
Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Americk Singh is back

Once I saw a video clip showing Americk Singh, the lawyer for Balasubramaniam of the double Statutory Declarations fame or if you like, notoriety. This was during the early days of Bala's Stat Decs.

Americk Singh assured everyone listening that he was completely ‘neutral’ in the ‘Najib f* Altantuyaa’ Stat Dec, and was only acting as the lawyer for Bala.

Then next, in November 2009, I read of his accusation in Malaysiakini Balasubramaniam's lawyer linked Najib to Bala's disappearance - wow!

Four days later Malaysiakini posted Bala's SD - Americk Sidhu clears Anwar Ibrahim from involvement.

Mr Singh stated: “… Anwar had nothing to do with the release of the first SD except to deliver a speech prior to the press conference at the PKR headquarters last July. I have had no communication with Anwar at all, and neither has he or any PKR member tried to contact me.”

I then wrote that I was greatly comforted by Americk’s assertion.

But what had puzzled me a tad, just a wee tad mind you, was that despite having no communication with Anwar or any PKR member, Americk was able to further assert that “… Many people think Anwar Ibrahim is behind all this. That is absolutely untrue. Anwar has no idea about this whole episode except what he may have read in the blogs and on Malaysiakini.”

Well, WTF did/do we non-lawyers know anyway!

Now, Mr ‘Neutral’ has arranged for a cost-free trip for MACC to fly to London to meet Bala. How kind of Mr Americk Singh! For more, see Malaysiakini MACC gets all-expense paid London date with Bala

Just in case you can’t remember who Mr Americk Singh Sidhu is, read my post Saiful sodomized? Bala sodomized!.

I had then written (extracts): He [Bala] was advised by his lawyer to report to the police station, as summoned, but unaccompanied by his own lawyer.

Indeed, where was his lawyer? Why didn’t he accompany Bala to the police station?

Yes, this was the guy who allowed his client Balasubramaniam, immediately after making the most damning Stat Dec in Malaysian public history against the powerful DPM of Malaysia, to report to a police station ALONE when every Malaysian knows that the most dangerous place in Malaysia was/has been/is the police station.


Related: Balasubramaniam story - brave broadcast or Ben-Hur-ish bullsh*t


  1. Saudara KT,

    Saya rasa pelik, semua orang menuduh polis berat sebelah, balai polis tempat paling bahaya dan...bla,bla,bla!!! Tapi mereka masih tetap buat laporan polis, tentang apa sahaja yang berlaku kepada mereka. Penyokong-penyokong pembangkang tidak kurang hebatnya membuat laporan polis!

    Kalau sudah tidak percaya kepada kewibawaan polis, apa faedahnya membuat laporan?

    Warga Setia

  2. It all boils down to money--- the more money he gets, the tighter the lips lock down Bala's mouth

  3. Pemimpin pembangkang membuat laporan polis kerana itulah prosedurnya. Mereka ingin menunjukkan bahawa mereka telah melakukan apa yang sepatutnya dilakukan di dalam sebuah negara demokrasi dan jika polis tidak bertindak atau memilih untuk berdiam diri maka itu dilihat salah pihak polis, bukannya pembangkang. Apabila pihak polis dilihat bertindak salah dan tidak adil maka rakyat akan dapat mewujudkan persepsi bahawa pembangkang itu benar dan polis itulah yang salah. Persepsi ini akan menaikkan imej pembangkang sebagai pihak yang dapat diharap memulihkan integriti pasukan polis dari pengaruh pihak pemerintah dan oleh itu perlu disokong dalam pilihanraya akan datang.

    Jadi, masih butakah anda mengapa pemimpin pembangkang bertindak sedemikian?

  4. Sdr Warga Setia,

    menambah komen Sdr Zane, nama baik atau jelik polis terdiri dari tindakan, tingkalaku maupun prestasi ahli2 polis sendiri. Tidak dpt dinafikan lagi, dan ada buktinya, bahwa ramai orang yg ditahan oleh polis utk interrogation dah terkorban dlm balai polis - mangsa spt Udayappan, Kugan dll.

    Berdasarkan atas kejadian2nya tsb, terdirilah persepsi balai polis merupakan tempat terbahaya.

    [maaf taraf BM saya]

  5. There's something disturbing about this shyster who abandoned his client at the Brickfields police station.

    we are all of 1 race, the Human Race
