
Monday, July 09, 2018

Primus inter pares

FMT - Should we really leave everything to the PM? (extracts):

By TK Chua

If we have a prime minister who is already powerful, should we give him even more power?

I recently read a letter arguing that no one should question the prime minister’s discretion in appointing members of the Cabinet.

But Pakatan Harapan (PH) is a coalition government. While the prime minister may want his way, he is not completely free to ignore the wishes and the aspirations of the component parties.

Bickering may tear the coalition apart, but unfairness and under-representation, whether real or perceived, may also cause problems.
The best formula is to be fair and keep everybody in check.

If Malaysia truly aspires to break free from the shackles of the past, the prime minister and members of the Cabinet must continue to listen to the voices of the people every day, not just before the general election.

As I've often mentioned/written, in a Westminster democracy, the PM is only the primus inter pares in the cabinet.

Primus inter pares means 'first among equals', with the emphasis on 'equals'. The ancient Romans who first coined the term knew a thing or two about power. It was and still is an honorary title for those who are formally equal to other members of their group but are accorded respect, traditionally owing to their seniority in office.

Thus, while the PM is the primus inter pares, the Finance Minister himself/herself makes financial policies (with of course general agreement from other members of the inner cabinet including the PM). But it would be the FM who makes those policies, and not just takes orders from the PM like a budak kecil as has been happening today. This is as it should be as it was in the days of PMs Tunku Abdul Rahman & Razak and FM Tan Siew Sin.

virtually independent in making the nation's financial policies

because of WWII he only did one year of legal studies - not an accountant like "someone" today, he was the nation's best Finance Minister ever

Mahathir has been used to ruling like an unofficial Emperor but he must be brought quickly to realise that
 he can't just have his ways unchallenged, especially more so in a coalition ruling government like Pakatan Harapan.

And Guan Eng better put a brace on his spine and wired cup for his balls in being a Finance Minister and not behave just a budak kecil appointed by Mahathir to look ONLY after the Tabung Harapan piggy-bank.


  1. Najib was a great example of a PM who practiced the principle of “first amongst equals”. He listened and took advice from all his ministers, especially KJ. And he took every piece of advice from his Finance Minister. TDM should follow his example.

    1. Yet Kaytee has been very quiet when Najib is in charge

      Kaytee motherfucker more is indeed proven to be Najib's arse licker. He has lost all moral grounds demanding anything from us.

      Kaytee should do his dirty works himself. We should expose kaytee. Castrate him and thrown in the forest to be eaten alive by wild animals

    2. I am very sad and disappointed you keep accusing me of fCking your mum

    3. I lamented of your short dick syndrome where till now you are still a virgin. Hence i strongly suggest u castrate yourself and end your life so as to end your motherfucking cheebye kaytee life

    4. I did NOT fCk your mother lah

    5. Your repetitious reply cant dismiss the fact that you do have a dick problem. Seriously ever since ph wins, motherfucker kaytee has been having sleepless nights ever since

    6. there you go again. I protest, strongly object to your unsubstantiated accusation(s) that I fCk your mum

    7. Hehehe....i know you cant sleep tonight as i knew i have hit your raw nerve. Heard that you kenna syphilis right?

      Bad mood.....motherfucker kaytee....perhaps a saving grace from chwebye kaytee being raped

    8. aiyah, told you already - I swear I did NOT fCk your mother

    9. You never show your face and identity.....any swearing from you is meaningless

      Right, you motherfucker cheebye kaytee. For goodness sake, maryam lee a chiu bu show face. What you scare of?

      Pauline hanson

  2. Mahathir always needs to be challenged, needs to be clearly told when he is out of line.

    Strong personalities , strong leaders are always like that.

    The good news is the room for differing opinions is much wider with Pakatan.
    That is how we build a better Malaysia.

    1. Wow.. U really are living in a fairytale huh. U really think madey cares wut u pakatoons think huh? Havent u heard? PH won coz of madey factor.. Not DAP, Not PKR.. Just madey.. Spin it however u want.. That is the fact just like how Daymn CEP said it.. The sooner u get that the lesser ull be disappointed.. And u guys thot we're in a New Malaysia.. Hahaha.. News flash.. This is 80s/90s Retro Malaysia brotha.. Hahaha

    2. As if najib will care or your good friend kaytee.....the motherfucker with a short dick

    3. I swear I did NOT fCk your mum

    4. Hehehehe.....kaytee with short dick and perhaps with syphilis develops irrational behaviour.

      I will surely keep up till kaytee mampus

    5. Kris, to deal with must constantly pissing him off. Just like what brits did to trump, by flying trump baby blimp

      We can do the same to kaytee

  3. Former premier Najib Abdul Razak, in his originating ex-parte summons against attorney-general Tommy Thomas, has cited an article written by the latter, published in Malaysiakini two years ago, as a reason why he thinks it is prejudiced for Tommy to continue leading the prosecution in the graft case against him. In his accompanying affidavit, said the article, titled "Grand Larceny in 1MDB" concluded that money had entered his account...

    Stupid fler. Of course lawyers are prejudiced. Didn’t Shafee defend you all these years?

  4. Khairy Jamaluddin has made some very revealing comments on the reality within the Bijan cabinet.

    It was nigh impossible to tell Bijan the truth, especially difficult facts.

    Either you withheld that or if you told him the cold, hard truth, you would be ejected into the street.

    So they happily buttered Bijan that he would win GE14 easily, probably even win back 2/3 majority.

    The cold reality was, of course, very different.

    1. Heck, the cold reality was fitnah by PH that Najib pirated RM42.0 billion from 1MDB. Prove it.

    2. Ask kaytee to tell najib the truth. More effective

  5. i think mahathir n ph is doing fine. in reality, mahathir n his gang possess the experience n psyche how to deal with a umno civil servant, msia still need mahathir for the time being, or else nothing move.

  6. Off topic....yay, BTN to be abolished ?

    1. Kaytee will always says no. Nowadays kaytee goes bonkers which is good news. The end of kaytee...that motherfucker cheebye

    2. I swear I did NOT fCk your mother

    3. So....kaytee....what about btn will be abolished.....apa macam

    4. If BTN gets abolished, Ktemoc will just ignore the fact, and move on to the next attack.

  7. Yup, leave everything to TDM to do the work so long as it conforms to the Reformasi agenda of PH.

    What's the problem? TDM trusts only whom he wants to trust and there aren't many. Delegating tasks is not his style if he can do it himself.

    Methinks he wants to do everything himself so that his name and legacy will be immortalised after he is gone.

    TDM may have felt his legacy was going to be forgotten after quitting as PM as he himself often quoted "Melayu mudah lupa".

    So, let's cheer him on his own personal crusade since so long as it conforms to PH Reformasi dreams.

    What's the problem? Just relax , sit back and watch him build his legacy to be remembered.
