
Saturday, September 03, 2016

Double standards

In the Melaka Gateway project, a RM30 billion deal, the construction firms will reclaim three islands off the coast of Melaka the federal government has hailed the project, while it condemns Penang state for reclaiming land from the sea in Penang.

MM Online reports: The Fisheries Development Board (LKIM) today gave the assurance that the board will do its utmost to prevent any land reclamation activities at the Permatang Damar Laut, Sungai Batu and Teluk Kumbar areas, here.

Its chairman Datuk Irmohizam Ibrahim said the board had vehemently opposed the project proposed by the Penang DAP government, deemed to be non-beneficial to the fishermen there.

He said the proposed reclamation area which covered an area of 809.73 hectares for the development of three artificial islands was believed to be harmful to the ecosystem and thus would jeopardise the livelihood of 1,700 fishermen from Teluk Kumbar, Gertak Sanggul, Sungai Batu and Permatang Damar Laut areas.

“The rationale of the reclamation project, as I see it, is more towards corporatisation and commercialisation, while the welfare of the lower class groups is ignored.

“This is a crucial matter and as LKIM chairman I have to ensure fish source especially fresh fish, is always available. The important thing is we are trying to reduce fish imports and Balik Pulau is among areas in Penang as well as the Melaka Straits, with the most abundant fish supply.

“So, do not destroy the economic resources available as well as the areas in which the fishermen had depended on for their livelihood all these years,” he told reporters after meeting fishermen at Dewan Nelayan Unit Sungai Batu, Teluk Kumbar, near here.

Also present was Balik Pulau MP, who is also Health Deputy Minister, Datuk Seri Dr Hilmi Yahaya. Irmohizam said LKIM had built a fishermen market at Teluk Kumbar, Sungai Batu and Pulau Betong areas so that fishermen could sell their catch directly to customers and earn up to RM4 million yearly, and if the project was approved it would affect the fishermen's sales revenue.

Well, that's typical UMNO fairness.


  1. itulah kebijaksanaan umno ! kan PP adalah utk diperlakukan spt anak angkat ?

  2. Both the planned mega land reclamations in Penang and Malacca have the potential to be highly destructive to the environment.
    Both Lim Guan Eng and Idris Haron are on the wrong side of what is right. Private developers are free to propose whatever projects makes sense to their business objectives. Government has to play the role of unbiased arbiter to ensure the concerns of all key stakeholders are taken care of. When the State Government becomes a co-promoter or joint sponsor of such projects, it loses its credibility to play such role as arbiter.

    Everybody knows that Double Standards is the middle name of this UMNO Federation administration.
    The Malaysian Civil Service and its statutory bodies - the various "Lembaga" are thoroughly de-professionalised, reduced to mere flunkeys taking their orders from UMNO.

    So what's the point of your post ?

    1. apakah alternatif awak jika tak mau menambak tanah dari laut ? macam mana kerajaan PP boleh biayai PTMP ? berapa besarkah tanah di PP yg masih boleh dibangunkan ?

      macam mana KOMTAR dan Jambatan PP boleh dibina tapi penambakan laut ini tidak ?

      sedarkah awak yg penambakan ini adalah projek kerajaan PP ? tanah yg ditambak adalah tanah kerajaan negeri yg akan dijual ? sudahkah penambakan ini diluluskan oleh umno ?

      lagipun, mana satu projek yg tak sekalipun sentuh alam sekitar ?

    2. the point of my post is to remind you makan dedak people what double standards means, wakakaka

  3. Very, very rich coming form a Najib "I am above the law" lover...double standards personified.....
