
Sunday, January 18, 2015

Wa tolong lu, lu tolong wa?

(NST) – Opposition leader Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim says he has evidence against former finance minister Tun Daim Zainuddin on the latter’s alleged abuse of position to amass wealth.

"Therefore I say that it is a narrow policy to suppose that this country or that is to be marked out as the eternal ally or the perpetual enemy of England. We have no eternal allies, and we have no perpetual enemies. Our interests are eternal and perpetual, and those interests it is our duty to follow."

- Lord Palmerston (Henry John Temple)

Anwar told reporters today that he was even willing to assist the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC) into investigations on Daim, if need be.

“I have the evidence… from those years sometime ago which has been filed (shelved).

“MACC should also carry out its duties professionally in this matter. It has been going on for quite sometime, so they (MACC) shouldn’t be afraid to do their job.”

Daim three days ago had said that he welcomed investigations by MACC.

NST publishing this means the Empire Strikes Back campaign is in full force.

But why does Anwar Ibrahim only come out now to say he has the 'goods' on Daim? Why not during the last 16 years?

Is it a "Wa tolong lu, lu tolong wa" message to Najib?


  1. AI has just been tipped off by the enemy's enemy! -huaren

    1. How to catch a thief.

    2. it's take a thief to catch a thief , and only a thief does say others steel too ,but I didn't.

  2. First of all, there is no love lost between Anwar and Daim.
    Daim is on record as saying Anwar is unfit to be PM or any other position in the government, so just to be clear, Anwar has no reason whatsoever to be nice to Daim.

    Second, I will have to look for the link, but Anwar has been asked before on what he knows about Daim's misdeeds, if any. Anwar's answer was Daim is a private citizen now and it is not his agenda to go after a private citizen. His focus is the transparency and accountability in the Government.
    Nothing wrong with such a statement.

    Why does Anwar "volunteer" such assistance now ? Your guess is as good as mine.
    The main difference is that in the past the Malaysian government was most uninterested in any of Daim's misdeeds, indeed was complicit in covering it up.

    Now, with the Mahathir vs. Najib camp conflict out in the open, it appears Daim is now fair game.

    Make hay while the sun shines ?
    The enemy of my enemy is now my friend ?

    I would say any effort to encourage current UMNO internecine conflict is of political benefit to Pakatan. Just make sure he knows what he is doing.

  3. The ultimate opportunist.

    I really think the shelf life has expired.

    If PR is going to be a going concern come 2018, someone else must rise, sooner rather than later.

    1. You need not worry about. Anwar's cell in Bamboo Riverhas already been prepared.
      He will be well taken care of. Any hint of mistreatment, and his unmatched international network will have the Malaysian government roasted in the international press.

  4. 1994-1997 , Daim, Halim Saad, Renong, UEM, Naluri....a sad and ugly period in Malaysia's governance. The crooks were in charge (they still are, just a different bunch), they were pilfering Billions, and they didn't even pretend otherwise.
    Internet was limited to a small number of dial-up lines. Aliran and a few lonely voices like Sang Kancil's MGG Pillai kept up the exposure, but no one was listening.
    The Middle-class , Chinese especially, were busy partaking in the stock market casino which Daim was instrumental in promoting. BN is Good, UMNO is Gooood. Some openly confessed they were making more money on the Stock Market than they were earning in their Day job.
    Frankly, Anwar Ibrahim was a fetid, execrable big-time UMNO operative then.
    Najib was not a Top Echelon UMNO leader at the time, so he can now well roast Daim with little personal risk.
    SInce 2005, Anwar has made a major and partially successful effort to convince Malaysians that he is now one of the Good Guys. It may not be a good idea to draw attention to the fact that he was one of the Big Time crooks at the time.
    I can sympathise with his current position, though. If Anwar stays silent on Daim, the opposite suspicion can be cast upon him. Why is he keeping quiet? What is he hiding?
    Damned if he speaks, damned if he doesn't.

    1. in other words Anwar is execrably damned - wakakaka

  5. It takes an Indian to catch an Indian ....wakakakaka. ..

    1. If so, it takes a Bugis to catch a Bugis... perhaps it takes RPK to catch NTR.. wakakaka...

      - hasan

  6. It is a case of Mr Pot calling Mr Kettle a blackie.Well,it turns out that both are blackies.The only difference is that Mr Kettle is a shark and Mr Pot a minnow.Hehehe,sour grapes.

  7. Nightmare on UMNO's street11:35 am, January 19, 2015

    As one of your visitors put it "effort to encourage current UMNO internecine conflict is of political benefit to Pakatan".
    I think that's the main reason Anwar is stirring the UMNO shit....let the games grow even bigger.

    1. it took him 16 years to realize this? on the eve of him being sent to jail?

    2. Expose, charge and convict the thief.
      Other things (16 years lapse etc) are secondaries !

    3. most of the corruption happened in the past - why cherry pick who to "expose, charge and convict"? Shouldn't we treat everyone the same? If innocent, no problem, if guilty, hentam!

    4. Yes, yes, KT. Can't agree with you more. The whole corrupt lot must pay for their crime. -huaren

    5. R u saying we should dig up the past corruption deeds & ignore the one that happens right across yr eyes now?

      The past serves as a mirror & in most cases there is nothing much we can do, as the deeds were a done deals.

      If we can nail the culprits then go all out to deal with the culprits as the existing laws allowed.

      meanwhile, do lost yr sight about preventing the sane deeds to repeat as we r too busy dealing with the past incidents that the new ones been slipped through the dragnet!

      Always about yr hate about manmanlai, nothing else matter!

    6. every act of corruption committed, even if done just a second ago, has by nature of its execution lies in the past, immediate or otherwise

      thus why should we ignore acts of corruption fo some years back, and to only consider those as of secondary importance

      why can't EVERYTHING be evaluated to see if they have been acts of corruption - if they were not, then that's fine. what's there to be afraid of?

      however, my question about anwar, if he claims to know about daim's naughtiness, was/is his silence for 16 years and to only now claim he can give the MACC the goods on daim

    7. hahahahaha......kaytee extremely silent on jibby.....why hor

  8. In the next few months, Malaysia will almost certainly spiral into a grave crisis.

    Shrinking petroleum revenues, fully Malaysian government-owned 1MDB's RM 40 Billion debt liabilities which the government is still trying pretend is not a problem.....etc. etc....

    Anwar Ibrahim is not the problem, even though he may have a questionable past....
    It will be a mistake to focus on Anwar Ibrahim.

  9. Politicians of whatever stripes stirring up on past scandals, bring them on! Let the
    politicians dig up on the past and slug it out, so that the rakyat will be entertained, and
    maybe can have some closure on the scandals that we lived through and can only watch helplessly, be it in the 1990s, or further back into the 1980s...

    Maminco, Forex, MAS, Renong, APs, MISC, Perwaja, BMF, ....

    And maybe bring some "justice in this world "....

  10. At least the Sri Lankan did the right things. Get rid of the RAJA XXXXX in the 3rd term.

    We have been late by 30 years since the change to the doctor and udah jadi bubur - semua korup punya.

    Transformation boleh but half will be hancur forever. Do you want to take the risks ???

    Change is like now sikit depan sikit gostan status quo.

  11. When is another Rahim Tamby Chick production movie coming out?

    Instead of another China Doll, maybe it's better to have one Melayu Doll and an Indian Doll for a change.

    Guess the main actor this time?

  12. walau kt
    consecutive articles to defend your najib.
    anwar has repeatedly accused daim of amassing tions of wealth. that was also a defence in his first sodomy trial that its nothing but political. now u alledged anwar was quiet about it for last 16 years.
    hello, i know this is najib blog (with psuedo dap facade) but to accused Anwar of this is real overboard.

    1. defend najib? well, some people see strange things wakakaka

      accuse anwar? but this was what he now says “I have the evidence… from those years sometime ago which has been filed (shelved)', thus my question is if he had those"EVIDENCE" nicely filed, why wait till now, after 16 years?

    2. Me too see many strange things on you kaytee. And on RPK too. Why hor? Just Shinawatra........hailed as hero by kaytee but villian by CL Flamiaris. Why hor?

      Please la dying to watch celebrity death match between you and Lupus

  13. Aiyah, 人在江湖,身不由己 mah. You see KT, why some of us perceived you with double standard, you just selectively or being bias in highlighting AI's dark side. "Why not during the last 16 years?" Take your hero OTK, you mean he was not in the know meh? Why didn't he spill the beans? Why you didn't question him why he didn't spill the beans? Now please don't jump to conclusion, there is no love lost between AI and I.

    1. see (among other posts on OTK) to see the difference between him and AI

    2. Wanna have multiple orgasm, kaytee...........HAHAHAHA

      I wonder why is Mr Lupus aka CL Flamiaris

      Dying for my popcorn man

    3. thank you looes, and which has been why I titled this post "Wa tolong lu, lu tolong wa?"

    4. Sorry......should have said......where is Mr Lupus aka CL Flamiaris? He had said some wonderful thing about Yingluck Shinawatra.........HAHAHA

  14. KT 11.59 ,19 JAN 15:
    "on the eve of him being sent to jail?"
    How do you know AI would be jailed ?

    1. Actually I do not, which makes that remark of mine rather irresponsible - I concede to that. But I had made that on the speculated probability of his appeal being overturned - nonetheless it was nothing more than a kaytee's speculation, my bad!

    2. Bravo, KT !

  15. KT will celebrate until he drops unconscious the day Anwar is sent to jail.

    1. I couldn't care less whether he goes to jail ro not. All I want to point out is he's not worth our support as he's not the reformer he preposterously claims to be
