
Sunday, July 22, 2018

Mentri Wanita perlu ambil tindakan sekarang juga

When I posted Janji melulu, the dedak-makan-er hell-hounds were furious that I dared to comment on their dedak benefactor-ess, wakakaka, that I committed heresy in remarking "She could not even stop child marriages and she dares to promise she can stop or prevent infant deaths", but take a look at the following:

File picture shows Sharmila Sekaran speaking to journalists outside the Magistrates’ Court with Maya Ahmad Fuaad (left) and Women’s Aid Organisation (WAO) acting executive director, Yu Ren Chung, at the Shah Alam court complex July 13, 2018. — Picture by Mukhriz Hazim

IPOH, July 22 — Several child rights groups said it is pointless for the government to say it will stop cases of infants dying under the care of babysitters if no immediate action is taken.

Voice of the Children chairman Sharmila Sekaran said promises are meaningless when there is no real action taken.

“We know there has been a change in the government and some things might be new, but these issues are very old and keep on happening,” she told Malay Mail.

“We don’t need research or studies to stop this. What we need is immediate action.

“The time for talking is over. The law is there and it has to be used fully and effectively before another innocent life is lost.”

Sharmila said all unregistered childcare centres must be immediately shut down and childcare operators and parents who are responsible for children’s deaths should be punished under the Child Care Centre Act 1984 and Child Act 2001.

Sharmila also said housewives who work as babysitters from their own home need to be registered.

“This comes under the home-based childcare centre category. They should go through training such as basic cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) for babies, their home should be child friendly and must have basic equipment to protect the children,” she said.

Sharmila was commenting on two child abuse cases reported this month, with the latest being the death of 10-month-old infant Naufal Amsyar Nabil Fikri, who was believed to have fallen at a baby-sitter’s house in Tangkak, Johor, Friday.

Family Wellness Club president Mangaleswary Ponnampalam said the problem can be tackled by the social and welfare authorities who regulate the childcare industry.

“Only those who meet the standards set by these authorities with respect to safety, hygiene, proper environment, qualifications in childcare should be allowed to operate a childcare centre,” she said.

Mangaleswary also said the reason why most parents choose to send their children to unregistered childcare centres is due to tight finances.

“Most of the registered childcare centres are expensive and it deters the parents from sending their children there.

“The government should look into providing some sort of financial assistance for poor parents to help them send their children to recognised childcare centres,” she said.

Senior consultant paediatrician Dr Amar Singh said that having more legislation will not bring any changes to the issues.

“Laws are good, it protects the people. But, the laws are not to prevent, if somebody abuses a child, then the laws can be used to punish them, but it doesn’t prevent the abuse from happening in the first place.

Dr Amar said that weaknesses in Welfare Department are what should be given attention in solving this problem.

“Welfare Department is the crucial department. They are the ones who supervise and license these child care centres.

Dr Amar also pointed out that the department doesn’t have professional welfare services.

“Overseas, workers in welfare department are degree graduates while here most of them are SPM (Malaysian Certificate of Education) leavers. We need to train them,” he said

Hope clueless gutless useless Princess Iron Fan will gain some pointers from the MM Online article, instead pf warming her hubby's seat and fanning herself.

don't I look ministerial or perhaps more like Princess Diana or Mother Teresa? 


  1. pray tell after immediate shut down, can we move the child to shamila home? n shall punish follow rule of law? or stone them death ok kah? even change shoe color could have so many impact, is all thing can be done so easily n immediately?

    kt, yr bias n grumble is getting more n more irrational n appalling.

    1. Why not sent to cheebye motherfucker kaytee hose? Hy can babysit her there

    2. I swear I did NOT fCk your mother

    3. Kaytee is the perfect candidate to solve all problens.

      Only thing is to ask kaytee to show himself in malaysia. In person.

      I have full moral support towards fucking cheebye kaytee if he does so

      Game, kaytee?

    4. no need show or photo la, u look into mirror u see kt the younger copy.

    5. Why no need.....kaytee screw your mother izzit....hy?

  2. Mala Fide, Ad Hominem Ktemoc .

  3. Mala Fide, Ad Hominem Ktemoc
    Termed Kak Wan clueless gutless useless, when she has been in office less than 60 days.
    Note Ktemoc's graveyard silence on the useless previous Minister - I bet Ktemoc doesn't even know her name, and the even more destructive penultimate Women , Child and Community Development Minister Bijan ,whom Ktemoc is over eager to Teflonize.


    Enjoy your 65th Birthday throughly , Bijan.
    ALL your future ones will likely be behind bars.

    1. Judge, Jury & Executioner.

    2. Like your hadi awang and your fucking religion. Hisham rais told me to tell u

  5. A never ending story of blame whenever an infant dies under nursery/child care centres.

    All the laws, speeches, talk, protests, new regulations etc etc will never solve the problem if enforcement is not there. Even a death sentence will not solve the problem.

    Where is the enforcement by all those depts. currently tasked with inspecting, checking, regulating and supervising all those unregistered child care centres since most of such incidents of deaths occur in unregistered ones?

    Not enough enforcers?

    Why can't RELA, JKKKs, Rukun Tetanggas etc be tasked to help out in enforcing the laws on such unregistered child care centres?

    And what about the local councils enforcers, JAKIM, State religious bodies, Mosque committees etc.

    Where are the priorities?

    1. Yes......unless blaming game. When nostro piggy will blame cheebye kaytee on this fucking shit!

      I need my char siew
