
Monday, July 09, 2018

Lim KS poking nose intrusively into an overseas private affairs

Star Online - Actress: This is an act of bullying:

PETALING JAYA: Taiwanese actress Celia Chang, who was seen together with Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak’s son Datuk Mohd Nazifuddin Najib, is planning to take legal action after she received intimidating comments on her social media pages, the country’s Apple Daily newspaper reported.

It said Chang was upset at the “insulting, intimidating and bullying comments on her social media pages”.

Some of those who posted comments even picked on her Vietnamese lineage and called her “Vietnamese Chicken” – a derogatory term which means prostitute in Chinese.

Malaysians have flooded her Facebook page with comments asking her to stay away from Mohd Nazifuddin.

“I have no idea,” she said.

Meanwhile, DAP adviser Lim Kit Siang questioned Mohd Nazifuddin’s agenda on his one-day trip to Taiwan the day after his father was charged in court.

“Very few would believe that the whole purpose of Nazifuddin’s quick one-day trip to Taiwan was just to have a rendezvous of wine and food with Celia,” Lim said.

Firstly, Celia, welcome to the moronic mindless mafulat-ish World of Malaysian Hell-Hounds. Just ignore those c**t-faces.

Secondly, Lim Kit Siang, you have contributed to the Pakatan idiotic faithfuls demon-ising Celia Zhang by your insensitive kay-poh probing of her meeting with Nazifuddin, the son of Najib.

act dunno 

smug as a cat that has licked the cream

all be'coz his son is the Finance Minister i/c of the Tabung Harapan piggy bank

sold out the DAP principles 

how we original faithfuls see him 

Lim Kit Siang with MACC strategic communications director Rohaizad Yaakob (centre) and other opposition leaders at the MACC Office in Putrajaya, August 6, 2015. — Picture by Yusof Mat Isa

what a fCking hypocrite and traitor to Teoh Beng Hock's family and his memory

and just one lousy year after his pathetic pompous speech vowing:

Beng Hock’s death would be “in vain” if firstly, his killers remain free and unpunished; and secondly, the MACC is not held responsible and liable for his death and instead allowed to “go to great lengths” to participate in a “cover-up” of the actual causes and circumstances of Beng Hock’s death at the TBH RCI, with MACC officers telling “lies after lies” at the RCI.

I call on Malaysians to stand for justice and to make a commitment that they will not rest until the “cover-up” of Teoh Beng Hock’s criminal and senseless murder is exposed and the killers, including MACC, are brought to justice.

In that flabbergasting volte-face attitude vis-a-vis the MACC, Lim Kit Siang showed his pathetic selfish opportunistic hypocrisy to the family of Teoh Beng Hock but worse, to his very own words which we had long respected but must now re-evaluate kaukau.

Lim Kit Siang broke our true-to-DAP hearts by his treachery to Teoh Beng Hock and family.

Is that private rendezvous any of your fCking business? Your intrusive impudent indecent probing into a private affair borders on the salacious. Are you head of Malaysia's moral police, like your JAKIM/JAWI relatives?

FMT has reported: Secular activist group Bebas has condemned the ... hounding of Mohd Nazifuddin Najib, the son of former prime minister Najib Razak who was seen in photographs in allegedly intimate moments with a Taiwanese actress.

Thirdly, I heard those two youngsters were conversing in Mandarin as Nazifuddin is very fluent in the Chinese lingo. Will you be reporting that to the language police like Rais Yatim, so as to deflect attention of your son's Mandarin discourse?


  1. If lks is keapochee about a 'private' rendezvous of a dubious kind, then what's yr hell-houndish rant about lks's?

    Sama2 lah!

    1. Even worse for cheebye motherfucker kaytee! At least lks is 光明正大。lks put his reputation in line. He has shown his face, credentials and relevant documents.

      As compared that motherfucker, no name no face no cheebye sewer rat. Time to cull this fat rat

    2. I swear I did NOT fCk your mother

    3. Kaytee only got 1 ball and 3" dick

  2. The Taiwanese actress looks like Altantuya.

    Is it possible she is also ............ to Ahjib?

    Everyone looking the wrong way. She may be holding Ahjib bail money to pass to the son.

    Wakakakaka. Another C4 story coming if she is not careful.

    1. Yeah hor.....who knows....kaytee may have a hand....wait a minute kaytee dick too short

      Cannot cannot

  3. Cheebye motherfucker kaytee.....what the fuck you are doing in your fucking blog?

    Why dont you just fuck off from blogsphere? Dont fucking in malaysia politics?

    Fuck u kaytee

    1. admittedly I might have fCk up some things in my life but I swear I did NOT fCk your mother

    2. Your dick no powder la. Thats why you never show yourself publicly

    3. maybe u did n thats y looes keep on asking for yr ic n photo? looes has been wondering all tis year whenever he gaze at his dad look wakaka....

    4. never know kaytee may be related to you

  4. The Traitor Lim Kit Siang has been influential in the decision to get the Teoh Beng Hock murder case investigation reopened.
    Just a little more than 2 months ago , that was a forlorn hope.
    Elections have consequences , and Lim Kit Siang was right to push the strategy to win Phtrajaya.

    Nazifuddin made himself fair game after he waded into politics.

    So Lim Kit Siang not even allowed to questions ah? Sure glad Ktemoc is not in any position of power.

    1. Kaytee doesnt even have the right to question so long he is faceless, ball less and eventually dick less

  5. Well, Malaysian politics is like the gutter tabloids in the UK and Australia which thrive on sex, sport, scandal and sensation and it has been that way since Anwar Ibrahim was accused of committing sodomy way back in 1998 and many of us learned a rarely heard Malay word - "liwat".

    I must say Malaysians are very "lucky" to have had such "entertainment" in real life for free.

    Simply put, Malaysian politics is one on going reality-soap opera (reality show - soap opera).

    1. Aiyooo...see la politics in the Philippines, Indonesia...and have you recently read about the going-on about Trump and his Stormy stripteaser one-time mistress? Also stories of him raping a 13 year old and another 16 year old. And Clinton and his Monica Lewinsky...aiyoyo. Bruno would have all the latest...where are you, Bruno, hehe

    2. Najib has plenty of mistresses coming in and out. Kaytee wouldnt say a word.

  6. UMNO and it's ally PAS continue to play their currency of demonizing DAP as anti-Malay and anti-Islam.
    In that context , it is understable Lim Kit Siang to counter by highlighting the moral depravity of the Bijan clan.

    Drinking binges in Taiwan ( I'm sure that wasn't grape juice he was drinking)....trysts with Taiwanese actresses..

  7. LKS is doing no more that what millions of Malaysians (& this blog) are doing. Speculating and wondering out aloud. He did not do the snooping, exposing or viraling the rendezvous. Apple Daily did. The internet did the rest.


    I wonder if such commentator commenting similar about kaytee, will kaytee die horribly?

  9. An official statement and an official translation of the statement are two different things.

  10. what lks wrote in that article was not about dirty weekend sleez but a possible rendezvous with chubby cheek

    1. Yup...Lim Kit Siang was suggesting the Sleazy tryst is really a smokescreen.

    2. didn't know you were hiding under their bed

    3. Sudah naik marah ke? LKS is merely speculating openly that there may be more than meets the eye. Like that also raise your ire ? Your Sifu lagi dahsyat.....pure vicious fabrication, working up his blur sotongs to the point they talk about getting their parangs ready to spill the blood of Chinese. Where is your so-called principles la....what 'integrity' are you blabbing about all this while ? If you running dogs don't quit, we won't rest be prepared to tear your own hair out, hehehe, except for that Botak Liar, he has no more hair to pull out, hehe
