
Monday, July 16, 2018

Like 7-year old sweetie - t'was Allah's will

MM Online - Kelantan child bride’s husband says wanted to marry her since she was 7 (extracts):

IPOH, July 16 — The 41-year-old rubber tapper who married an 11-year-old girl in Kelantan reportedly said today he had wanted to tie the knot with the girl since she was seven years old.

The father of four told BH Online today that news of his marriage had only shocked the outside world, as most of the villagers and his friends had known about his wish for a while.

The man said he had told his friends, and even shown them a picture of the girl, known as Ayu, while he was in the holy land of Mecca.

Most of them, he said, had agreed to the union as the girl was not in school and came from a poor family.

The 41-year-old said he was unsure what made him feel like marrying the girl, but claimed it was not driven by desire.

Instead, he reiterated his claim that he wanted to protect Ayu and provide welfare for her.

“When news of our marriage spread, only outsiders were shocked because most of the villagers and my friends knew about it for a while,” he was quoted as saying.

“I knew Ayu since she was small because we were neighbours, and I also taught Al-Quran lessons to her ... it was then I told myself ‘one day I will take this girl as my wife’ and I did so four years later.”

“Believe me death and jodoh (destined partner) comes from Allah insult me if you must, but I am not scared or dissuaded from going through with the marriage because my new responsibility is teaching her to be closer to Allah.”

Allah swt has been dragged into the shame of the man's desire to have a 7-year old partner as his bed partner whether HIS Divine Self likes it or not or especially whether HE has approved or not. By the by, the man is a Muslim.

Mariam Mokhtar wrote in her Malaysiakini column titled The child bride: Cook, cleaner, prostitute and nurse (extracts):

... the sale of baby girls is the offer of marriage made on behalf of teenage, or pre-pubescent daughters, to older men, like the recent marriage of an 11-year-old to a 41-year-old man.

An 11-year-old girl knows only what her parents tell her. She does not know about falling in love. She will never feel fulfilled without an education, or be able to explore her full potential.

She will be trapped in the cycle of looking after her old man, falling pregnant, taking care of her babies, and in a few years, not just deal with her own hormone-raging-teenage children who are only a few years younger than her, but also her husband who is senile, and probably has erectile dysfunction and double incontinence.

It would be a terrific bonus if she was enterprising enough to start a home business, like making kuih-muih or simple needlework, so he could live off her income.

If she were a headstrong woman, her husband might replace her with a younger model, by divorcing her and dumping her without any financial help, or perhaps send her packing to her family. After all, the Malay man is aware that syariah laws are very poorly enforced.

For the price of a small dowry, the man who marries a child bride is able to engage the services of a maid, baby-maker, child-carer, houseminder, cook, "lust satisfier" and more importantly, a nurse to care for him in his old age.

All in all, not a bad deal, eh?

I wonder what the Minister for Women, Family and Community Development will do other than to dismiss the shame as a legal act even though the bloke had to marry in Thailand outside Malaysian syariah jurisdiction.

And stop waving her Princess Iron Fan's magic apparatus - the shame won't go away. You as the Women Minister has failed the Malay community miserably.

Additionally, I advise her deputy minister to stay clear, and not take the heat on behalf of your superior.

In Malaysia, Christian ministers must NOT interfere in Islamic affairs, lest they suffer the same threats as Syerleena Abdul Rashid (DAP Penang) - for more see
Religion or man advocating killings?.



  1. When is the Thai Govt. going to arrest him for Paedophilia since it involve a Thai citizen?

    If he is sincere to help, why must he marry the child? Why don't he just extend his help willingly without expecting anything in return?

    Or castrate and become a eunuch before marrying her to prove it was not animal lust which has driven him to be so charitable according to his religion.

    1. You think john will agree to your suggestion....nostro piggy

  2. Parliament 14 please petition Agong and the Council of Rulers. Drag the Shariah courts from medieval times to the 21st century. MPs are hopeless in this issue, especially Muslim ones who are bound by their faith. And poor Hannah is just itching to "Just Do It" but has to tread carefully.


    “For me, if we hold on to the fundamentals of Islam, we cannot go bad because Islam calls upon us to do good, to strengthen brotherhood among ourselves. Therefore, it is not wrong to be fundamentalist Muslims."

    Saya sokong sepenuhnya.

    1. Wakakakaka… moron!

      The fundamentals of Islam ≠ the fundamentalist ideas of zombieism

      Faham tak?

      Yr sokong sepenuhnya IS for yr zombieism doctrines that r in total contrast with the universal values of the Islam, as dictate in the Quran lah!

  4. These child predators should just take a short trip to Golok and screw till their tiny pricks,are so diseased that they can be made into cabbage soup.Then all the young vulnerable girls will be free from these child rapers.The last time I heard,Melania used the sharp end of a ruler and smack Donald Trump'stiny prick that it almost break into two.

    1. wakakaka, good to have you back with your morning Trump news

    2. Kaytee said bruno is eaten alive by an alaskan bear.

    3. stop dreaming of BIG pricks like the bear's, brono's and mine, wakakaka

  5. Parliament is in session.


    Poor Zahid (Same Same No Idea) has no choice but to be Opposition Leader. Nobody from UMNO or PAS wanted the job; KJ can't wait to see Zahid embarrassed when the no-lingual guy gets tongue tied answering tomahawks flung from the Harapan side. He has a tendency to quote a few Quranic verses when he has no proper answer. And to confirm UMNO is empty of new ideas poor Najib has to sit next to Zahid in Parliament to "tutor" him (or rather to whisper answers to Zahid like during the UMNO Presidential debate which he took via telecast from Bagan Datuk), even though Najib was originally supposed to be a backbencher. This was clearly seen as the original nameplate next to Zahid in Parliament was not Pekan. KJ is taking close attention, he will not put up with this nonsense. His vision for UMNO was total brain ad organ transplant. All warlords extracted, membership open to nons. If UMNO won't change then he will leave and take all his supporters with him. 40% of the delegates voted for him. LKS is having the time of his life.

    I'M LOVIN' IT.

  6. It's really, really creepy for a middle-aged adult man to have been eyeing a little 7-year old girl as a future bride....yucky stuff.

    Child marriages have been occurring in Malaysia for decades, but Ktemoc just wants to Hentam Wan Azizah.

  7. "In Malaysia, Christian ministers must NOT interfere in Islamic affairs,"...Ktemoc.

    In a previous post "" Ktemoc argued that this matter must be treated as a matter of vital national interest, and not Syariah laws - and used that to hentam Wan Azizah.

    Now he tells Hannah Yeoh to stay out of it.
    Please get a few things right.

    Hannah Yeoh is the Federal Deputy Minister for Women, Family and Community Development...not Christian Minister, there is no such thing.

    Looks like Ktemoc is subscribing to the standards of the Bijan mob, which held that NONs have no say in matters that involve Muslims, regardless that the matter affects everyone in the country.
