
Monday, August 27, 2018

Apa 'ni 'CONSULT'?

MM Online - Consult Pakatan partners before scrapping BR1M, PKR man says (extracts):

KUALA LUMPUR, Aug 26 — Any policy decision on the cash handouts to replace 1Malaysia People’s Aid (BR1M) must have the consensus of Pakatan Harapan partners, a PKR lawmaker said today after Prime Minister Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad mulled ending the initiative.

Setiawangsa MP Nik Nazmi Nik Ahmad said the move could have effects on the livelihood of the country’s bottom 40 per cent income earners (B40), the primary recipients.

The PKR leader also reminded Dr Mahathir that the ruling coalition had pledged to retain the programme in its election manifesto.

dari warung mamak 

“Any reform should only be done with the consensus of all Pakatan Harapan parties and the Cabinet — especially since the manifesto we were elected upon promised that the BR1M/BSH should be retained for the B40,” he said in a statement.

“Moreover, any change must ensure that the current recipients will not be worse off. Also, any comments notwithstanding, there must also be a plan to help recipients who are simply not able to work, whether due to age or disability.”

Dr Mahathir said yesterday his government plans to gradually phase out the Cost of Living Aid (BSH) programmed, a renamed version of the Barisan Nasional-initiated BR1M.

I hope Pakatan people are waking up to the realisation that Maddy does NOT consult when he makes a decision on an issue he prefers.

In his previous PM-ship, anyone who hampered him would get the sack - ask Saleh Abbas, Anwar Ibrahim and even Lim KS but alas, perhaps not as he is now muzzled by his songsang-ised mentality.

now muzzled by his songsang-ised mentality 

Thus Maddy hasn't changed from his old dictatorial self, which showed up in his recent multiple capati-ing, kereta baru and the retention of his crony Daim as Head of the un-elected CEP, who could even haul in the nation's Chief Justice and successfully-effectively sack him.



  1. PM 7, unlike Dictator PM 4, has shown repeatedly that is able to absorb strong feedback and inconvenient facts, resulting in either modified or even reversed positions.

    Char Bor , who wants to Hentam whichever way, left, right, front, back, attacks such turnarounds by characterising them as "GoStarn-ing" or "Flip-Flops".

  2. Tun Mahathir is trying to restore the dignity of the recipients of BRIM, because Najib bought their votes.
    The PH government is going all out to be socially responsible for the welfare of the citizens.

  3. BR1M is supposed to alleviate the cost of living when first initiated with the gradual withdrawal of subsidies. It was not supposed to be meant for alleviating poverty.

    When PH won GE14 and decided to retain it as per the manifestos but renaming it to BSH, the objective remains the same ie. alleviate the cost of living.

    To help poverty ridden families there is the Welfare Department which is tasked with that job and not BSH or BR1M. However increasing the aid for welfare recipients is much better than increasing BSH if poverty elimination is the main objective.

    With subsidy for petrol restarted by the PH Govt. at fixed prices and if further subsidies for food and other basic cost of living items are subsidised, it is only right that BSH be slowly phased out and stopped until such time the Govt. decides again to stop petrol and other subsidies.

  4. The poor are mostly in the Northern and East Coast states which rejected PH (except for Kedah). Truly a vengeful and vindictive person. The worst ones are Kedahans who overwhelmingly voted for him but now have to bear the brunt of reduced welfare because of his petty dislike for poor people.

    He was cunning enough to have his ceramahs there with his throngs of adoring crowd before coming back and announcing the abolishment of BR1M/BSH. Let's see if he dares to return back and have his ceramahs when this shit is still fresh. I would not be surprised if the crowd start to throw cowdung at him this time.

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