  2. If you were not so FULL of yourself and not eat so much dedak, you should have read I wrote "Malaysians live everywhere in Malaysia, not just KL or Putrajaya. So it's time for the organising committee to consider rotating the staging of National Day parades all over our country."

    Malaysia has 13 states (not including KL-Putrajaya). A ND parade should take 13 years before it returns to KL-Putrajaya, and not your moronic "alternate years"

    1. Monsterball exposing his moronic dumbo-ness. Wakakaka...

    2. I wish people will argue in an objective manner. The way things are going, quite a number of reader-posters here are using hawker type language in not trying to make sense out of an argument.

      Are all of these deliberate to sabotage this site or are they paid trolls?

    3. wakakaka, ravan you're right, dedak makan-ers like Monsterball, JJ and bigots like CK are dedicated to kacau-ing my blog, but I am tolerant and exhibiting freedom of speech (within limits, no libelling, slander or insults of King and sultans)

    4. ok la, here is nor parliament.

    5. Have u ever consider yr site the 2nd ranked hornet hive after yr sifu's 1st ranked weasel lair?


      We r just the 'proverbial' beekeepers to cleanse that abhorrent hive of its toxic content!

      This is why egoistic morons r been targeted in & out of their blogs!

      Don't give yrself too much vroom - the bruised ego will be hard to swallow just like yr bodoh-sombongish claim befitting a crownish cur!

  3. This is a really triumphant Merdeka from the yoke of the previous kleptocratic administration of more than 62 years.
    Where could it be more meaningful for the Rakyat to rejoice than in Putrajaya.? Long live Mahathir! Hidup Tun!

    1. you're right about "the previous kleptocratic administration of more than 62 year", where most kleptocracy started in 1981 (let's spare Tunku Abdul Rahaman, an honest PM who retired totally pokkai or penniless)

  4. There will be a flypast? With only 4 jet planes?

    1. The Boeing F/A-18's are still in good fighting condition.

      And don't forget the Hawks. They are basically subsonic Trainers, but with weapons hardpoints and laser target designators, the Hawks can easily grow teeth and claws.

    2. The weakest military in South East Asia, but it is still important to reassure the Rakyat that the previous THREE useless Defence Ministers haven't totally disarmed the nation.

      Hall of Shame- Badawi, Najib and Hishamuddin.

  5. what a wonderful idea, let's make the 'national' day parade into a sort of travelling circus, we can transport all the foreign dignitaries, diplomats, ambassadors and spouses to location on chartered commercial flights, schedules of local airports would still have to be rescheduled due to aerial rehearsals, logistics of military hardware can be easily handled by mat rambo, we don't have many left anyway
