
Saturday, July 07, 2018

Malaysia memang Boleh

An alleged terrorist, convicted blackmailer and a bullshitter facing a legal suit get to meet our wonderful new idol, proving our new Malaysia is one of compassion, liberalism and equality (and vindictive vicious vengeance).



  1. Boh chap boh care so long i see rosmah and najib mampus.

    And kaytee mampus slowly with it

  2. mahathir uphold rule of law, innocent until proven guilty.

    1. you are making my toes laugh

    2. Can you physically show me your toes so that i can cut them off?

      Cheebye kaytee

  3. Wakakakaka…… jamban wholesale clearing! Every little bit goes as if they r the key shots to drown the new govt!

    1) one step at a time lah. The new govt is less than 100 days old, already so much have been accomplished. Priority mah.

    2) This zombie pipe piper knows very well he has nowhere to go, not even the zombie founding land of S Arabic. To save his skin, he will kuai2 toiling whatsoever mamak says. A potent tool to fight the scammering zombieism of bolihland.

    3) If mamak can control this source of radicalized zombieism, he is doing a global service to redeem his past misdeeds before he faces his Maker.

    Eat yr heart out lah!

    1. Ck, u must pattern "eat your heart out la"

      Else that nostro piggy will use it indiscriminately

  4. Ernesto Justo and Claire Rewcastle were the targets of the World's greatest Kleptocrat who wielded all the powers of the Malaysian state to destroy them, by foul means.

    But God / Allah / Buddha / Brahma is Great, and the Kleptocrat himself is today facing an abyss.

    Claire Rewcastle has received international awards for her courage and unstinting work in exposing the Kleptocracy.

    "Lone brave journalist exposes 1MDB corruption"

    1. Justo was convicted and jailed in Thailand for blackmailing - t'was only on the late Thai King's birthday he was granted amnesty with other convicts and released. So stop lying just to justify your dedak KPI.

      Sarawak Report's author is currently facing a suit from Hadi Awang - let's wait and see, and stop lying about Najib's acrimony with her. You sure are a bloody dedak-makan-er

    2. And you? Faceless and showing no credentials.

      Cheebye kaytee should just fuck off and die la

    3. Hmmm.. Monsterball Fitnah-monger, where's that RM2.6 billion stolen money from 1MDB criminal charge?


      Interpol rejects Red Notice on Claire Rewcastle.

      Malaysia's Dedak-fed IGP at the time abused Interpol Criminal channels to get Claire Rewcastle arrested.

      Interpol politely told them to Fuck Off, saying they do not do political work.

      Mahathir wanted to hear his side of the story from Ernesto Justo in person. Which Justo finally got to.

      Allah is Great !

    5. When the criminal charge for the RM2.6 billion stolen money from 1MDB been disclosed, by whosoever (US JoD, Swiss, M'sia MACC) will u make an early appointment to meet yr maker by hanging yrself ke?

      Or u r going to play dumb like kt's sound of silence vis-a-vis the case of political appointees as diplomats!

    6. Unknown sabar la bro. Its only been two months. Idelible dakwat kt kuku pun tk ilang lg. Mcm tk menyempat je. Hehehe

    7. Unknown very sabar to ensure your kukuciao be potong. Mark my word la. That is pas final solution. All including kaytee mock must cut kukuciao

  5. Methink TDM wants to trade Zakir Naik extradition with Malaysian tycoons charged in India.

    And PAS now blowing Trumpets hailing TDM as Messiah of protecting persecuted Moslem preachers.

    And UMNO religious bigots silenced not knowing what to say about TDM moslem credentials.

    You really have to kowtow to Ceasar in his way of politiking. Numero Uno.

    Only the blur ones like Kaytee do not see any strategic plays in politics.

    I am still wondering how he managed to convince most Middle Eastern and Moslem countries in acknowledging him as one of the Great Moslem leaders. His play on anti-semitism sure knows how to endear him forever to them, that's for sure.

    If Ahjib can get donations of 2.6 billion, i wonder how much more TDM can get from them for being a true blue Moslem leader. Wakakakakakakakakakakaka

    1. stop bloody spinning for your new idol - dedak KPI??? wakakaka, the things you do for dedak.

    2. Whoooooah! Look as if i am getting my char siew soon

    3. I am not a fan of Euphemisms nor taking Dedak to survive.

      I just love to spend time chit chatting with you and readers.

      Tell me who is paying Dedak and I might consider it.


    4. It is known that Lokman Noor Adam is the commander-in-chief, he who is now holding the fort for Pokjib...he the one managed to rouse up 50 Pokjib fans to have a candle vigil at MACC the night he was arrested.....this Lokman guy is reported to be in charge of the propagandists, prepaid and now post-paid bloggers and cybertroopers. He had now declared his jihad to monitor PH for its manifesto promises. Sound familiar ? This is exactly what Ktemoc is doing now, wakakakaka. So he must be the guy dispensing the dedak, right Dr Watson ?

  6. You mean Zakir Naik met Najib right? That is old news.

    But the New Malaysia will sort it out. TDM will cut a deal with India. We will deport ZN if India strikes out case against TDM's good friend T Ananda Krishnan. And ok-lah throw not-so-good-friend-but-can-be-useful-in-the-future Tony Fernandez. Wiley Ol' Fox.

    1. stop bullshitting just for dedak

    2. Yup , Ktemoc was as silent as a mouse when his Idol Najib met with Zakir Nail and endorsed him.

  7. You guys are pushing poor Ktemoc to the wall !
    At this rate, especially with his Idol facing Deep Shit, Ktemoc may end up raving in a padded cell..

    1. Of course la. We wanna give cheebye kaytee the noose to hang himself
