
Saturday, January 17, 2015

The Countrywoman behind Najib

We have been told that doctors make the worst patients, and this saying became more apparent when the UMNO N-faction gave their colleagues in M-faction a taste of, yes, M's medicine, which the latter didn't like, no not at all. wakakaka.

That's why currently the M-faction has been whinging, whining and whimpering like a kera kena belacan.

In my post yesterday Empire strikes back? I mentioned Daim Zainuddin complaining about those in N-faction who has or have unleashed the UMNO-controlled media mouthpieces onto his business empire, thus galvanizing Malaysia's anti-graft officials to investigate his banking business abroad.

Daim expressed his surprise that the UMNO-controlled Media Prima Bhd would provide coverage for opposition party PKR, which indirectly tells us that the mainstream media in Malaysia, which he termed as government-friendly media, wakakaka, normally “... would not give 2 minutes of air time to Pakatan, has aired the PKR press conference no less than 3 times. The NST and Utusan have also carried this news."

His annoyance had already been preceded by wanings from his UMNO (M-faction) matey Zainuddin Maidin (Zam) who even threatened to reveal 'presumably naughty' stories about Ah Jib Gor. Yum, I love the occasional salacious tale especially about our politicians, wakakaka.

Now, it seems the man behind the N-faction's current campaign a la Empire Strikes Back is not a man but rather a 'countrywoman'.

First, what do I mean by the term 'countrywoman' apart from the first understanding it must be a Malaysian sweetie.

'Countrywoman' is the feminine equivalent of 'countryman' - hope you as a Malaysian knows who is a 'countryman'? wakakaka.

If you don't, tsk tsk, then read my post over at my other blog KTemoc Kongsamkok titled Correspondence with a Sardarji in which I mentioned 'countrymen' (in the plural) several times, examples as follows:

Anyway, what the f**k is this blogging bullsh*t on the long & short of 'tambis', where you questioned the countrymen’s size. The moment I landed in Penang, my brother (with a bloody grin) told me to read Kaytee’s posting.

That writeup has been an insult to your blood brother, moi.

... and ... 

But I don’t want to hear anymore bullsh*t about the countrymen’s size. As my family (save dad) and I have always treated you as an honorary countryman, I feel I can share with you the most inner secret of the Sikhs.


she looks like my childhood 'crush', Saroj, Lakhbir's sis



Kadir Jasin is grumbling about what he calls the well-planned and well-coordinated attacks on Tun Dr Mahathir Mohammad and Tun Daim Zainuddin. He even identified the mystery man heading the operation, a person he called H…R…

It seems the mystery man, who is actually a woman, is Hardev KauR. Kadir also accuses her of ordering TV3 to give PKR’s Shamsul Iskandar airtime to attack Daim.

What Kadir did not mention is that he, together with Dr Mahathir and Daim, started attacking Prime Minister Najib Tun Razak first. But now that they are being hit back they find the heat too much to bear.

And that's what I meant by ... doctors make the worst patients, and this saying became more apparent when the UMNO N-faction gave their colleagues in M-faction a taste of, yes, M's medicine, which the latter didn't like, no not at all.

I also mentioned that
Ah Jib Gor is known for his amazing survival instinct, and which might have convinced him that a fightback is now more necessary, nay, vital than ever if he wants to remain as head of UMNO and PM of Malaysia.

But to be fair to him, I also wrote: sometimes Bodek-ites run away with the game without the principals even knowing what's going on, wakakaka.

Indeed, back in December 2010, there were initial allegations that Najib, who was paying a Christmas courtesy visit to a Church, naughtily demanded that the church remove crosses or crucifixes from the church or the vicinity of the function, and that Christmas carols not be sung.

The argument was that Najib was scared of suffering a Ku Li experience which caused him (Ku Li) the UMNO presidency and the PM-ship - for more of Ku Li's faux pas, read my 2013 post Tengku Razaleigh & The NeverEnding Story.

In the end, we found out an overzealous aide had been involved, though she claimed she was misunderstood - here's her apology-explanation which incidentally was supported by the church officials.

The Najib aide involved in the allegations about crosses, crucifixes and carols was Hardev Kaur, which I presume would be the same 'countrywoman' in the Gerakan Anti Mahathir (faction), a GAM to PKR's GAN (Gerakan Anti Najib).

Or should we rename GAM to GNAM GNAM (Gerakan Najib Against Mahathir)? Wakakaka.

Our 'countrywoman' has quite an impressive CV. TMI once published the following about her:

Datuk Hardev Kaur was born and educated in Malaysia. She obtained her first degree in Economics (Honours) from University Malaya and her Masters in Public Administration from Harvard University in the US. 

She started her career in journalism with Radio Television Malaysia (RTM), moved to Malaysia Business and then to Business Times.

In 1998, she was made Editor-at-Large for the New Straits Times Group and in January 2002 appointed Assistant Group Editor. 

She was made the Group Editor on May 1, the first female to hold the post in the 160 year history of the paper. In March 2002 she was appointed Consultant, Editorial Marketing for the NSTP Group. 

Datuk Hardev has been bestowed a number of awards for regional economic coverage including the Asia Editor of the year by the Asia Press Foundation. She was the first female in the region to be given this award.

It seems that there are two very powerful and well-qualified women behind Ah Jib Gor, wakakaka, lucky bloke!

And I wonder about that old saying (don't I just love old sayings, wakakaka), 'Set a thief to catch a thief' which in our case under discussions, could well be paraphrased into 'Set an Indian to catch an Indian', wakakaka.


  1. KT, u seem to have bought into the idea that H…R… is Datuk Hardev Kaur from that ego-busted half-anmoh.

    I’m sure u r also aware that some mamak die-hards think it’s one HABIBUL RAHMAN!

    Wakakaka…. could it be one the same after that Melayu conversion clause of the FedConstitution?

    BTW, Datuk Hardev Kaur had once caused a kerfuffle when Ahjibgor visited his old alma mater – The St John Institute. During that visit, apparently ALL the crosses in the vicinity of the St John Church had to be removed – to avoid offending the Islamic sensitivity, as ordered by this H…R…!

    Any way, long story short…. this H…R… is a no nonsense pussy with deep manipulative skill. Coupled that with her learned mind, she is a formidable schemer!

    While the other H…R… is a name dropper with deep connection with that pumpkin highness that henpicks ahjibgor’s every moves. That guy is a real piece of blank schedule, who r unable to move any chess pieces without mentioning that fat FLOM! That tells about his capability, izzn’t it?

    So, if the challenge is been worked out by the 1st H..R.. then there will be REAL firework. If it’s been pushed by the 2nd H..R.. , then N-faction has lost the war even before it’s been started!

    My money is on the 1st H…R…bcoz the real PM of bolihland isn’t ahjibgor & she is not yr usual push-over!!!!

    Let the show begin……..

  2. High time both factions exchange and open their Pandora's boxes !

  3. Anwar Ibrahim has spoken many times in various churches, including the main prayer hall, with obvious large cross in the background.
    UMNO cybertroopers have posted such photos of Anwar many times on the Internet, with Nought effect.

    Only duplicituous hypocrites like Najib need to fear pictures of him in a church being interpreted as Murtad.

    I have personally met Hardev before. I must say she is a formidable and highly competent person. I believe she is personally of good character, but I never forget that she serves the Dark Side.

  4. Utik-utik ikan bambangan,
    Minyak ketiau di hujung galah;
    Orang Kedah silakan pulang,
    Pekan diserang Putrajaya yang alah.

    - hasan

    1. Not bothered by who prevails at the end. What matters is that the thieves are exposed and punished. -huaren

  5. I've always been disgusted by the BN/UMNO leadership's abuse of government machinery for their partisan political purposes, and the backdrop of this article is no different.
    Hardev Kaur is paid out of the public purse, but she is being used for purely political skullduggery.
    As a previous visitor on your blog said, Mahathir and Najib can go fuck each other for all I care, just don't misuse taxpayer's money and resources.

  6. We love PM Najib.
    Dr. Mahathir should just enjoy his retirement and the nation's deep respect for his past contributions
