
Saturday, July 07, 2018

Another Tok Ampu

FMT - Zakir Naik has brief meeting with Mahathir:

Tokoh #MaalHijrah 1435H/2013M Dr Zakir Naik - Not many Muslims dare to challenge the west, Dr Mahathir is one of them

Dei tambee, I have already 'jacked' (angkat, ampu) Maddy kaukau - he loves such balls-carrying.  Apa lagi lah lu kaupeh-kauboe mahu?

No worry Mamak, Maddy sees everyone especially an alleged terrorist suspect, convicted blackmailer and possibly (if Australia allows) even a murderer.

kaupeh-kauboe - orang2 yang sangat bertengkar bising


  1. So, apa kt kaupeh-kauboe mahu?

    Restore jibby's regime!


  2. Tun, please get rid of this terrorist, period.TQ.

  3. So when is Zakir Naik going for Bahasa Malaysia lessons and speak in BM?

    Bloody unpatriotic if he cannot speak and write BM.


  4. Kaytee is Najib's tok ampu too

    1. Yup, example of Ktemoc Ampu Bijan kau-kau

  5. zakir naik is our magic mirror, he demonstrate to us what muslim (or islam) is all about. let him stay.

  6. zakir naik's fans and followers sees him as a savior but as it turns out mahathir the man who can walk on water is his savior, not such an influential man after all is he, the speed at which he scramble to see maddy says a lot about his character

    1. When my little nephew is naughty, his mother will tell him...behave or you go sit in the corner.

      So when Dr M says that this Indian Zakir Naik must behave in order not be exported out, it means Dr M knows that he had been 'naughty', insulting those others who are not of the Muslim's faith. Otherwise, Dr M wouldn't simply asked a god-like preacher to behave.

      In the picture above, Dr M looked very glum....he doesn't seemed very happy sitting next to this gila goat, hehe. Sometimes, a PM, no matter how powerful, still have to endure shitty this case, Dr M still have to brush shoulders with shits like Zahid ( who was brutal prior to the election...masih ingat his holding up a supposedly Dr M's birth certificate, wakakaka ) and now having to sit next to this Naik gila goat. Duty calls, I suppose...must placate these deeply taksub Melayus.

    2. it's quite embarrassing the way you spin your lies to protect Mahathir - but I think you've earned enough for your efforts, feeble as they were, so please stop as you are too embarrassing in your tok-ampu behaviour, wakakaka

    3. Hahahaha...just like a thief who yells THIEF, THIEF, this talam dua muka Ktemoc doesn't know what is shame even if it bites him in his ass, wakakkaka.

      Tak malu ke ? Wasn't it during Pokjib's era that this Naik goat got his PR? and the island/s too ? How come no noise out of you ? Embarrassed much now ? hihi

      Most of us in PH would like to see reforms continue rolling out...there's so many areas needed urgent fixing that it's really overwhelming. But we are not naive or unthinking. About 70% Malays are still on 'the other side' and their agent provocateurs are back in full force now. Every day now, 24/7, these bastards keep on cucuk-ing, inflaming, batu api-ing, baling batu-ing, and fake news-ing. Shameless the way they reently create fake news about Dr M on death bed, with doctors secretly brought in to administer him round the clock and his bedroom barred entry to all but the family and the doctors only, with bodyguards guarding at the door with rifles, wakakkkaaka. Only those with devilish minds can be so prolific with their lies and fabrication.

      Pokjib's deep pocket is still intact, with his billions now intact, his team is embarking on this cyber war to create cracks and hopefully to grasp back power in this way. All this Tabung Najib is just a drama...the Chief Thief pretending to be broke and his bodoh masses have to corek their pockets for him in their stupidity.

      So are we so stupid and naive to expect total 100% wholesale reforms NOW at all cost ? You rile up a deeply indoctrinated masses and you next will have to quickly look for the exit from here with your very life ! Your Sifu MOM is now in full swing, talking about the hatred of the Chinese for the Malays...100% of the Chinese are now against the Malays according to this devil of a his comment guy responded saying his parangs are now sharpened, another lady who's permanently camped there was saying that her parangs are now ever ready and glistening and won't be 'satisfied' until it taste the kafirs' blood on its blades !

      This Ketuanan mentality will not be eradicated next month. Not even in 5 years' time. Not even in 10 years' time. Maybe in 60 years' time, by which time we won't be here to witness...maybe only me when I reach the age of 92, wakakkaka.

    4. didn't your mum teach you that when others eat shit, you should also eat shit

    5. What has your mum with her shit advice has to do with what I posted above ? Read my lips...I am saying don't expect the PM to wipe out Ketuanan Melayu and Ketuanan Islam by end August. His party has only 13 seats and he's not going to give everything to the Chinese....might as well give back power to Umno cum Pas on the platter. But that doesn't mean we are not going to continue voice out...freedom of speech mah, hehe

      By the by, obviously you are listening very well to your mum. My mum, if you are interested to know, never once dispense such advice to me. So your mum asked you to eat shit eh ? wakkakaka...when others eat shit, she also wanted her son to eat shit, kind of a mum ! No wonder you turned out the way you did, hihi. Proven...your Botak Liar Sifu ate a lot of too eat not a little shit, but we somehow know Sifu ate lebih banyak la. Same gang la. Except you are more open in the commentary section, quite unlike MOM Pengecut.

    6. didn't you say:

      Tak malu ke ? Wasn't it during Pokjib's era that this Naik goat got his PR? and the island/s too ? How come no noise out of you ? Embarrassed much now ? hihi

      So Najib did all that, and you now wanna eat the shit he did???

    7. But we don't keep silent like you. When your Pokjib cuddle up with that Naik goat, we didn't hear a peep from you ( BTW same for when Hadi cuddle up cozy with Big Thief ). We have been shouting ourselves hoarse. Just like now, at the feedback section of the various social medias, we have been castigating Dr M about him saying that Indian preacher did not do anything wrong and must behave in order to stay here. honest for once la. When Najib did the same thing, inviting Naik to tea, you didn't say a word. When Dr M did the same thing, i.e. give support to this bigot, only then you raise hell. Tak malu ke ?

      We might speculate WHY the PM acted the way he did, but we don't keep quiet ! We take it as our lot to make noise, and make noise we did on such specific issues. Our comments at Malaysiakini, FMT, MC, etc not only hantam him on this Naik goat issue, we also voice out strongly about BTN issue, Jakim high budget issue. So I ain't eating the shit your mum advised you to eat la.

    8. read my posts because you've poor memory or being such a liar

    9. Surely you can do better than this...when you lose out in arguments, you give non-answers...your stock non-answers. Podah la
