
Monday, July 23, 2018

Very racist PAS

FMT - PAS’ rule of thumb on how to vote in Sungai Kandis: Islam/Malay:

If PAS secretary-general Takiyuddin Hassan had advised PAS members to vote for the Muslim candidate in the Sungai Kandis by-election, I would have respected him.

But in including a racist element in his exhortation to PAS voters, namely, to vote for a Malay/Muslim, he diminished PAS standing as an Islamic Party because Islam does not encourage, promote nor tolerate racism. Malay is a race, Muslim is not.

Visualise a scenario when our most well-known or notorious Ridhuan Tee Abdullah standing as a candidate against Che Abdul Karim Che Abdul Hamid (the rubber scrap dealer who married an 11 year-old lil' girl), PAS would have through Takiyuddin exhorted PAS voters to vote for the cradle snatcher.

Muslim convert Ridhuan Tee Abdullah played down non-Malay contributions to Malaysia in a rebuttal of an article listing such deeds, and dismissed the suggestion that the group were the country's largest tax contributors.

But Takiyuddin's PAS would still NOT vote for him in preference to the cradle snatcher

I had wanted to marry her since she was 7

and he would have easily won PAS' votes

What Islamic Party is PAS?


  1. And Najib's UMNO is not recist. Cheebye motherfucker kaytee. So you wanna prove your fucking theory works. The spoilt votes. Hahahahaha

    1. a Malay or a Chinese or an Indian political party is inherently racist. An Islamic or Christian or Buddhist party should never be, for the ummat is made up of different ethnic origins - so PAS is a racist party in stark contrast to its professed religious supra-ethnic identity.

      BTW, I did NOT fCk your mother so you are NOT my son

    2. Wakakakaka…… does the definition of racist covers both tulin &/or palsu (conditionalities) kindred?

      PAS is just another side of the same coin - being a cult of that exclusive Abrahamic club!

      Abrahamic faith promotes religious supra-ethnic identity lah!

    3. Then you're wrong KT. PAS isn't a Malay party unlike its competition (UMNO). Its an Islamic party as reflected in its name, Parti Islam Se-Malaysia. It does have non-Malay members, you know.

      If I were to make an analogy, it would be the mirror image of DAP, being a predominantly Chinese & cross bearing party with a sides of non-Chinese in it.

    4. hey mate, don't be angry at me - ask Takiyuddin

    5. Takoyaki could be a hidden PAN member, who knows?! Husam was one who finally made the jump before GE14, but we all know where his loyalty belongs to!

      As long it doesn't come out of Hadi's or Majlis Syura's mouths, then they can say all they like but that may not be PAS official stance. That's PAS democracy.

    6. Wakakaka. PAS mirror image of DAP ? Podah lah. Confirmed reading comprehension worst than a retard.

      Gang leader Hadi Banyak Wang and his PisPasPus cohorts have been mouthing "Malays&Muslims" endlessly.

      Hehe, Ktemoc goes " don't be angry at me"...tak berani to tell off his choir boy fuck you PAS dedak makan-er, hehehe. Double standard much ? hehe

    7. JJ, even retards are shameful at how backwards your brain is. Hohohoho!

      So what if PAS talks about Malays & Muslim, does it make it a Malay party? Then DAP can be accused of being a Chinese Communist party for constantly mouthing about "Chinese being discriminated" endlessly. The same that PKR is a party for LGBTs and everyone must be buggering each other whether man, woman or both.

      Is that what you're saying? Or are just you double standard much? Double hohohohoho!

    8. Just driving home a point...that only a retard would claim PasPisPus is mirror image of DAP.

      As for the rest of your bla bla bla...why don't you try to comprehend your own nonsensical spiel, hehe...tak masuk akal because all your vomit is just so retard. Makes no sense absolutely. Quite typical. By the way, what food was fed to you when you were growing up ? I mean how could a brain has so much mud content? wakakakaka

    9. What point were you trying to make? That I was right or you were wrong? If you can't make a point to argue, stop being a retard.

      As for the rest of your nonsense, I will not stoop to your level of retardedness so you can wallow by yourself. Hohohoho!

  2. UMNO & PAS can trumpet about Malay Supremacy & Islamization of Tanah Melayu all they wan 4 all I care. Just don't try to Islamize or bring their supremacy 2 Sarawak.

    1. We too don't want them here...they just have to keep their bigotry confined in Kelantan and Trengganu, the zombies there just waiting for everlasting eternal life in the hereafter, but like one Indian preacher said, to go to heaven, one needs to die first, hehehe

  3. As usual...Kremoc dare not criticise Bijan the race shit-stirrer.

    1. Ktemoc is applauding with glee when Bijan and Dedak Hadi main peluk peluk in public, hehe.

      Racist Hadi's dream of being King-Maker and ultimately be head of the Ulama Elder Council giving 'advice' to BN sudah jadi abu, wakakaka. That's why he said prior to GE 14....kita tak mau rebut kuasa...he's dreaming of the likes of Iran's powerful supreme leader Grand Ayatollah of the Guardian Council of Experts, hehehe. Podah la, pigi dah, mimpi banyak lagi lah di atas bantal Melayu tu.

  4. I emphatically reject PAS being linked to racism. Action speaks louder than words. PAS has been very involved in integration; and rejecting racism.

    1. Bull lah!

      Then what is the f**k of PAS secretary-general Takiyuddin Hassan had advised PAS members to vote for a Malay/Muslim?

      Perhaps a melayu palsu like, die2 must cling on to that ummat faith. The ONLY man-made clause that fixated u as a melayu. Otherwise, where to get yr ketuanan incentives le!

    2. CK.. "It wasn’t about Islam, Mahathir or Najib. It was always about you." ~ TTF

    3. Wakakakaka…

      It was always about you!!

      U watch too much honey-coated soap TV trashies lah.

      IT'S always about ketuanan melayu spiked with zombiecism under the tempurung known as bolihland.

  5. I think PAS has become more like Iran where the powers will be with the Ayahtollahs and their Supreme Religious Council whether now as just an opposition party or later if they ever become the Govt.

    It is the most autocratic form of Governance and even supercedes Communism and single autocratic leaders systems. Elections and promising some democratic structures of Government are just pulling wool over the eyes of supporters and voters to achieve their aim of being in power at all cost even if they need to deceit their own supporters and their own religion and GOD.

    After seeing how Money, Power and Materialism are really useful in their current life over any other religious idealisms which they preach to their flocks, the zeal to use whatever is available to seize power one day remains the ultimate objective.

    Using religion as their forte, even terrorism, racism, betrayals, lying, cheating, robbing, murdering, violence and hypocricy are not out of bounds in their quest to Power and Rule.

    These have happened and is taking shape in most Moslem countries where their Mullahs and Ayahtollahs have seen the way to power and riches via religion as a political tool to their own objectives.

    What is surprising in Malaysia among the Moslems electorate is why they also want to replicate those Mullahs and Ayahtollahs in other Moslem countries and support such wannabees esp Islamic political parties and NGOs like PAS, ISMA, PERKASA etc.

    Malaysia has a Constitution where the position of Religion of Islam is already entrenched, The Royalties are the Heads and Protectors of Islam and the system of religious institutions, courts, laws and education is so well entrenched for any Moslem to practice and follow his religion in peace from birth till death.

    Why does PAS or any NGOs wants to take over the position of Royalties as protectors and heads of ISLAM?

    Who are PAS and other Islamic NGOs to dictate what ISLAM should be and how Moslems should vote, choose and decide how to live their lives?

    And for the Non-Moslems. Who are PAS and other Islamic NGOs to dictate how they should vote, choose and decide how to live their lives?

    What are PAS and the Islamic NGOs championing about if not for their own lust for Power, Money and self?

    The delusions among the Moslem electorate and in supporting still such devious and cunning Politicians and Racists are widespread among mainly less informed Moslem electorate who live mostly on the East Coast and rural areas of Malaya and who listen and believe too much into the words of their devious local political clerics and preachers. To them, it's like the devout Christians who believes in their Popes, Bishops, Cardinals, Preachers, Holy Fathers who can do no wrongs in their eyes.

    Such are the evils when religions are used as mere tools for politicians and ordinary mortals in their quest for their own lusts, Power, wealth and waging wars on others.

  6. the intelligent ones have left the party they are left with unthinking village bumpkins

    they need not have to play the malay race card to avoid being seen as racist because every malay as we know is by definition already a Muslim

  7. So happy to hear that the head of the Public Accounts Committee will be offered to the Opposition. Hope it will be Najib, because he knows all the tricks and loopholes to keep LGE honest. Not like in the past the PAC was headed by BN MPs and it was toothless, ineffective and manipulated to cover up financial mid-deeds; look at the mess we are in now. Remember the “cari makan” comment by the PAC head. Harapan must be Better than the Dacing, Go...Go....Go..!!

    KUALA LUMPUR: Deputy Dewan Rakyat Speaker Nga Kor Ming today confirmed the Public Accounts Committee will be headed by an opposition MP.

    1. So you're implying that TP was sleeping on the job, huh? And even TSG was unfettered to do his job, can't find any incriminating evidences.

    2. Dishonest john ! First off, you refused to acknowledge and be happy that the PH government, unlike the celaka Umno, had offered the PAC to be headed by an opposition MP. Secondly, you know full well why TSG 'can't find any incriminating evidences'...we have gone thru all that nonsense lah. Soon enough the incriminating evidences will fill you up to your neck but if you so admire Pokjib that much, you and Ktemoc can still visit your Kleptohero in jail, hehehe. Heard that he doesn't eat the common rice...remember to bring him some quinoa, hehehe.

    3. I couldn't care less about Najib. But honest and upright standing politicians like TSG should be lauded for being objective and honest in his duties. Certainly he would have made noise and certainly he was free to do so, being associated to DAP and not to BN, if he was impeded or his findings wasn't accepted by the PAC Committee. It didn't matter that he wasn't the head, but his voice was heard and it resounds with a voice from a reasonable person not from someone who was muzzled or told what to say.

      Being made head of PAC is no point if his authority can be undermined via the majority rule of PAC members that consist of PH politicians. Its nothing more than a puppet role, and that reflects on certain key governmental roles being puppets played by Mahathir.

      Only a fool would take such a position and you think others are just as foolish as your PH goons? Well, sorry to disappoint you but the rest of the world ain't stupid.

    4. Hihi...'..the rest of the world ain't stupid'.

      It could very well be the rest of the world ain't stupid but we all here know who's the one with mud brain. This Arabian saying should fit nicely with you, wakakkaka :

      'He who knows not, and knows not that he knows not, is a fool; shun him'. Hehehe

    5. And the Arabs have an apt word to describe you: Jahil. Hohohoho!

    6. See, what I have meant for this shameless disguised zombieic ketuanan freak!

      Die2, still want to wear a cinapek outer skin to hide his petrified zombie flesh.

      Malu di panggil melayu. Palsu pula! Mungkin tak suci juga!


  8. So KT is OK with religious bigotry but not racist bigotry? Please elucidate.

  9. AFter Nik Aziz passed away and Amanah broke away from PAS, all that's left are rabid ayatollahs. Just like after reformasi broke away from UMNO, all that is left are Chocholate KuKluxKlans

    1. Those are cancerous cells that no longer functions for the greater good of the parties and their struggle. Good riddance, already we can see them fracticiding each other to gain as much possible and as soon possible in Mahathirism 2.0.

    2. YB Mat Sabu is one great example of a Muslim with great integrity and humility. Check out his speech during his recent London visit : out for his humorous takes too...told his wife NOT to go shopping, hehe...tidur saja di bilek hotel, wakakakka...

      This guy is a towering Malay, not an ounce of racism and bigotry in him. Humble and reasonable, with a good sense of humor. Liew Chin Tong will work well with him as his Dep and he seems to welcome his Dep wholeheartedly too.

    3. Humour has nothing to do with humility and great integrity. If we want to see humour we go see clowns in circus, not bring them into Parliament.

      Towering Malay my ass! He was the one who whacked Mahathir, who coined the term Mahafiraun, who shamelessly rode on PAS backs to gain power and followers before jumping ship to to PAN. Without PAS, he would just be a clown performer on the street side. And about his wife, some says his wife WAS shopping alright, via hotel concierge service.

    4. The thinking guys formerly in PAS have all left, mostly joined Amanah, some joined PKR and PPBM.

      What's left behind in PAS are Talibanisque-riff raff.

    5. Hahaha...'humour has nothing to do with humility and great integrity'. Alamak...teruk lah you, poor poor john. Tak tau baca ke ? hihi. Baca sekali dgn baik baik OK ? kesian you la, hahaha

      To be expected, you would run him and his wife with pure malice. Such devout PAS member you are, hehe. Without PAS now, he did not turn out to be a clown performer...dia sudah jadi Menteri la...defence lagi, terrer tu, wakakkaka. Eat your heart out. Your Hadi Ada Banyak Wang itu is turning as green as his green bulan symbol with envy, adoi !

    6. Yes Monsterball. Those who only thinks for themselves have left PAS, those devoted to the party struggle and loyal to the cause remains. The cancer has been remove, leaving the body healthy.

    7. U mean ONLY now a completed zombie hive!
