
Monday, July 23, 2018

Appointment of Lil' Blue Boy Confirmed

FMT - Guan Eng: Not wrong for PM to answer on my behalf (extracts):

and saya juga tidak perlu menteri cina jawap soalan mengenai pinjaman dari Jepun di parlimen

KUALA LUMPUR: It is not wrong for the prime minister to answer a question on behalf of the finance ministry said Finance Minister Lim Guan Eng today.

Lim was commenting on Dr Mahathir Mohamad replying to a question raised in the Dewan Rakyat on the government’s proposal to take a loan from Japan.

Parliamentarians were taken by surprise when Mahathir answered the question addressed to the finance minister.

The prime minister is the most powerful. Of course, he has the right (to answer a question on my behalf),” he said in Mandarin when asked by a Chinese press reporter.

Guan Eng shows no shame in saying what he said (above) 

The Bagan MP said he saw nothing wrong with the prime minister answering on his behalf.

“This shows he has the accountability attitude on the matter that was brought up (to the government),” he said.

OK Guan Eng you can go 

According to today’s Order Paper, which outlines the agenda for the sitting, the first question was posed to the finance minister by Opposition leader Ahmad Zahid Hamidi.

Zahid, who is Bagan Datuk MP, had asked the finance minister to state the rationale for Malaysia to obtaining a loan from Japan, with a higher currency value than the ringgit, although the interest rate on the loan is low.

Zahid has also asked whether the national debt would increase if a loan was taken from Japan.

It's not just wrong but an absolute disgrace for the PM to usurp the FM's job, as if the latter is just a budak kecil incapable of answering a question on finance. *Undeniably he embarrassed Guan Eng on his maiden performance as FM.

Hanya seorang adik yang diberi tanggungjawab menjaga Tabung Harapan.

It confirms everyone's suspicions that Guan Eng has been appointed FM by Mahathir just as a pony trick to appease the DAP.

Malaysiakini columnist P Gunasegaram said sneeringly of Guan Eng's appointment, as follows: 

Mahathir inveigled himself into the hearts of DAP by offering its supremo Lim Guan Eng the coveted finance minister’s position, apparently without prior consultation with PKR which had the highest number of seats in the coalition with 48.

After that, Mahathir could do no wrong in the eyes of the DAP and the DAP sang Mahathir’s praises and his so-called vision and foresight.

When PKR’s Rafizi Ramli questioned why Mahathir was being non-consultative, he was roundly chastised - and rather rudely - by a storm of cybertroopers.

But the cunning Mahathir didn't give Guan Eng free reign as FM, neutralising him with Azmin Ali who as Economics Minister now oversights most of the FM's portfolio.

OK Guan Eng kowtim-ed kaukau, Anwar next 

The remaining areas of the FM's portfolio has been commandeered by an un-elected Daim Zainuddin, a former corny of Mahathir appointed as chair of the nonsensical CEP by Malaysia's new dictator.

The parliamentary session saw the absolutely disgraceful (non) performance of Guan Eng as no more than a budak kecil when his towkay Mahathri took over his principal job in answering a question on Mahathir's seeking loans from Japan.

Obviously Mahathir has NOT learned his lesson in his Fourth Reich when he was burnt by yen loans.

Go and blow your teeny weeny itsy bitsy horn, Lil' Boy Blue.

how many red files have you and un-Chinese TP gone through?


    Najib asks questions on behalf of "lost" Opposition Leader Zahid Hamidi

    July 18, 2018
    KUALA LUMPUR: Economic Affairs Minister Datuk Seri Mohamad Azmin Ali took a jab at Bagan Member of Parliament Datuk Seri Dr Ahmad Zahid Hamidi, saying that former prime minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak ‘would make a better opposition leader.’

    "I think Pekan (Najib) is more qualified to be the opposition leader than Bagan Datuk (Zahid),” the Gombak MP told the Dewan Rakyat during the question-and-answer session, on Wednesday.

    Azmin’s quip came after Ahmad Zahid allowed Najib to pose an additional question on his behalf, which is rare in Dewan Rakyat.

    Najib asked how the government had come up with the figure of RM110 billion in cost for the Kuala Lumpur-Singapore High-Speed Rail (HSR) project when the tender process had yet to be opened.

    1. Question.....Why Najib doesn't wanna take up the role? And why cheebye motherfucker comes back to Malaysia in person to campaign for Lokman Adam

      Cheebye motherfucker kaytee........John Major was far more saint than Najib and yet......hahahahhaa

      John Major as opposition leader

      10 minutes onwards

      I have far more respect towards John Major than the fucking thief Najib Razak

    2. as I mentioned I did NOT fCk your mother so you are NOT my son - perhaps John Major is your sire

  2. Ktemoc pun sudah lawan his own Sifu Botak Liar ! That Kelentong Mabuk had been singing for ages now that PH is DAP-led, that Dr M is just a proxy PM, led by the nose with the Chinese DAP calling the shots. Ktemoc at the same time fighting his Commdr-in-Chief propagandist Lokman Noor Adam who is paying Ktemoc's dedak salary. Lokman says DAP-led PH government is planning to make the country into a Christian state, with Christianity the official religion and the Chinese will control the whole country, and the special rights and privileges of the Malays will be wiped out and that Royalty is made voiceless. Also, Mandarin will be the official language soon.

    This losing strategy of 2-fronts attack has proven fatal in GE14 la. The "Malay" Sifu says Chinese controlling the whole show. The "Chinese" Ah Ney-Ney says Malays controlling the whole show via Dr M. WAKAKAKAKA

  3. The Finance Ministry has been returned to its original function as the gatekeeper of the nation's Finances, the most important role as the Controller and Payer of funds to the rest of the Federal Administration.
    The core Finance Ministry function administers a (still) sprawling portfolio. That is why no one is complaining about turf.

    Those GLCs had no good reason being under The Finance Minister, just for the useless previous PM cum Finance Minister it was a very useful patronage and Dedak-disbursement arrangemen..No doubt many hard-working pro-Bijan bloggers (yup !) were beneficiaries.

    Ktemoc is just echoing the stupid MCA sneer. Stupid Batu Api.

  4. TDM was the one eager to get Japanese Yen loans and made the trip to Japan thinking the Japanese will still obliged to his requests like before. It is only right TDM reply to this issue since he was the one to initiate it and if it failed, then let him answer later, why it failed. "Dia Buat, Dia Tanggung, lah."

    He forgot in the past the Japanese were friendly and gracious because in return they wanted to control the automotive industry via Proton and their other Japanese car dealers, dump some toxic radiation producing factories from Japan to Malaysia, get preference in so many infrastructure projects bidding and do America's proxy's war to control a Moslem country in South East Asia.

    Methinks, TDM knows getting Japanese loans is not viable even at low interest rates with a rising Japanese yen vis a vis the MR and instead could be getting them to buy Malaysian Treasury Bills and Bonds (Islamic or non-Islamic) as replacement for the selling of Malaysian treasuries/bonds by Westerners and the lack of interest in Malaysian Treasuries Bills and bonds by foreign investors unless at a higher bond rates.

    TDM has to find investors with deep pockets to invest and buy Malaysian Treasury Bills/Bonds. There are not many around esp in Asia. As for China, unless it is USA Treasury Bills/Bonds for their currency control purposes, they are more interested in giving loans to other countries rather than buying Govt. Treasuries Bills/Bonds. ]

    When domestic sources (eg. EPF, KWAP, LTAT, PNB etc) of Govt. funding slowly dries up due to so many scandals and robbing by the previous BN regime and the need to explore foreign sources becomes more critical, TDM may have to consider his neighbour down south which has tons of monies.

    Ceasar may have to kowtow to that Little Red Dot and it ain't going to be free by just doing a U-turn and start being friendly. Whatever Ketuanan Melayu left in him had better be kept locked back in the closet.

  5. Hamisu with this subject. Didn’t we in this blog say we want the cabinet to practice the concept of “First Amongst Equals”? Now this Harapan cabinet is doing just that.

    When during Parliament session Finance Minister LGE had to go for a pee the opposition tried to pull a fast one by asking a finance question. So naturally LGE’s equal, ie the PM, answered the question for him. First Amongst Equals.

    Contrast this with the previous Najib administration when the Finance Minister ponteng parliament the PM also ALWAYS ponteng, so finance questions are never answered.

  6. in any parliament the world over, if the pm is in the house it is customary for the pm to answer any queries for the obvious reason that he knows what the hell is going on in the country, unlike the previous nowhere to hide and nothing to say pm

    chabo you are just a trouble maker

  7. Having an FM is like not having an FM at all. Mahathir & Daim is calling all the shots and LGE is nothing more than an inflatable sex doll.

    1. By now all know that you have mud for brain but today in your rant, your brain is thicker than usual. Yuval Harari the renown historian and author must have people like you in mind when he said " We should never underestimate human stupidity ", wakakkaka

    2. The Current Finance Minister is Mega Light Years better than the previous Crook of a Finance Minister, who was robbing the country blind.

      A Billion ringgit in cash and other valuables found just in his home alone...

    3. Puh-lezzz! If you can't present facts in an argument and instead resort to name calling, you're no better than your idolised inflatable sex idol. Tell me, what has he done that wasn't countermanded by Mahathir or Daim? Anything?

  8. In the UK parliament the PM has a weekly session where he answers ALL questions from any MP, on any topic, and no Secretary answers on his behalf. Malaysian Parliament should move in that direction.

    1. What's the point? His answers would likely be: "I don't know" or "I can't remember". No better than asking a 5 year old kid.

    2. Oooop…

      U sincerely mean jibby ke, based on his recent 'comments'?
