
Saturday, June 13, 2009

Zaid Ibrahim joining PKR - Turning point for MCA?

The Malaysian Insider headline cheekily suggests Zaid could pave way for MCA defections to PKR. Leslie lau is the news portal's consultant editor who penned the provocative article.

It alludes to potential MCA defectors scrambling over to PKR as they see Zaid Ibrahim as a moderate Malay leader in that party, in contrast to some UMNO ultras. What is kaytee's take on Leslie's suggestion?

I wouldn't be surprised by a few MCA members defecting to PKR, but to visualize mass droves of MCA appartchiks joining Anwar Ibrahim's party is a wee too radical a possibility, let alone being a probability.

On the likelihood, well it's true that 75% of MCA members are by now pretty pissed off with the selfish leadership of UMNO, and why would anyone be surprised by that given UMNO's treatment of the Chinese based party ... though I doubt there'll be any mass defections.

For the last 40 years, since MCA was almost wiped out in 1969 by the loose pact of DAP-Gerakan-Seenivasegam Brother's PPP (and even PAS), UMNO has viewed MCA as a necessary hanger on - its usefulness being a combination of multi-cultural window dressing and a canvasser for some Chinese votes ... notwithstanding MCA's role in 1999 ... a case perhaps of Dr M's oft-stated Melayu mudah lupa?

Of course UMNO had been at the same time actively undermining MCA through a combination of ketuanan Melayu policies (which have invariably driven Chinese voters into the arms of DAP) and the insidious use of Gerakan as a divide & conquer strategy to split pro-BN Chinese support. Penang State was a classic example of how UMNO had de facto ruled the State through the puppet Gerakan CM.

On MCA's side, while the party accepts that UMNO is the primus inter pares (first among equals) in BN, it seems to them that UMNO has always been all primus but failed abysmally to remember MCA should be one of the pares in BN.

But ... the current political landscape has turned Chinese voters into the deciding factor in a number of heartland federal constituencies, eg. Bukit Gantang. I read that Bukit Gantang is typical of some 30 other federal seats. Imagine PAS gaining another 30 seats in 2013 with Chinese support - Inshaallah!

This political evolution has actually escalated MCA's chargrin because where it could be playing an important, nay, vital role for the BN, it now lacks the ability and political credibility to do so due to the Chinese disdain for its 'yes man' image vis-à-vis UMNO. Where it used to command around 30% of Chinese voters, it would now be hard put to gardner even 15%.

Yet we see UMNO on a seemingly endless (and apparently suicidal) crusade to demonise or threaten Chinese through a campaign which included:

... stirring up ethnic suspicion and even hatred in the anti Chin Peng return, a basically anti Chinese stirring which Anwar Ibrahim has cleverly exploited for PKR's political gain to UMNO's loss,

... the inexplicable resurrection (coming out of the f* left field) by Rais Yatim of a possible prosecution against Namawee, a case long closed and deeply buried after MCA had organized a public apology by the Chinese rapper for his negarakuku song,

... and if I may be so bold as to suggest, HRH warning non-Malays against questioning scholarships for Malays, when what had actually happened had been Chinese asking scholarships for their children rather than questioning scholarships for Malay students.

Yes, even after Tuan Primus had repetitively kicked MCA in the groin, can you blame the Chinese-based party for still wanting to squeeze its own balls?

Anyway, I suspect the public publishing on Ong TK's website of the statistical demand by MCA members for the party to leave BN could well be the party's strategy of reminding UMNO that the time has come for Tai Koh not to take MCA for granted.

Besides, based on the Chinese winning factor in the Bukit Gantang by-election (UMNO obtained 53 to 54% of Malay votes yet PAS won by a significant majority due to Chinese votes), the Chinese showed they have been so pissed off with UMNO that they preferred to cast their lot with PAS (admittedly a fantastic candidate in PAS pinup boy Nizar but I suspect they would have still done the same for any PAS candidate), ...

... showing that UMNO's disrespect, disregard and disdain for Chinese interests (and thus the political future of MCA) could be suicidal for UMNO in those federal seats where Malay votes are split 50-50 between UMNO and PAS, and the preference of the Chinese electorate becomes the deciding factor ...

... unless of course PAS and its 'unity talks' comes to the rescue - incidentally Anwar hasn't denied it though he has hastily adopted a belated damage-control spin by Pak Haji Hadi Awang on conditions for such talks, that UMNO “stops all the cruelty, reforms the judiciary and the Election Commission". Hadi Awang must have realized his 30 seats in 2013 may be f* up by his ethno-centric proclivity wakakaka.

In reality, while Zaid's joining of PKR is a coup for PKR (and hardly a surprise), he was hardly a big personality when in UMNO (unlike say, the Big Kahuna himself, Dr M) and thus unlikely to be an inspirational mover for MCA members to emulate politically.

Secondly, MCA has always been about MCA, and a defection to PKR can only put them at the bottom of the heap. If MCA does defect to PKR I suspect it will undoubtedly turn out be a case of déjà vu wakakaka ...

... therefore, why bother when they are now No 2 in BN, yes ... a small No 2 but nonetheless No 2.

And finally, PAS has shown that while it may be an important element for Pakatan, it could well turn out to be a liability instead.

To be continued ...


  1. MCA is 'caught on the horns of a dilemma' as they say.

    If they ditch UMNO/BN, past and present leaders of MCA will be paid lightning-speed visits by MACC over debacles such as the PKFZ fiasco, MRR2 repairs, re-re-repairs and re-re-re-repairs and even toll highway, water and IPP contracts. There is a lot in the pandora's box.

    AS for UMNO, if MCA deserts them, they will in majority part or whole go all out to link up with PAS, as predicted by Firaun. They would rather the nation go Islamic a la Iran or even Taliban, than PKR, DAP, PAS (& MCA if Pakatan will have them) and their new friends secure power and take office with DSAI as PM. MCA will become a 3rd rate political party with little support, if any.

    So, what will MCA do?

    My bet is that MCA, like PPP amd MIC, will stay put in BN. Years of plundering the gravy train has become an addiction, They can't give it up even if they wanted to!!

    So, like MIC and PPP, when push comes to shove, MCA will swallow self-respect, pride and integrity and stay put while BS about
    'fighting from within' and not deserting their people. Ministers, MP's and Aduns salaries, perks and pensions are too lucrative for Ong, Choi & Co to give up and go back to being wage earners!

  2. donplaypuks,

    your thoughts are to the dot.

  3. Maybe we have an Islamic nation better it is for folks like donplaypuks to live in ..haha what an idiotic thinking . you want to die go and die , don't pull us in your stupid idiotic thinking ..
    so easy ? talk like anwar ibrahim only fools like you can be taken in by him . theres so many unseen hands and you are so gullible , what a stupid blogger like you spewing shit . Armchair politician know nuts !

  4. perks and pensions are too lucrative for Ong, Choi & Co to give up and go back to being wage earners!
    Is that all you can think about ? donplaypuks ? and btw who's choi ? I have yet to know one choi in politics , that's why I say , donplaypuks , you are only good at speaking thru your backside hole .
    Today's politicians in BN are different and no more good times like during the Maha Firaun dynasty . Please expose one BN minister on the take and publish his name here if you can otherwise your brain is filled with shit not mud . Meanwhile there are many from PR with just one year in office , no need to name them , we all know.

  5. My bet is that MCA, like PPP amd MIC, will stay put in BN.
    Are you working for PAS ? donplaypuks ?
    Or are you an Agent Provocateur with PR ?hiding behind your stupid blog ?
    Would you like to see PAS and UMNO forming the govt while all other parties become the opposition ?
    Together they have enough MPs to form the govt . Issues on Islam can still be passed with the Malay MPs from PKR in parliament .
    And if you combine all the Malay MPs in parliament , where does the Chinese , Indian , Dayaks/Ibans (bumiputras by birth )hwere do the Chinese stand ?
    And don't forget that idiot friend of yours Zulklifi Nordin who speaks like a PAS taliban than a PKR MP .
    So donplaypuks , don't think you are clever !!
    You are an asshole with mud filled brains . Go on whacking your own race irrespective of which party they are from you treacherous traitor !

  6. If they ditch UMNO/BN, past and present leaders of MCA will be paid lightning-speed visits by MACC over debacles such as the PKFZ fiasco, MRR2 repairs,re-re-repairs and re-re-re-repairs and even toll highway, water and IPP contracts
    Block Head speaking thru his arsehole .
    a) present leaders of MCA will be paid lightning-speed visits by MACC over debacles such as the PKFZ fiasco
    You are just a HP6 blogger who writes with your mouth nowhere near KTemoc who writes with facts .
    Present leaders of MCA welcome and have made lightning speed reports of the PKFZ fiasco to the MACC , not waiting for them to be paid lightning speed visits .
    The current MCA leaders are NOT involved in the PKFZ fiasco , the two involved are LLS and CKC , and they are no more MCA leaders , Ex leaders since 308 .
    And on MRR2 repairs,re-re-repairs and re-re-re-repairs and even toll highway, water and IPP contracts , it has nothing to do with MCA .Are you educated from kindy ? Everyone knows its the works ministry that handles the above .
    Another fcuking imitation of RPK , the doggone no hold barred bullshitter .

  7. donplaypuks
    imitation of RPK , the doggone no holds barred bullshitter .
    What else you want to spin ? bullshitt ?
    Suggest you follow him into exile !
    You can start with telling lies , slander , defamation , bullshitt , talk cock , balls polisher , bodek king and what else ?
    No wonder your blog needs to be advertise everywhere even in Victoria Institution .
    When Raja nong Chik pays a visit to VI you go and bodek ! what a hypocrite ! this bugger !

  8. All you Anons, you make me laugh.

    I have given you my opinion on the situation as I see it. Why don't you just give your opinion on ktemoc's blog and leave out all the personal attacks and vulgar language? You expect everyone to agree with you when at the GE2008, more than 40% voted against UMNO/BN?

    That's what these debates on other people's blogs is all about.

    As for 'Choi' I meant Chua. Typo error.

    Raja Nong Chik did not visit VI. He extended a dinner invitation to bloggers and Rocky, as pro-tem Chairman of Bloggers Union of M'sia was kind enough to include me in th egroup.

    Btw, the PKFZ disaster has been brewing for several years if you didn't know.

  9. the PKFZ disaster has been brewing for several years if you didn't know.

    Oh we are aware of it , but for you to link it to the present MCA leadership , you must be a joker of the highest order .
    And btw it wasn't the opposition who exposed it , and don't give that crap that it was LKS . It was Nades from the SUN who exposed everything .
    If you didn't get it right say so lah whats so difficult ? or are you scared you'll lose your balls !
    bullshitter !

  10. You expect everyone to agree with you when at the GE2008, more than 40% voted against UMNO/BN?

    What about the more than 50% who voted for the BN ? huh !
    And by the way I am talking about the crap and bullshitt that you have been spinning here ! not the 40% who voted for the PR !

  11. Salaries, perks and pensions are too lucrative for Ong, Chua & Co to give up and go back to being wage earners!

    Chua has NOT been given , offered any govt positions neither has he been offered any lucrative posts in any GLC , he is by any means just a pensioner now .
    So what has he done for you to drag his name here ! Do you in the first place agree with OTK that he be not given any positions ?
    or is it that you have been whacking OTK for failing to appoint him to a govt position ?
    What a lousy reasoning and can't even do a proper damage control over your stupid accusations . Arsehole , you deserved to be called that and there's no two ways about it .

  12. That's what these debates on other people's blogs is all about.

    Debates on blog does not entitled you to making false allegations , spins , lies and what not bullshitt , If you want to debate , bring it on !
    Unless you are just like the character in the the Movie titled The Fugitive about a Raja Kimball running from the law.

  13. Even kena scolded by Hantu Laut for misinterpreting his article until asked to read his caption and the first paragraph .
    What a nincompoop this blogger is !
    Dei good bloggers no need to advertise , if you post something factual and resonable opinion , people will visit your blog .
    Don't think that Malaysians are so stupid and gullible to read everything what you write .
    Don't you ever think we are idiots ! Why nobody visits your blog ? Because you ..... B..U..L..S..H..I..T..T.. all the time .

  14. All you Anons, you make me laugh.

    We make you laugh !!!hahahahahahaha
    WE are laugh not you !!joker and clown from the VI circus .

  15. This time all our political parties and politicians are really in a mess.
    Even the former PM who promised not to interferes is now directing the government and umno on what to do.
    It is okay for politicians to mess things up but it got worse when a sultan is also direct/indirectly involve.

    With Zaid joining PKR, this ends the speculations.And Anwar got himself another right hand man for his party.
    He might not be that important to pull down components of bn, but able to draw more support from the voters and draws more attention .

    We do need to bring the general election closer in order to settle . How many of us really support umno? Sabahans and sarawakians do not care much about sultans nor the agong as well.

  16. MCA has always been about MCA, and a defection to PKR can only put them at the bottom of the heap.
    That is part of the reason why nobody from MCA is making a beeline for PKR . Anyone who goes to PKR will start from the bottom of the ladder and people will view you with suspicion what are your motives when you join somebody deem to be opposed to your ideology .
    Also we would be termed opportunists that we are joining a "smooth sailing ship"" when our ship is tattered with holes .
    What if the pendulum swings back ? to jump back is instant political suicide .
    With the current scenario of guffaws and blunders within PR , its just plain stupidity to do that , you'll never know where you might end up .

  17. Anyway, I suspect the public publishing on Ong TK's website of the statistical demand by MCA members for the party to leave BN could well be the party's strategy of reminding UMNO that the time has come for Tai Koh not to take MCA for granted.

    hahaha you read it very well !! not like some dumb fool who thinks he's a smart ass but in actual fact a dumb idiot or nincompoop !

  18. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  19. kT'
    My 2 cents worth, MCA is spineless all along, with no great leaders to lead.Barking dog OKT IS really a mouse in the cabinet.
    On umno 's joining forces with PAS to form ala Iranian style ,forget it?
    Umno is too corrupt to follow islamic lifestyle.With all those cash and filth monies you got to be kidding they are going clean islamic style??
    You see! MCA is just like a dog on leash.
    The day MCA turns independent is the day the world turn upside down!
    Because you still have plenty of suckers believing in this party.
    Donplaypuks may be right or maybe wrong but dont shoot the messenger and lets be civilised.

  20. OK everyone. Argue till the cows (or frogs, monkeys, dogs whatever) come home but let's cut out the personal abuses - this blog is not for those puerile stuff.

  21. My 2 cents worth MCA is a dog ? then you are nothing then a ass licker . With your style of resoning , won't be surprised you are another taliban who ought to shot dead !

  22. dont shoot the messenger and lets be civilised. don't shoot the messenger ! but you are politically murdering an innocent victim and calling all MCA members ,1000000 of them dogs !! haha don't give me that crap , tell that your your dogs in PAS ,DAP and PKR , lame dog! need a walking stick specially made for dogs ?

  23. Why haven't Gerakan, PPP, MIC put up online polls in their websites to find out how many people want them to quit BN? And don't take down the polls from the website when the majority votes for them to quit

  24. Donplaypuks may be right or maybe wrong
    Donplaypuks ? That blogger ! alamak !! that joker ! alamak...That bullshitter die lah ! like that .
    Good for those in Afganistan !
    Can someone translate his classical pieces to a language the taliban can understand ?
    Will be the no 1 blog in Afganistan !!

  25. Anon 12.45, when I made a mistake on HL's blog, I apologised IMMEDIATELY. The same too on Marina Mahathir's blog. That's what civilised behaviour call for. I leave it to your conscience to decide if that's a positive or negative thing.

    Anon 10.00 AM, your words reflect your own sexually repressed fantasies that come our like a tsunami from a broken dam. Get some psychiatric help man.

    To all you anons, I take risks by blogging and commenting. I don't do cut and paste blogging, popular or not. Equally, I don't expect ANYONE to agree with me, but respect dissenting views.

    Whether you like it or not, the popularity of DAP and PKR are on the rise, and correspondingly, those of UMNO and MCA are sinking fast by the second (no need to talk about Gerakan, MIC and PPP).

    PKFZ may well be the main reason MCA loses most of its remaining seats come 2013. That and a supine leadership (like MIC & PPP as well)that did not stand up to UMNO's
    excesses in the past and recently. Taking a missionary position whenever UMNO misbehaves or misrules has led to even more outrageous misbehaviour and misrule by UMNO.

    Many of the exposes were revealed by fellow blogger Ancient Mariner(I never said it was LKS). The current MCA leaders have been around longer than the PKFZ scandal. They must have got wind of it earlier, but chose to keep quiet. So, now they pay the price.

    And that 76% MCA opinion poll tells you what their members really want. And don't spin about that it was an academic exercise. Only docile poodles and low IQ morons will buy that.

    But you anons, why don't you start your own blogs with extremist and obscene language as the norm? Who knows, like blogger Parpu Kari, you may become extremely popular! I challenge you to it. Muahaha!

  26. And Anon 12.36 15th June

    Chua was appointed on 18th May 2009by Najib to co-ordinate BN's political activities. That means a job in the PM's Dept. OTK claimed he had brokered the appointment although in his blog Chua says he had 4 meetings with Najib to work out the arrangements.

    In an interview with the Edge Quote "Asked on the remuneration and status of the BN chief coordinator, he (Chua)said: “This you have to ask the PM. We just do the work when asked to.” Unquote.

    Now, who hasn't got his facts right?

    You think he works for free?

  27. Chua was appointed on 18th May 2009by Najib to co-ordinate BN's political activities. That means a job in the PM's Dept.

    hahah what skewed diagnosis , hust because he Chua has been appointed by Najib means a job in the PM 's Dept ?? Can you tell me then where's his office ? what's his official phone number and what's the official add. of his office ? come on lah ! that is just a name only ! lah . You think he has the power to over rule all the Pakatan held states BN chairman ? Why didn't he overrule Najib in fielding a candidate in Penanti since he is the chairman of BN's in Pakatan held states ?
    Twisted mentality , better seek a psychiatrist for help , you have gone ku ku.

  28. Anon 12.45, when I made a mistake on HL's blog, I apologised IMMEDIATELY. The same too on Marina Mahathir's blog.
    Why in the first place you want to hentam people without looking at the article ? Just because you think highly mighty of yourself , hentam , apologise later is it ! typical PKR trooper , wait lah !! still plenty of time for you to chart your own downfall .
    Talk is easy , right . no need capital ! or trying to make a name for yourself in blogoshpere ?
    No way , you can never come up in blogosphere with all your shit and bullshitt .

  29. PKFZ may well be the main reason MCA loses most of its remaining seats come 2013.
    That's what you think !! hahahaha Maybe you'll be gone by then .

  30. You alreday didn't get your facts right in your first post , why should I debate with you on PKFZ ? what do you know ? You know nuts , wasting of time to talk to idiots and arseholes like you .Muahahaha
    Can you believe an idiot trying to put the blame on MRR2 repairs, re-re-repairs and re-re-re-repairs and even toll highway, water and IPP contracts to MCA ??.Muahahaha ..idiotic blogger !!
    Even the small kids know its Samy Vellu's portfolio and we have an idiotic blogger putting the blame on MCA . Muahahaha..

  31. And that 76% MCA opinion poll tells you what their members really want. And don't spin about that it was an academic exercise. Only docile poodles and low IQ morons will buy that. And only the responses of only 2409 people representing MCA , when MCA has over a million members ? What is this moronic blogger trying to say ? And this poll was initiated after the 308 and left there for ove a year and only 2409 responses ? are you so sure that the PR guys didn't vote in that poll ? Are you so sure ! Better get your backside cleaned up first !before you talk cock .

  32. But you anons, why don't you start your own blogs with extremist and obscene language as the norm?
    something about extreme and obscene language in blogs do not hurt anyone , but bullshitting , lies , slander and defamation and spreading , untruths , half truths like your fugitive Raja Kimball does hurt and cause unbearable pain to those that you slander thru your lies , half truths , untruths and constant bullshitting . That's what you are sleazy blogger .

  33. Ah now I see where you guys are all coming from.

    If you hantam PKR, PAS, DAP, UMNO, PPP, MIC, Hindraf, Malays and Indians and Others, that's all fair game. But MCA and Chinese is sacred.

    Well, sorry to say, I won't play by your rules. Live with it. MCA screwed up big time and unless they make real, genuine and sincere changes, they will be history come 2013. All the signs are pointing that way, but you may choose to ignore it if you like at your own peril.

    Whether I will be history before that, I leave to the Almighty to decide.

    And Ktemoc seems to be thinking along those line (KT, if I am wrong I stand corrected) and that by an establishment Malay like Zaid chucking UMNO for PKR, it may point the way to MCA to break free of the shackles of race politics which BN has come to signify.

    Come on anons, debate the subject. Debate not the debater for it will get you nowhere.

  34. Anon 12.45

    If you don't accept a sincere apology when no one was murdered, maimed, massacred, defamed or slandered, I don't know what else to do man.

    I blog and comment on hundreds of occassions. In all that time, I made 2 genuine errors in skimming through those blogs. To err is human, to apologise is to be civilized, and to forgive divine.

    You make it sound like I deliberately ran over someone's body with a 10-ton truck! And you, the bystander seems more hurt than the innocent victim.

    All things in their proper perspective my friend, in their proper perspective!

  35. Anon 3.59

    Chua already avoided giving a straight answer as to his remuneration by asking the reporters to refer to Najib.

    If by now you don't know the way this UMNO/BN Govt works, you should stay out of blogdom. Why don't you pose that question to Chua at his own blog and see what answer you get.

    You think Najib pays Chua from his own pockets or that of UMNO/BN's component parties? Ke, ke,ke! wake up laddie!

  36. To err is human, to apologise is to be civilized, and to forgive divine.

    hahahaha Hypocrite of the highest order !! Quote/unquote : to forgive divine ....would you forgive Najib !since you have all painted him black and guilty when it actual fact , you all couldn't even prove the existence of that photo of him with the Mongolian . In your blog you have actually run him down in follow the leader style without a scent of virtue in you . You have slandered him , with calling him as your friends in Parliament have called him " murderer " have implied that he is a murderer" and today you have said to apologise is to be civilized, and to forgive divine.
    You have not apologise and therefore you are UNcivilised .
    You have not forgive and you are not qualified to use that word divine . You have zero divinity .
    So what does that make you arsehole ? Hypocrite !!! Talk cock to shiok your cock .

  37. And those of you anons who think all these 'Jambu' toll highway contracts and IPP's ended up where they did because of Samy alone, had better wake up and ask your friends.

    Some of the big names involved are Gamuda, IJM, Bumihighway, UEM, Renong, Genting, YTL, MMC, AK etc.

    You think UMNO, MCA and MIC did not influence these decisions behind closed doors.

    Sure, I agree Samy deserves to be caned and more, but pray tell me how many Samy-linked companies do you see above?

  38. Whoa, anon 5.42. So sorry man. I didn't realise I was communicating to God. Hell, now I have zero divinity!

    God has pronounceth, and so it shall be! Wakaka!

    I could go on all day.

  39. You think Najib pays Chua from his own pockets or that of UMNO/BN's component parties? Ke, ke,ke! wake up laddie!
    Anything wrong with getting paid for your services ? Cars don't run with petrol unless your car runs with air ! hahaha and btw any difference how he gets paid ? Are you paid for your services ? Even a gigolo gets paid for his services while enjoying it .
    Are you saying he shouldn't be paid !
    I think its you , who should wake up maddie !! kekeke muahahaha

  40. Some of the big names involved are Gamuda, IJM, Bumihighway, UEM, Renong, Genting, YTL, MMC, AK etc.

    Who was the Finance Minister in the nineties when all those toll concessionaires was drawn up ? The highways were not built overnight ? right ? so who was the guy ?
    Who was the Finance Minster on whose instructions Bank Negara lost over 38 Billion ( nineties value ) in the Forex Exchange ?
    Who ! , aiyooyo tell me lah ! Your admired leader of the frogs , the ex UMNO guy ! right !

  41. Anon 5.48PM 15 June

    I was responding to anon's comments below. I never said anything about whether Chua should or should not be paid. QED!

    "Chua has NOT been given, offered any govt positions neither has he been offered any lucrative posts in any GLC , he is by any means just a pensioner now. So what has he done for you to drag his name here !"

    "hahah what skewed diagnosis , hust because he Chua has been appointed by Najib means a job in the PM 's Dept ?? Can you tell me then where's his office ? what's his official phone number and what's the official add. of his office ? come on lah ! that is just a name only ! lah ."

  42. I didn't realise I was communicating to God. Hell, now I have zero divinity!

    I didn't bring this up , you did ..!
    Didn't your god ask you to forgive and forget ?
    Didn't your god asked you not to tell and spread lies ?
    And didn't your god asked your not be be taken in by delusions ? make beliefs ?
    And didn't your god asked you not to wrong accused someone for something not proven ?
    And didn't your god asked you to NOOT to write nonsense , untruths , half truths in your blog ?
    Common man , be a man and face your god and tell him dear god , I have not made all those things written here , I am not guilty of all the things said here !
    Or you can also said , dear god , I have sinned beyond imagination , and I ask for your forgiveness .
    I shall no longer tell lies , write untruths , half truths , slander in my blog , so Help Me God !

  43. Dont care two hoots about Zaid Ibrahim, the fake, the ohony.
    Its a foregone conclusion he will join PKR.
    Just delaying it to show he's thought things through.
    The funny thing he said he is with PKR and dont believe in PAS and DAP.
    Hello, what is he talking about? Without PAS and DAP, PKR is nowhere.
    And Mr KT, why must MCA follow Zahid's footstep?

  44. Anon 6.05PM

    I MIGHT, just might, have asked God of all those things.

    But where did I ask you? Or are you claiming to be HIS latest reincarnation? Wakaka!

  45. I MIGHT, just might, have asked God of all those things.

    But where did I ask you? Or are you claiming to be HIS latest reincarnation? Wakaka!

    Please do so and please do not bullshitt anymore by claiming you have done so when in actual fact you have NOT done so .

    You didn't ask me so but I ain't claim to be his reincarnation but rather his messenger and so your god asked me to deliver his message to you .If you don't believe ask your god tonight before you go to sleep ! kekeke...

  46. //I ain't claim to be his reincarnation but rather his messenger and so your god asked me to deliver his message to you //

    Walaueh, I thought mohamad was the Last Prophet BUT now here's the latest one, Nabi Anonymous 6:29PMJune15
