
Sunday, September 04, 2016

Simbol2 Haram

MM Online - Under ‘haram’ spotlight, iconic Langkawi eagle’s status in question

KUALA LUMPUR, Sept 4 — Kedah deputy mufti Syeikh Marwazi Dziyauddin has assured the public there would be no rush to demolish Langkawi’s iconic eagle statue, after it was thrown again into media spotlight over its purported “haram” or forbidden status in Islam.

Syeikh Marwazi said the Kedah Fatwa Council will need to first be consulted, adding that the state mufti department will discuss the matter with the local authorities to determine the next course of action over the statue in Dataran Lang. [...]

He noted that this was an old issue that was being raised again, acknowledging the possibility that the initial proposal to build the eagle statue was not first referred to the Kedah Islamic Religious Department. [...]

On Friday, Perak deputy mufti Zamri Hashim had in a column in local daily Berita Harian wrote that it was forbidden in Islam to make full-bodied statues of living creatures such as humans or animals, citing consensus of Muslim scholars from all Sunni schools of jurisprudence.

The Ipoh chief of Islamist group Ikatan Muslimin Malaysia (Isma) also said that if such statues have already been built, its demolition is “wajib” or compulsory. [...]

Defending his deputy’s views, Perak mufti Tan Sri Harussani Zakaria said yesterday that the construction of replicas or monuments resembling living creatures was forbidden.

“Any living creatures, except for trees, cannot be built as a replica or monument if it is done in a condition with all limbs complete,” he was quoted saying yesterday by news outlet Astro Awani.

Velly velly good.

Malaysian official emblem 


Army Aviation


Gerak Khas 

Kor Kesihatan Tentera

Angkatan Tentera

Skn-10, TUDM 

TUDM Butterworth

Skn-10 TUDM 

mangkok tok2 mee Pulau Pinang 


  1. What to expect?

    Brain-deaths & nincompoops need to show their worth. Otherwise, how to justify their job positions?

  2. The main concerns about idolatry relate to life-sized or monument sized depictions of living things.

    Small emblems and badges are not an issue.

  3. How do you know? Please quote some verses in your support.

    Narrated by Abu Talhah: I heard Allah's Apostle (Peace and blessings be upon him) saying; "Angels (of Mercy) do not enter a house wherein there is a dog or a picture of a living creature (a human being or an animal)." [Bukhari 4:448]

    Often I wonder what are those pictures of PM, MB and rulers doing on the walls of government offices and banks. Wouldn't Allah ask you to breath life into these pictures one day when you meet Him?
