
Monday, March 23, 2015

Pakatan "Selamat Malaysia"?

TMI - To save Malaysia, Kit Siang suggests new coalition with MPs from BN, Pakatan

Y: Ah Gor, heard your military nowadays has become politicized?
N: mai pen rai, kow-tim liao
Y: di, dimark, just look at my experience

Only if Najib shows support for PAS' hudud, Lim KS expresses his PERSONAL proposal for a new quasi-bipartisan coalition, made up of both Pakatan and BN people, to "Save Malaysia and defend the Federal Constitution and rule of law".

Yes, if Najib hudud-izes his political stand, Lim KS said: "May be the time has come for a new 'Save Malaysia' coalition comprising MPs from both sides of the political divide and the South China Sea, to defend the constitution and rule of law with a new prime minister and a new government."

By the by, South China Sea refers to Sarawak and Sabah, not Vietnam, Indon or gasp China, wakakaka.

Then he added the sweetener, that the new prime minister could come from either BN or PR, as long as the person wants to "save Malaysia, defend the Federal Constitution and the rule of law".

... the new prime minister could come from either BN or PR?

I guess this time he was referring to an ultra cautious Ku Li, said to be the best PM we never had - maybe that's how he became the best ever PM ... only because we didn't have him, wakakaka.

Once I had lots of admiration and secret hopes for Ku Li to become PM, but his evasive, elusive and equivocating intent to be an alternative PM since his defeat by Dr M has left me cold and bloody disappointed. He only emerged to say something sweet to our ears when he felt relatively safe.

Who then in BN could be the new coalition leader as the alternative PM?

While you think about the question, let me propose a name for the 'notional' coalition to "Save Malaysia and defend the Federal Constitution and rule of law".

Yep, 'notional' because somehow I have a firm belief Ah Rose Soe would not allow Ah Jib Gor to go hudud, wakakaka.

Anyhow, what about 'Selamat Malaysia' coalition with a catchy singkatan (abbreviation) like 'SALAM' (not 'SATAY', wakakaka) which should out-Islam PAS and UMNO, at least on the superficial surface, but then what is PAS' hudud legislation and UMNO support for it other than political opportunism, hence also superficial in their manoeuvres with respect to Islamic legislation.

Back to the SALAM (wakakaka) leadership, please forget about Ku Li because he won't make a move unless the PM's chair is gift-wrapped and handed over to him on a silver platter.

Obviously the SALAM coalition won't include PAS, because PAS' hudud push has been the very cause of its notional existence. But blokes like their Erdogens could join either PKR or DAP to be considered as PM.

It's unlikely we can, or for that matter, should have junior politicians who by their age and experience won't be suitable to be PM.

Indeed, by age and experience and also political renown (at least in the past, wakakaka), Ku Li even at his veteran age, would have been an ideal choice but as I have said, he has allowed himself to suffer from political timidity since his crushing defeat in 1987 and during the Semangat 46 days to be of much value to a new coalition to oppose UMNO-PAS.

And forget about Dr Wan as she's known to be a reluctant pollie and doesn't have the fire to lead other than to save her husband.

What about:

(a) UMNO's Abdullah Saifuddin who's 54 (a good age to be PM) and who's known for his balanced views,

(b) PKR's Azmin Ali who's 50, already MB of Selangor and who walked the corridors of high power with Anwar in their UMNO hey days, and have intimate relationship with UMNO's top leaders [I admit I personally don't like nor trust him],

(c) Ariff Sabri - I don't know how old he is but I guess around 55 to 60. He has strong economic qualification, and prior to joining DAP, was an UMNO member, or

(d) a Sabahan/Sarawakian bumi from UMNO?

I have listed 4 UMNO or (wakakaka) former UMNO people above. Can you dream up a respectable person (of either gender) from BN or PKR or elsewhere (civil service, ex military, industry, NGO), who's a bumiputera (including from the 'South China Sea', wakakaka) aged around 55 to 65 (plus or minus a few years) with a track record of respectability, credibility and fairness? Being a Muslim is preferable but hopefully, not essential.

I like to propose Marina Mahathir ;-). Sweetie is a fine citizen and a wonderful woman with a commendable humanitarian and compassionate approach to helping people, bravely outspoken against injustice and oppression, stands up for the weak and downtrodden, articulate and possesses good values, and like Margaret Thatcher, has more gonads than a lot of blokes, wakakaka. Yea, I know what some of you will say!


  1. MM cannot be PM because she is not an MP.
    Too bad...however we need to be realistic as well.
    She is free to speak as she does Because she is not a politician who intends to run for election. Otherwise, with the mentality of the Malay/Muslim electorate today, she would be Unelectable.

    1. aisehman, easily kowtim one, she'll stand as a SALAM candidate in GE-14

    2. Free to speak?????

      Everything connected wuth her mamak dad is off topic, period!!!!!

      Guess... there is still that filial duty within her heart, even though her old man has done everything against what she claims to fight for...ehhhh!!!!

      Kt's idot - sama sama sh'ja.

    3. are you also considering Nurul Izzah "off topic" because of her former UMNO dad?

    4. I'm putting them DOWN - as all in the family!

    5. That means it would be LKS's family and Karpal's sons. Not to mention Patto's daughter as well

    6. No no no cannot. Cannot attend functions and prayers with the Agong..remember Selangor?

  2. Khairy Jamaluddin

    1. too young, like Nurul Izzah

    2. Not only too young....he's tak cukup masak lah...masih spewing nonsense in his sometimes 'right' and sometimes 'not right' input. Who could forget how he became an overnight multi millionaire when he was controlling his father-in-law PM office on the 4th floor, virtually running the whole country while the FIL took naps throughout the day ?

    3. LKY was 36 when he first become PM of Singapore. Hahahaha, kaytee

    4. How many people could be another LKY ? Even if one uses only five fingers on one hand to count, there's still fingers left to spare, hehehe. Kudos to that grande old man, may he RIP !

  3. How about LKY? Singapore never had any Hudud and he is an atheist?


    1. LKY left us early this morning. Requiescat in pace

    2. LKY left in full confidence and satisfied, because his son is now in charge.
      Asians are still very dynastic people.

      Mahathir has a strong imperative to ensure his clan to be in charge before he goes.
      Could it ironically come through in the end, with Marina in charge, not Mukhriz as he has planned it ?

    3. Lee's an agnostic.


    4. Yes, Huaren. S Rajaratnam too!

    5. LKY is in hell now because he never believe in Islam and never implement Hudud. Don't challenge this or else you are anti-Islam and you will be charged with sedition.

    6. How could LKY is in hell when Nik Aziz show him the thumb up sign? Cibai......You are saying that Nik Aziz is also in hell? Not sure about Nik Abduh though

      By the way, in the 60s and 70s, LKY&s singapore is even more hudud than hudud itself. Bet you cibai got long hair right?

  4. A new version BN ?

    BN was born out of the ashes of May 13, and intially had quite a good declaration of intentions.
    Alas in practice, it steadily deteriorated into a corrupt parody of a coalition.
    Gerakan, once a vibrant, idealistic party descended into depraved irrelevance.

  5. Hishammuddin Hussein.
    Good background, "clean" record, excellent education, secular outlook,

    1. He is the cousin of Najib and so is of the same kind. Will he accept to be PM when Najib is his cousin. It is like stabbing behind Najib's back. I don't think he will do it.

  6. Totally agreed about Ku Li.....the one whom they labelled as the hermit from Gua Musang ? He is neither here nor there......damn disappointing ! And what is this we hear of him supporting hudud for Kelantan ? wtf.....

    1. Ku Li was left a castrated capone (Pondan) after he wound up S46 and went back to UMNO with begging bowl in hand.

      He was accepted back into the house like some naughty boy, provided he never again attempted or even considered going for a top job.

      Ku Li once sat on the Board of Directors of the IMF , World Bank, as well as the Asian Development Bank. That is all ancient history. He is a "Has Been" as the American slang puts it.

      There are similar echoes in Anwar Ibrahim's trajectory, except Anwar ended up in jail 3 times, which is a lot tougher than Ku Li's.

  7. If Hudud is the product of secret collusion between PAS and UMNO, I must say it has been a very effective one.
    Most people have diverted their attention from Giant Elephants in the room.

    Personal economic issues such as GST.
    A lot of ordinary people are going to find their budgets severely impacted. Forget about comparing to GST in Singapore or other First World countries. Totally different situation in Malaysia.

    Macro-economic issues.
    1MDB potentially bleeds massive amounts of taxpayer guaranteed debt. Every man, woman and child could end up paying for it.

    But everybody is getting worked up and being turned into a Hudud-warrior - either for or against.

  8. MM? There is a difference between being an idealistic social activist as apposed
    to a leader with an Iron (eg. Margaret Thatcher) Will. Who will not try to please
    everyone, and with the vision to move the country in the right direction. You're
    thinking with the wrong part of your body mate ..... :)

    1. Havent KT being like that as he himself admitted somewhere in the previous posting about sex!

      Lau puh si - same old same old.

    2. wakakaka, you're all not using your wits but your hormones to think, wakakaka again

    3. wasnt THAT what u'd said?????

    4. wits, mate, wits - wakakaka



    6. Daniel,
      Have you read about LKY kinda renew faith in......hehehehe? That is why I always respected agnostics and despised some atheists particularly ktemoc

      “I try to busy myself,” he said, “but from time to time in idle moments, my mind goes back to the happy days we were up and about together.” Agnostic and pragmatic in his approach to life, he spoke with something like envy of people who find strength and solace in religion. “How do I comfort myself?” he asked. “Well, I say, ‘Life is just like that.’ ”

      Lately, he said, he had been looking at Christian marriage vows and was drawn to the words: “To love, to hold and to cherish, in sickness and in health, for better or for worse till death do us part.”

      At night, hearing the sounds of his wife’s discomfort in the next room, he said, he calms himself with 20 minutes of meditation, reciting a mantra he was taught by a Christian friend: “Ma-Ra-Na-Tha.”

      The phrase, which is Aramaic, comes at the end of St. Paul’s First Epistle to the Corinthians, and can be translated in several ways. Mr. Lee said that he was told it means “Come to me, O Lord Jesus,” and that although he is not a believer, he finds the sounds soothing.

      Kaytee, see whack Paul so much la..........Hahahahaha!

      I wonder what cibai hasan would say

    7. There are times in almost everyone's life when he/she is faced with a crisis (e.g. devastating financial loss, potential loss of someone near and dear, etc.) when nothing offers solace and comfort except religion. In that case it is pragmatic, even if you are not a believer in the supernatural, to lean on religion to get through the rough times - like the proverbial drowning man grabbing at a straw (why not, if the straw can keep you afloat). In other words use religion like a crutch just like a person whose leg is injured and has to use crutches to move about. Once his leg has healed he throws the crutches away.

      Similarly the atheist in emotional torment can use religion even, or especially, with its supranatural claims to get through the storm. He/she can throw it away once things get better. No one can say - and prove - that god, if it exists, will be offended by such conduct.


  9. I have a suspicion Malaysia will eventually go down the "Islamic-state-lite" solution.

    It is similar to what Recep Erdogan's AKP party and partners have been doing in Turkey. Erdogan is after all, an Islamist.
    Turkey's criminal and commercial legal system is Secular. It is overtly stated in their Constitution unlike Malaysia.

    What the AKP Islamist coalition have done is over time, they amend more and more Civil laws so that they become aligned with Sharia laws, and the penalties also aligned with Sharia. The beauty of this (from their point of view) is they can do this via majority in the Legislature, without amending the Constitution.

    Who needs an Islamic state, when you can have Syaria without amending the Constitution ?

    1. It started since Tunku's time. Would you believe it? How did Mustapha Harun come into power? Why did Donald Stephen embrace Islam? Since when did Islam become the state religion of Sabah?

    2. Tunku was worried, nay, scared of a Christian-led secession in the East. See, you and your faith have been potentially dangerous trouble makers just as your co-religionists were in Fiji. wakakaka

    3. HAHAHAHAHAHA! Marina Mahathir like Maggie Thatcher!!!!?????

      HAHAHAHA! Cibai kaytee! This is an extreme insult to both even though I know what the fuck you mean. Just like the picture with Yingluck shaking hands with Najib!

      For goodness sake, please use somebody better when compared with.........Hahahahaha

      As for Tunku, in the fucking first place, he didn't want Singapore because of racial demography.

    4. that you could even bring yourself to know what I mean indicates you agree with me, though like Peter, you disowned thy lord three times 'ere the cock crowed - cibai coward

  10. Zahid Hamidi.....strong, disciplined, secular, good relationship with least one Chinese businessman....wakakakka

    1. Yeah, from ponorogo.......He claimed to be a Javanese........Hahahahaha

    2. This is the worst minister. For heaven's sake, not him.

  11. All suggestions so far are no better than Najib. Let him stumble and continue on until GE14, which may be sooner than we think. PAS's Hudud move may well backfire and we see them flounder once again.

  12. halo kt, kow-tim bahasa siam ka? Y will ask nine o'clock? where, your place or mine or at your mia's (panraya) palace?

    1. a mish mash pf Malaysian-ish, wakakaka

    2. mai pen rai peechai, poot lian, poot lian!.

      btw, give the uniform back to bapak penswastaan for he can last for another 10 years at least, then his son will be ready.

  13. Adenan. He walk the talk

    1. Yes Adenan Satem has brought some fresh air to Sarawak, after years of miasma from the White Rajah's rule.
      However, I believe he is still under the White Rajah's thumb for any major decisions, so No Go for him.

    2. haiya, emperor still an emperor whether he sits in cm office or governor's.

  14. RPK. He seems to know to fix everything!


    1. too egoistic & with easily bruised single-mindedness!!!!!

      In short, another mamak-clone.

  15. Only saifuddin seems to have consistency in his stance and the PAC dude Nur Jazlan has promise,notice his views are not of the typical apple polishing variety.

  16. @ huaren 9:40,

    That half-bugis is not that bad. He can be more neutral than others. Even, more neutral than the bloghost, as I see it?

    - hasan

  17. Mukhriz Mahathir.....wakakakaka....

    1. I guess your wakakakaka means: Have you tasted a half ripe mango and know what it tastes like.

  18. The Hudud issue is bringing out a lot of Ugly Muslims and an Ugly Royal Malaysian Police.
    BFM Radio presenter Aisyah Tajuddin made a satirical video regarding Hudud.
    Many on-line users (I'm sure are Muslims) threatened to rape and burn her.
    Royal Malaysian Police now jump to interrogate her for "insulting Islam" (huh ?????)

    A female lawyer Michelle Yesudas tweeted that those threats made her feel uneasy and unsafe. We all do.......Now IGP wants PDRM to interrogate her.

    What is happening to Malaysia ? Who are the extremist here ?

    1. they want to rape her? rape to defend hudud? hey ho, sounds like Pakistan's "honour rape" where dirty lecherous old men in the land ruled by syariah-hudud (mis)used the name of god and their tribal "honour??" as excuses to f**k women so as to satisfy their evil lust, like the JAIS Gombak case

    2. that's how he gets to be IGP

    3. it is expedient for 'them' to their spend time, effort & grey matter? in harmonizing first the muslim family law which varies from state to state.

  19. KT

    Propose myself because I'm

    1. Honest most of the time,
    2. Bersih, Perkasa, etc will be allowed to protest 24/7 in the comfort of their homes.
    3. Prosthetic limbs will be provided FOC to those who lose them due to religious
    4. The cabinet and think tank consists of KT, Hasan, Kalai, looes, Bruno, Kampong
    Lad, selected Anons



    1. wakakakakakka...

    2. huaren, make sure the package is better than what ah jib gor is giving to his konsetan/punahsehat.

      we need personal jets to travel in carrying out noble service to nation. no more camels leh!

  20. Whoever becomes leader will change, and I include MM in that. No one is free from the corrupting influence of power, no matter how good that person is - and MM's a really good person from her actions and words.

    So no, I wouldn't want to subject her to politics. I think we need a strong civil society to keep ALL leaders in check, Pakatan or BN both.

  21. The botak Nazri Abdul Aziz is the right guy. Put Ambiga, LKS and Adenan as Deputy PMs would also be good ideas. This way Malaysia will fly.

  22. Nazi is still somewhat a loose cannon. Tak cukup masak.
    One day he sounds sensible and moderate , another day he panders to Perkasa.
