
Monday, November 14, 2016

Is DAP to be MCA-rized?

By Joceline Tan of Star (relevant extracts):

UMNO III  with its MCA II

There are undercurrents in Pakatan. It is understood that Muhyiddin’s reluctance to proceed with the cooperation agreement is because he is still talking to PAS.

The sense is that he has been unable to strike a comfort level with DAP. His party is going for Malay seats and having DAP as his ally may backfire.

Muhyiddin is said to be exploring the idea of a separate Opposition coalition comprising Parti Pribumi, PKR and PAS. This will be the grand coalition that has been floated by some leaders. Pakatan is, of course, against the idea.

The grand coalition would find the Chinese-dominated DAP and Amanah in one group and the Malay-dominated parties in another bigger group.

In the event that the grand coalition does capture Putrajaya, the Malay-dominated group will call the shots in the coalition government.

On the sidelines there was chatter among the press corps of tensions between Muhyiddin and his domineering party chairman.

Muhyiddin was not present for Dr Mahathir’s keynote address.

He came later and made a point of sitting next to his deputy president Datuk Seri Mukhriz Mahathir.

But the man to watch in all this shadow play is PKR deputy president Datuk Seri Azmin Ali who side-stepped questions from the media about a second Opposition coalition, saying that negotiations with PAS is still on.

The Selangor Mentri Besar was supposed to have left on an official visit to Mexico yesterday but he decided not to go. Some claimed he wanted to be around for Dr Mahathir at the convention and they did strike a companionable picture as they sat together.

"I am Malay First" Moody plans to have twin coalitions against the BN. I repeat Joceline Tan's words as follows:

Muhyiddin is said to be exploring the idea of a separate Opposition coalition comprising Parti Pribumi, PKR and PAS. This will be the grand coalition that has been floated by some leaders. Pakatan is, of course, against the idea.

The grand coalition would find the Chinese-dominated DAP and Amanah in one group and the Malay-dominated parties in another bigger group.

In the event that the grand coalition does capture Putrajaya, the Malay-dominated group will call the shots in the coalition government.

And it would seem that Azmin Ali is in the know as it's reported that he side-stepped questions from the media about a second Opposition coalition.

After all, his uncle is not called the greatest manipulator for nothing, and Azmin was brought up by that master manipulator.

But far more important is LKS leading the DAP into a coalition which will play second class to Pribumi as MCA is 2nd class BN member to UMNO.


  1. The way the opposition parties are heading,a sure beating by Najib's BN is for sure.It all come's down to how many seats the BN is going to take back from the opposition.Not how many more seats the opposition is going to win from the BN.

  2. if dap wan to play first class, umno rule forever, unless dap malay-rized.

    1. dap malay-rized means ketuanan leads.

      Any difference with umno rules forever??

      Dedak, tongkat & arabized Islam dulu, kini dan selamanya. Right?

      Why not bolihland Malaysianised?

      No ketuanan, me first mentality & all the craps that have been invented to pop-up a forever infantile blur sotong class?

    2. dap malay-rized mean malaysian to lead malaysian not malay, chinese or indian. u understand the diff kah?

    3. How to equate DAP malay-rized with Malaysian to lead Malaysian??

      KT's malay-rized DAP, if I remembered correctly, simply means more Melayu DAP members. So that DAP is not so monochromatic in appearance & more appealing to the browns. Betul tak, KT?

      (Wakakakaka, those DAP Indians r transparent & only yellows count - KT's intrinsic aneh caste thinking in play?)

      For the heartlanders, who largely are poor, race is not only important but they believe is essential for their well-being.

      ONLY Melayu could lead Melayu. Meritocratic considerations r not part of their leadership selection criteria!

      To these heartlanders, those DAP Melayus r forever pengkhianat bangsa. More of these browns simply means more of these traitors to be cursed.

      So more browns in DAP won't help.

      Thus, removing this psychological tag, indoctrinated deep within these heartlander's mind, IS the only solution to start the process of Malaysian to lead Malaysian.

      If we r to discard racial identity in any Malaysian political setup, then why so important about more Melayu in DAP?

      It should be the best man for the job. After all, it's about Malaysia as a whole.

      Unless one just want to be politically correct & along the way sacrifices the meritocratic process.

      Then, how's that differs from the approaches of the ketuanan freaks?

  3. any reasonable person could recognize the malay knight intended and prefiguring the central events of the story.. and watch the knight presenting the story into reality

  4. DAP to be MCA-rized?
    The possibility has always been there....
    There are plenty of Malays who are mighty uncomfortable with a DAP-dominated opposition , whether in fact or perception.
