
Thursday, August 02, 2018

Lagi sekali janji manifesto Pakatan dicapati-kan

Star Online - Mat Sabu: Govt may revive National Service despite GE14 pledge (extracts):

most frank Defence Minister in world - he informs everyone on the real military readiness of Malaysia, and is applauded by gullible guppies 

KUALA LUMPUR: The National Service Training Programme (PLKN) may be revived, says Defence Minister Mohamad Sabu.
“It is known that Pakatan Harapan said that it would scrap PLKN as part of its election manifesto as the programme did not fulfil its objectives and there was a lot of wastage.

“However, taking into account the views of parents, former PLKN trainees and related agencies, the Defence Ministry will carry out a study to evaluate the effectiveness and implications of the programme,” he said when replying to a question raised by Datuk Dr Jeffery Kitingan (STAR-Keningau) in Parliament Thursday (Aug 2).

He said that previous studies carried out by several local universities had shown that the programme had had a positive impact on trainees

was capati mentioned in the Bible? 


  1. Many govt officers, all over the world, make illogical, syiok-sendiri 'news' broadcastings from time to time.

    Slip of tongue?


    Too much happy hours?

    Whatever that has been said, IF it's NOT been implemented, all bets r off!

    Tau tak?

    So, why so impulsive to jump into a non-confirmed political fart from a politikus?

    Nothing to write?

    Dedak kpi demands daily quota?

    Tsk… tsk… soon u will blame yr lost Oz pr to PH's interference.

    1. "Tau tak?" is Lim Guan Eng's signature latah - be careful or you'll be accused of being Guan Eng in mufti - or worse, another Lil' Boy Blue who blows his horn for nothing

    2. Better than a paid wordsmith churning out illogical trashes of zero substances, just to meet the daily dedak kpi!

      Oooop… has lge trademarked "tau tak"?

      With yr kind of farts, soon everyone WILL be yr hated Lil' Boy Blue who blows open yrs & jibby/hippo's desperados manipulations.

    3. you are increasingly showing your vileness - your parents have failed to bring you up decently

    4. 1st ad hominem attack!

      Now 3rd party implications!

      Who's parents have failed to bring you up decently?

      Wakakakakaka… tsk…

    5. don't you a Chinese understand the social-cultural implications of such a criticism? You must be an un-Chinese like Tony Pua

    6. But HOW much can an anmokauxai understands the Chinese social-cultural implications of a criticism le?

      Obviously u don't!

      Furthermore, yr rd pretention has prevent u from understand my reply to yr uncultured personal attack!

      Un-Chinese, lagi un-xxx(take yr pick. But wannabe pommie suits u best). Just another educated but not-learnt golliwogg? Right?

    7. sure cheebye motherfucker kaytee is angmokau.....why cheebye kaytee refuses show his face.....time to ask susan loone liao

      Time to hang this kaytee

    8. I did not fCk your mother so you may cease calling me motherfucker and don't ever call me Daddy

  2. My grandson joined a military-based cadet unit in his university.
    He was often at the receiving end of hazing, as one of the few Chinks in a mostly Melayu unit.

    However , I dare say, over the 4 years that he joined their activities, it helped him build a lot of physical resilience, discipline and confidence.
    Him having come from a typical Malaysian comfortable, sheltered, urban middle-class background.

    So ...such paramilitary courses can be good, if properly organised, with good leadership and proper syllabus.

    Fuck Capati.

    I repeat what I said before....Good Government is not about ticking off boxes down a manifesto list.

    On the flip side, a government which claimed to have successfully ticked down a long laundry list in its manifesto can still be corrupt and evil.

    1. nonetheless it shows the Pakatan's lack of honesty, integrity, morality and honour in making false manifesto promises it has no intention of keeping

    2. Wow ..... but I voted PH solely based on only 2 of their promises, eradicate kleptocracy and removal of UMNO the mother of all racist Malaysian laws and policies, the rest of PH's manifesto promises I will judge them according to their merit and not swallow them lock, stock, and barrel.

      Why only look at the issue if not white must be black ler! Parallel to Bush's "Axis of Evil", if you are not with us then you are against us? We are no blurr sotong lah. Wakakakaka...........

    3. who you vote for and why is your right and personal choice, but manifesto promises were made by Pakatan to win votes - no one forced the coalition to

      its ability and willingness to fulfil those promises reflect on its honesty, honour, morality, integrity, and realibility

    4. Cheebye motherfucker kaytee.....did you ever vote in the first place? Show us the fucking proof lei

      Accountability, facts and truth must cover everybody......That includes cheebye motherfucker kaytee.

      Or else.....Time for the public to shut this blog down. And Gut Kaytee.....Capiche!

      The rules should apply the same to everybody.......

    5. Honesty, integrity, morality and honour is something PH lacked since Day One when they were formed after backstabbing PAS in PR.

    6. I did not fCk your mother so you may cease calling me motherfucker

  3. Methinks, the Minister is under pressure to continue the NS programme to help provide jobs for ex-servicemen who were mostly employed as trainers and facilitators in these camps. And most of them were supporters of PH during the last GE14.

    So, it is a dilemma for the Minister when the country is broke and may not be able to revive it.

    1. That is what I heard as well, but Mat Sabu should not cave in to such side issues.
      NS should NOT be an employment agency for ex-servicemen and to distribute patronage largesse.
      The contract to supply uniforms alone was worth millions and millions, and allegedly connected to Marie Antoinette cronies...

      The favourable "university studies" are suspect, as under UMNO, local university so-called research was often just a politicised tool to support UMNO agenda.

  4. Aiyoh...Poor Desperate Ktemoc has to fulfil his daily quota of posts.

  5. Malaysians are confused about what National Service is supposed to achieve. It is NOT for defence of country or military purposes, like it is for Singapore, Taiwan, Israel, South Korea etc. Our objectives are quite different. Allah help us if we have to depend on these 17-year olds to protect our borders.

    Our National Service Goals:
    1. To develop and enhance the spirit of patriotism amongst youths
    2. To encourage national integration and racial unity
    3. To build character through imparting core moral values
    4. To instil a spirit of volunteerism
    5. To develop a young generation that is resilient, healthy and confident.

    With the above goals I don't think MinDef is the right Ministry to handle it. Don't waste our soldiers' time. They have more important jobs to do than training naughty teenagers. It should fall under the Ministry of Education (post Form 5), Ministry of Youth and Sports and Ministry of Unity (Waytha). Mat Katun already has his hands full working on his book of jokes, cooking fish curry and getting JKR to repair the Scorpenes and Sukhois.

    1. TS.....focus on Kaytee's fucking identity.....Search aim and destroy kaytee.....I would rather respect Anil Netto who put his credentials on chopping block than this cheebye

      Let's set a standard on these wannabe bloggers.....He is enjoying this for 18 years.

      Even byrds said so nong nong time ago your job.....just stab this kaytee

      "To everything - turn, turn, turn
      There is a season - turn, turn, turn
      And a time to every purpose under heaven

      A time to be born, a time to die
      A time to plant, a time to reap
      A time to kill, a time to heal
      A time to laugh, a time to weep

      To everything - turn, turn, turn
      There is a season - turn, turn, turn
      And a time to every purpose under heaven

      A time to build up, a time to break down
      A time to dance, a time to mourn
      A time to cast away stones
      A time to gather stones together

      To everything - turn, turn, turn
      There is a season - turn, turn, turn
      And a time to every purpose under heaven

      A time of love, a time of hate (kaytee)
      A time of war, a time of peace (for malaysia without kaytee)
      A time you may embrace (fuck kaytee)
      A time to refrain from embracing that fucking motherfucker kaytee

      To everything - turn, turn, turn
      There is a season - turn, turn, turn
      And a time to every purpose under heaven

      A time to gain, a time to lose
      A time to rend, a time to sew
      A time for love, a time for hate
      A time for peace, I swear it's not too late!"

      And I hope Bruno should be eaten by Alaskan bear for his fucking include HY

    2. and A time for you to return back to Pauline's thighs
