
Monday, November 14, 2016

Knight knuckle-knocked

Datuk punched on nose.

Tun capsicum sprayed.

Datuk2 masuk lokup.

Apa lagi? 

Fine tributes to HRHs.


  1. Ikan Bakar dude is actually a sissy at heart.He is only brave screaming his lungs out,when he has thousands of goons standing behind him.Just look at him.He got punched by a plain cloth's policeman.And he blame the Bersih people,whom he has been insulting for so long.What a coward,just like pervert pussy grabber,Donald Trump.

  2. Ahjibgor's went to Beijing bowl in hand.

    Come back with a bundle of MOUs worth 144B. No cash deals!

    Next to Tokyo, again bowl in hand!


    Simple ma Watson - tak cukup to fill the coming debts!

    GII of RM11B is maturing on 15Nov.

    Cinapek is not topping up for that gap, but ONLY willing to sign MOUs for possible recoverable businesses!

    Two other MGSes worth RM8.75B & RM10.5B r also ending on Feb&Mar2017.

    Who's going to buy the total of RM 30.25B debts when NOW all other foreign govt/financial institutes r dumping M'sia bonds & run?

    This explains the sharpest fall of the RM in the sea of FX fear.

    Look East lah to the land of rising sun mamak style, since the dragon seeds ain't interested.

    The ONLY leverage is that HSR contract!

    But hasn't it been locked solid by the Cinapek during the 1MDB's SungaiBesi military airport rescue?

    Look likely the Japs wouldnt bite too.

    Too big a hole to fill in 5 months time! No possible white knight in sight for financial helps within such a short term. Black swans might further complicate the issue now that the Whit house is been occupied by an irrational jerk!

    Something will give.... quick fending for that 'calamity'.

    A bleeding nose malay knight riding the trojan horse to help win this war by creating chaos to deflect that scary money thought!

    Mark this in yr mind, fellow M'sians!


    A coded message has been given!!!

    Yellow shirts, BEWARE.
