
Thursday, August 02, 2018

101 National Defence Preparedness and Associated Secrecy

FMT - Veteran: Improper to reveal that only 4 fighter jets can fly:

Patriot president Arshad Raji says the defence minister shouldn't reveal the Royal Malaysian Air Force's level of preparedness.

National Patriots Association president Mohamed Arshad Raji 

PETALING JAYA: A retired brigadier-general has taken Defence Minister Mohamad Sabu to task for revealing that only four of the Royal Malaysian Air Force’s (RMAF) 28 Russian fighter jets can fly.

Speaking to FMT, Mohamed Arshad Raji, who is president of the National Patriots Association, said it was “improper” to reveal the country’s arms disposition.

He was commenting on a report by The Star where Mohamad said in the Dewan Rakyat that only four of the RMAF’s 18 Sukhoi Su-30MKM are able to fly, while the others are under repair.

The RMAF also has 10 MiG-29 fighter jets. The MiG-29 fighter jets entered service in 1995, while six Sukhois were delivered in 2007 and the rest in 2009.

“We don’t have to say that only four of our Sukhois can fly. These are vital military assets. It is important that the public feels confident and reassured that our skies can be protected,” said Arshad, who last served as the army chief of staff for field headquarters.

“Nations around the world maintain a certain level of preparedness, even in times of peace, to counter external threats, so we wouldn’t want others to know our level of preparedness.”

Arshad said while he understood the government’s desire for transparency, in matters of security and defence, information should be limited to MPs rather than told to the public.

“Now that the news is out, we must get to the bottom of this. We spend billions on defence annually so there must be a reason why our assets are not in the condition they should be in.”


Mat Sabu a disaster as Defence Minister.


  1. So....was Arshad part of the problem ?

    I suppose not, since he was in the Army, and long retired.
    However, I hear similar whispers about how much equipment in the Army sucks.
    Corrupt maintenance deals, Corrupt logistics contracts, services paid for but never performed or poorly performed. Services paid for, but sub-contracted out to irresponsible 3rd parties.
    Contracts given to connected patronage , limited or no capability.

    The whole sorry litany of Malaysian Military contracts

    So, again....was Arshad part of the problem ?

    The whole "Kaber Up" culture in the Military and the Malaysian Government overall sucks.

    When don't want to find out only after the first bullets fly in anger ...then it will be too late, with the price payable in Malaysian blood.

    I was told Sing will eat us before breakfast if ever we had to face their military in anger....that's how bad readiness levels are.

    A lot of paper units which are not in fighting condition.

    1. talking tangentially to distract from Mat Sabu's breach of national security preparedness is the same as talking cock

      but you have a reason for talking cock as you have been paid lots of dedak

    2. The objective issue is that Readiness levels in the Malaysian military sucks.
      There needs to be national will to fix it, and it cannot be done by Kaber-ing it up, like your beloved Former Administration.
      Civilians have the right to a say in national military policy.

      Our MPs control the Military's pursetrings through the Defence Budget, which come from our hard-earned tax dollars.

      Who the fuck are you to tell us we don't have a right to know and don't have a say in it ?

      Operational secrecy is well understood, and nobody here is talking about specific operational mattes.

    3. your MP who is sworn to secrecy will represent you - not every hoi polloi (or even every MP) needs to know - the national security confidential matters work on a "Need to Know" basis, and Ops readiness is something you DON'T need to know - fCk, you could be a Chinese or American agent

    4. Both the US and Britain have Defence Select Committees that Majority and Minority parties get to nominate respected members to.

      They obtain security clearances and are sworn to secrecy.
      They have the right to call for classified briefings, and provide oversight and accountability for the Military towards elected civilians.

      Malaysia does not have such a system. Combined with the corrupt BNUMNO regime, Malaysia's defence administration has descended into a hive of corruption, abuse of power and thievery.

    5. If you really want to know who is a big part of the problem, its you leader at the top.

  2. Read this line:

    “Nations around the world maintain a certain level of preparedness, even in times of peace, to counter external threats, so we wouldn’t want others to know our level of preparedness.”

    So what level of preparedness when ONLY four of the RMAF’s 18 Sukhoi Su-30MKM are able to fly, while the others are under repair!

    Wakakakaka… to create a fake sense of military readiness among the rakyat for the incompetency the useless military commands!

    Ooop… to fool the enemy too! Obviously, these nincompoops think the enemy's intelligent unit thinks like them!

    “Now that the news is out, we must get to the bottom of this. We spend billions on defence annually so there must be a reason why our assets are not in the condition they should be in.”

    & ponder!

    ONE word - SAD!

    1. I did warn you for bullshitting. You don't even get what the Brig Jen said, that "... so we wouldn’t want others to know our level of preparedness", thus even if we have only 4 serviceable jets we don't say "only 4" but give the impression we might even have "12 or 15 ready"

      As I said and said again, you are too fCk-ing stupid to know what military affairs are, so stop commenting on matters you have zero or little knowledge on and thus stop showing you are a bloody idiot and humongous bullshitter

    2. RD to the nth…

      Read AGAIN:

      Ooop… to fool the enemy too! Obviously, these nincompoops think the enemy's intelligent unit thinks like them!

      "the national security confidential matters work on a "Need to Know" basis, and Ops readiness is something DON'T need to know"


      Just like yr sifu - quoting half truth!

      That statement ONLY applies when the nation's security IS in competent hands. Otherwise, it's cheating bordering on treason!

      Why SHOULD u churning out daily trashes by stating half statement?

      Fart lah, u know what military affairs are!

    3. alas, I did try to educate ignorant you, but it's alike casting pearls before a idiotic swine

      no more

    4. Educating me?

      Please lah, how big is yr trumpet?

      One-liner answer from a bruised ego smart aleck of zilch substance!

    5. CK obviously never played poker before or else he will probably lose his underwear and even his kukuciao! He being so kind as to show what's in his hand all the time. Such a generous bloke, CK is.

    6. Wakakakaka……

      Playing poker,er…

      So a rd, likes u, know how to play poker!

      Rule 1) frozen yr facial expressions

      Rule 2) yr opponents r not idiots

      Rule 3) good or bad hands, just make sure to choose yr timing. Good hand of card DOESN'T imply u can win. Neither is a bad hand. Refer rule2

      Rule 4) make sure u have the resources to come back in the next round. Otherwise, u r definitely a poker fool.

      Now back to playing poker with m'sia military security.

      1) the lackadaisical preparation of the m'sia military readiness IS legendary in SEA - no frozen facial expressions. Everyone can read CLEARLY.

      2) the other regional countries' military intelligence r superbly managed, especially the RedDot. They know bolihland's military hardware/software inside out. Meanwhile, bolihland military commands r in syiok-sendiri-ish self denial!

      3) bolihland's military tidak-apaism in security handling - cf mh370 military radar surveillance & improvised racktags sulu invasion of lahad datu.

      Good hand, bad hand - only deal with it as it comes. Then lagi take yr own sweet time!

      4) zilch backup resources for next round alarm - cf the chronological events of mh370 & LD invasion.

      Quick, kt, goes get yr UNC's advices while stoned-death this moronic choirboy of yrs! He likes zombieic rituals.

    7. Its zilch when you only know theory of poker playing but ZERO experience. Table sharks and banker will eat you alive for breakfast. The same will happen to Mat Sabun if conflict ever breaks out.

      Again I do not share your interest to bugger choirboys so you can stop promoting them to me! Hohohoho!

    8. Wakakakaka…

      RD again & again!

      Did I EVER promote any choirboy for u to be back-ended?

      Or quietly, u share the same hard-on of those sexual hanged-up ustaz to think of any mentioning of choirboy?

    9. The ones that shares your penchant to rear end choirboys is holy man of cross and Looes naturally.

    10. I must defend Looes from the rear-end allegation as he is a front man with a tongue which Pauline loves and wants between her lower appendages, wakakaka

  3. what I commented on same post in FB:

    military readiness of Malaysia is a guessing game for foreign nations, like exam questions.

    does every student taking an exam knows the questions before the exam?

    they can only guess at it, as foreign nations do likewise but are never 100% certain

    but thanks to Mat Sabu, the military "exam questions" equivalent is now known throughout the world

    1. Guessing game - providing the exam is manned by able & honest personnel!

      The espionage Dept's, all over the world, r manned by well trained bloodhound personnel.

      With the way of the m'sian military setups, any of her security infos r open books - remember mh370 flight monitoring? (not the DCA but the air force). Remember the sulu invasion of lahad datu? (against a bunch of improved racktags).

      IE, bolihland has zilch military secret of substance.

      The RedDot's military intelligent unit knows m'sia's military readiness/preparedness, both hardware & software, so well that that's why that famous slip of tongue of " will eat us before breakfast if ever we had to face their military in anger."

      RedDot's arrogance but fact of bolihland life!

    2. You would make a good adviser to the KP MEIO who is even more dumb as a Spymaster by confessing to have written the traitorious letter to the CIA (Mother of all spy agencies) in her unrequited love for her party boss. Her loyalty to the King, the Constitution and country is secondary to party's loyalty.

      Can you even believe she took a dumb lawyer to expose how many spies are employed throughout the world?

      So, why aren't you blowing the Top when this is even 1000% more damaging to the Nation's security?

      On top of that, I wouldn't dare to even think what other secrets were also revealed to the CIA to trade off by supporting her favourite party and boss all thru the years? She may have even sold out her own men and women operating in America, China, Russia, Israel, Singapore, Thailand, Phillipines, Middle East countries, European countries etc.

      And that is horrendous compared to a faux pas of leaking news of only 4 Sukois can fly now.

    3. The court jester should be investigated if he got any agenda to reveal such confidential info. Countries pays good money for such, hence he must be questioned and his house (& his mistress's as well) must be raided at midnite to see if he received monetary gains for this major gaffe.

    4. "Potemkin Village" was a subterfuge during the late Russian Romanov Tsar era, the minister Potemkin building wooden village facades along the route the Tsar would travel. That way they could present a fake picture of village progress and development to the Royalty.
      Fact is , the regime was thoroughly corrupt, and large portions of government funds had been siphoned off into private funds. Sounds a lot like Bijan's Malaysia.

      It would appear Malaysia's military has become a Potemkin Village.
      The MIGs are a pile of junk. Only 4 Sukhois can fly. The F/A-18s are still in fighting shape, but getting old.
      Boeing still fully supports them, but with maintenance routed through intermediary "crony" contractors, god knows how much it is costing us. also exposes whether Mahathir's defence purchase decisions have stood the test of time.
      At the time , the Russian combat aircraft purchase was a departure of decades standing Malaysian practice of only buying key defence equipment from Western suppliers - US, Britain, Nato countries.

      The MIGs and Sukhois looked really good , sexy, on paper...but not so good in practice ?

  4. In his Defence (pun intended) Mat Katun inherited a Ministry that had been incompetently managed by the two cousins, Hishamuddin and Najib, the latter for 14 years. 14 years in charge and he hands over planes that can't fly! MinDef traditionally has one of the largest budget allocations, so how come we did not have a plan to keep our military hardware in tip-top shape? How can these past two Ministers allow our air force to decay to such a level?

    Our powerful new Finance Minister now has a tough(er) job to find the money for Mat Sabu for Budget 2019.

    Hint: China visit coming up soon. They make cheap weapons. A quid pro quo deal might be a good idea.

    1. China looking for export Customers for the Chengdu J-20.
      Semi-Stealth. Superior to F-15 , F-16, F-35 , nearly F-22 territory in performance

  5. 1 Trillion National Debt and our jet planes can't fly? Where were our priorities? A fleet of Private jets for the PM? Najib and Hishamuddin must explain.

    Cut 20B off HSR, ECRL, Gas pipelines, MRT3 etc and Mat Katun can have all the planes he needs.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. The reason why the planes can't fly was because they needed SLEP, and that are usually done at OEM side, which means Russia, which means no-go due to the MH17 debacle still unresolved, which means a delay in servicing the planes, and while the clock's ticking, RMAF did nothing. Money excuse was just that: excuse only.

    3. India's MIG and SU-30M are all in tip top conditions and on immediate alert especially on its western front


      "The maintenance of the Russian Sukhois has been a cause for concern for the Air Force as the serviceability of the planes has hovered around 50 per cent mark in many years."

      Wakakakaka....Apparently for the Sukhoi 30Ms, 50% serviceability is as good as it ever gets, Tip-Top.

      That's why India does NOT want to buy any more, especially now that it casts its defence options wide, no longer beholden to Soviet/Russian hardware.

    5. Lack of MONEY is the OFFICIAL excuse (reason). Read below. The previous two Defence Ministers should be SACKED. Oh sorry, we sacked them already. And one Defence Minister was also the Finance and Prime Minister, who purchased a fleet of private jets for personal use, endangering the lives of our air force pilots every time they fly our jets.

      Insufficient operating budget keeping Sukhoi jets grounded
      Published: 3 Aug 2018, 4:03 pm | Modified: Today 12:35 am

      The Royal Malaysian Airforce (RMAF) has stated that insufficient operations funding is part of the reason for the low maintenance rate of its Sukhoi Su-30 fighter jets. As a result, only a few are currently in use.

      In a statement, the RMAF claimed insufficient funding was one of the two main reasons behind the jets' low maintenance rate. The other reason was that the jets had reached their 10-year mark and required mandatory servicing.

      The RMAF also stated that it had to resort to cutting costs by performing the mandatory servicing locally instead of sending them back to their Russian manufacturer.

      This comes following the revelation by Defence Minister Mohamad Sabu in Parliament on Tuesday that only four of the 18 Sukhoi Su-30 fighter jets purchased by the previous administration in 2007 are operational, while the rest had been sent in for repairs.

      In a statement dated last night, the RMAF said: "Since 2007, the yearly operational allocation accorded to the RMAF has been on average, lower and insufficient, compared to the amount requested by the RMAF, based on what is actually needed to manage and service the RMAF's entire operational assets. This was acknowledged by the National Audit Department in its 2017 audit.

      "This directly limited the maintenance spending needed to service all the logistical support needed for operating the 18 Su-30MKM jets. This has forced RMAF to carry out conservative maintenance work on the jets based on the allocated operations budget, leading to a low rate of maintenance."

      At the same time, the RMAF stressed that jets that had attained 10 years of service were due for mandatory inspection and detailed servicing of their airframes, components and intricate flight systems.

      This had been proposed by the original equipment manufacturer (OEM) of the fighter jets to ensure the operational safety of the aircraft.

      The RMAF added: "But the proposed cost (by the OEM) was too high and beyond the RMAF's budget… In addition, the maintenance repairs required the jets to be sent to the OEM's premises in Russia, which would have involved even higher cost and more time."

      The RMAF said this forced it to seek an alternative solution. It decided to carry out the necessary maintenance works within the country, utilising existing RMAF expertise, a local maintenance repair organisation and other "local industry players".

      A study conducted on one of the jets allegedly showed the maintenance works could indeed be carried out successfully in the country at lower cost, thereby reducing the country's reliance on the OEM.

      "The RMAF is confident that the mandatory 10-year maintenance repairs can be done at an affordable cost for the government. Even so, studying and developing this method took time," it said, adding that in that time, 12 jets had reached the 10-year mark and are awaiting the repairs as the air force finalises its repair programme.

    6. that's the pissed poor administration common in Malaysia, where we built grandiose complexes but after 5 years, would consistently fail to maintain those complexes to acceptably standards

      however the point in this post is the necessity of keeping confidential or secret certain information pertaining to security (military-police-foreign affairs etc) - security consciousness must eb practised every second, minute and day.

      it's not transparent & accountable to expose such stuff to the open public - in fact it's treasonous, seditious and highly harmful to military-police-intelligence personnel

      but I have found that I am just casting pearls before swine because the moronic argument is "what's the problem when everyone in the world knows we are a lousy nation with a lousy armed forces". Alas, it's not even an argument but a stupid attempt to explain away why Mat Sabu did not make a security faux pas but was just being honest, transparent and accountable. When General Arshad came out to criticised Mat Sabu, he was dismissed as a 'kaki-nang' protecting his air force mates, though he was previously hailed for his pro Pakatan and anti BN statements - that's the inconsistent stupidity of some Pakatan supporters

      yea, juts casting pearls before swine

    7. AGAIN half truth been twisted as an superbly worded fart!

      The necessity of keeping confidential or secret certain information pertaining to security (military-police-foreign affairs etc) - security consciousness must eb practised every second, minute and day - PROVIDED such matters r been handled by able & right-minded personnel!

      If such matters r been given to nincompoops, then

      1) there is ALREADY no secrecy/confidentiality due to the way such businesses r been administrated.

      2) cheating bordered on treason to cover up the incompetency of those given the tasks to manage national security! The consequences r the rakyat suffer at the last minute of knowing the truth state of affairs.

      Playing poker?

      If u think international espionages r liken to poker game then u know NUTS about poker & national security!

      Indeed, it's casting pearls before swine!

  6. I am still wondering who from the Ministry of Defence drafted the statement/reply to the Minister to be read in Parliament? Was it deliberate sabotage or a faux pas?

    Anyway, after all the news about MEIO working in cahoots with CIA, payment fm 1MDB money laundered funds to the Military and practically all the main Intelligence units being compromised to serve political interest instead of to King and Country, I bet that a lot of the country's security/military intelligence whether it relates to preparedness or readiness, active or non-active, operational or non-operational, key personnel etc have already been compromised as well.

    So, what's the big deal about only 4 Sukhoi jets can fly now? Is it a deliberate diversion made by all those Traitors who were exposed Or is it a deliberate diversion created by some interested commercial parties?

    Is Kaytee a Mole also?

    1. Kaytee the motherfucker cheebye mole kenna caught must cut kukuciao. The real reason why he never reveal his true identity

    2. aiyah I swear I did NOT fCk your mum thus you cannot be my child, so stop fantasising about my cock - it did not procreate a vulgar bloke like you, wakakaka

      BTW, Pauline wants you back for tongue duties, wakakaka again
